Professor: RoeS.I. Leader: Stephanie Schneider

Biology 211 Exam 1 Review

Chapter 1

Scientific Method:

  1. List the five characteristics of science.
  1. Complete the following table.

Term / Definition
  1. Name and describe are the two kinds of reasoning used in scientific endeavors.
  2. List the five steps of the scientific method (hypothesis-based).

Origins and History of Life:

  1. List the seven characteristics of living things.
  1. What are the two main theories for the origin of life on Earth? Describe each.
  2. Complete the following table.

Stage of Life / More Info (I.e. Evidence/Why Important)
  1. Most rocks with fossils are ______. Older rock is deeper and therefore ______organisms are deeper in the rock bed.
  2. The oldest fossil are found in ______, which are approximately ___ billion years old.
  3. Oxygen began accumulating in the atmosphere due to photosynthesis about ____ billion years ago, which was known as the ______.

Chapter 36


  1. Watch super cool videos:
  1. Label all of the following from the image to the right:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  1. Viral ______refers tothe spread of infectious virions from one individual to another.
  2. Transmission
  1. Write in the blanks whether the statement refers to the lytic cycle or the lysogenic cycle of a virus.
  2. T
    he cell reproduces normally during the ______cycle.
  3. New phages are assembled from viral DNA and proteins during the ______cycle.
  4. The cell is broken open during the ______cycle.
  5. The viral DNA integrates into the chromosome of the host cell during the ______cycle.
  6. The host is destroyed during the ______cycle.
  1. Label each type of virus cycle in the image below.
  1. Name and define the three hypotheses of the origin of viruses.

Hypothesis / Definition

Subviral Agents:

Subviral Agent / Definition / Cause of ______.

Chapter 29


  1. What do we mean when we say prokaryotes are ubiquitous? Give an example of this ubiquity.
  1. The cell walls of bacteria are made of which of the following?
  2. Chitin
  3. Peptidoglycan
  4. Cellulose
  5. Stromatolites
  6. What colors do Gram negative and Gram positive stain? How does the Gram negative cell wall differ from the Gram positive cell wall? Which is susceptible to penicillin?
  1. Complete the table below

Why Prokaryotes are successful? / Details for each attribute.
  1. Complete the following chart based on genetic recombination.

Lateral Gene Transfer Type / Definition
  1. Compare and contrast autotrophs and heterotrophs. What are chemoautotrophs and photoautotrophs?
  2. Autotrophs:
  3. Chemoautotrophs:
  4. Photoautotrophs:
  5. Heterotrophs:
  6. Name and describe the three metabolic types with respect to oxygen:
  1. Nitrogen ______is when prokaryotes convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3).
  1. Complete the following chart with simple answers of yes or no.

Character / Bacteria / Archaea / Eukarya
Membrane bound nucleus
Peptidoglycan in cell walls
  1. Match the term to the correct definition for the Domain Archaea.
  2. Thrive in very hot environments
  3. Live in highly saline environments (>30%)
  4. Live in anaerobic environments, such as the intestinal tract of cattle
  5. About ______of all human diseases are caused by prokaryotes.
  6. List at least two examples of prokaryotic-caused diseases in humans
  7. Describe the difference between exotoxins and endotoxins in bacteria.
  8. Exotoxins:
  9. Ex:
  10. Endotoxins:
  11. Ex:
  1. Provide at least three reasons why prokaryotes are important.

Chapter 30

  1. Most Protists are ____cellular Eukaryotes and have a ______,which is where DNA is located and membrane bound. Prokaryotes are ____trophs.
  2. What is the theory that describes how Eukaryotes came to be? Explain.
  3. 1
  1. What are two organelles found in eukaryotes today that were possibly prokaryotes at one point in time? What do we predict each organelle is a decedent from?
  1. Describe the difference between primary and secondary endosymbiosis. What evidence do we have of secondary enodsymbiosis?
  2. Multiple Choice: Meiosis results in . . .
  3. Four genetically distinct daughter cells
  4. Four genetically identical daughter cells
  5. Two identical daughter cells
  6. Two distinct daughter cells
  7. During meiosis, a cell goes from______to four______cells.
  8. During mitosis, a cell goes from diploid to ______. It can also go from haploid to ______.
  1. What is an example of a multicellular protist?
  2. Alternation of Generations is a type of life cycle in which a multicellular ______stage alternates with a multicellular ______stage.
  3. Complete the chart below

Supergroup / Major Clades / Key Morphological Characteristics / Specific Examples
Brown Algae
Red Algae
Green Algae
  1. Two major groups of Clade Euglenozoa

Group / Key Morphological Characteristics / Specific Examples
  1. Three major groups of Clade Alveolata

Group / Key Morphological Characteristics / Specific Examples
  1. Two important groups of Clade Amoebozoa

Group / Key Morphological Characteristics / Specific Examples

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