Junior Checklist


Take the ACT and SAT Tests. Registration materials are in the counselor’s office, or you can register online at www.act.org (for ACT) and www.collegeboard.com (for SAT).

___Make good grades this semester. Colleges look at your ranking at the end of six semesters.

___Make a college visit.Consider going during Spring Break and the summer.

___Register for summer pre-college programs. Information is available on each college’s website.

Line up summer jobs as soon as possible.

Visit your campus College and Career Resource Center.

Begin using the web for college and scholarship information searches. See RESOURCES for useful sites.


Review and choose course selections for the fall. Take the most rigorous courses possible. Remember that fall grades are important for “mid-year” reports.

If you are considering participating in college athletics, you must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net. Complete the form and pay the fee by credit card.

Complete correspondence courses.

Compose your resume.

Read real literature.

Make a preliminary list of six potential colleges.

Prepare for the October SAT and ACT tests using workbooks, computer programs, and SAT and ACT sample problem booklets.

Register for the SAT I and ACT. Check your college choices to see if the SAT II is needed for admissions or placement.

Memorize your Social Security number and your campus high school CEEB code. (See the high school CEEB code site.)

Review TAKS scores and/or SAT or ACT scores for possible exemption on THEA test.

Set up two to three college visits.

Look at the school calendar and plan fall/spring college visits on student holidays.

_Complete rough drafts of your essays. Check current college applications for essay topics. Applications are available at www.applytexas.org, www.commonapp.org, or any college website.

Look at the financial aspects of senior year expenses and college expenses.

Look through scholarship source books, surf the web, and register for a FREE scholarship search on the web at www.fastweb.com, for example.

Set up a checking account and learn to do laundry. It is not too early to practice these life skills needed for college.