FEBRUARY 26, 2014
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the NMC and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Planning & Operations (P&O) Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m., 26-FEB-2014.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber NMC Voting Members Present (* indicates NMC Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / David / Bale / Pratt & Whitney Canada
* / Pascal / Blondet / Airbus
* / Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce / Vice Chairperson – NMC
* / Bob / Bodemuller / Ball Aerospace & Technology, Inc.
* / Katie / Bradley / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / Christian / Buck / SAFRAN Group
* / Bob / Cashman / Parker Aerospace
* / David / Cianfrini / BAE Systems, Electronic Systems
* / Russ / Cole / Northrop Grumman
* / Harold / Finch / Spirit AeroSystems
* / John / Haddock / BAE Systems – MAI
* / Jason / Jolly / Cessna Aircraft Company
* / Karen / Kim / Sikorsky Aircraft Co.
* / Bob / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Ralph / Kropp / MTU Aero Engines
* / Serge / Labbe / Heroux-Devtek
* / Jeff / Lott / The Boeing Company
* / Frank / Mariot / Triumph Group
* / Steve / McGinn / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Robin / McGuckin / Bombardier Aerospace
* / Ana / Ottani dos Santos / Embraer SA
* / Fabrizio / Quadrini / AgustaWestland
* / Mark / Rechtsteiner / GE Aviation
* / Per / Rehndell / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Brad / Richwine / Raytheon Co.
* / David / Soong / Pratt & Whitney
* / Kevin / Ward / Goodrich (UTAS) / Chairperson – NMC
Supplier NMC Voting Members Present (* indicates NMC Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Mike / Brandt / Alcoa
* / Bob / Custer / AAA Plating & Inspection
Task Group Chairpersons/Vice Chairpersons Present
NAME / COMPANY NAME / TASK GROUPKen / Abram / Honeywell Aerospace / Conventional Machining as a Special Process
Robin / Borrelli / The Boeing Company / Aerospace Quality Systems
Elaine / Boswell / Rolls-Royce / Metallic Materials Manufacturing
Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corp. / Sealants
Karyn / Deming / Goodrich (UTAS) / Chemical Processing
Roy / Garside / Rolls-Royce / Electronics
Simon / Gough-Rundle / Rolls-Royce / Measurement & Inspection
Yann / Jeffredo / SAFRAN Group / Conventional Machining as a Special Process
John / Key / Bell Helicopter Textron / Composites
Manuel / Koucouthakis / Honeywell Aerospace / Elastomer Seals
Tim / Myers / Honeywell Aerospace / Materials Testing Laboratories
Tom / Norris / Goodrich (UTAS) / Heat Treating
Alex / Pohoata / Honeywell Aerospace / Nonconventional Machining / Surface Enhancement
Tim / Pruitt / Rolls-Royce / Coatings
Amanda / Rickman / Raytheon Co. / Materials Testing Laboratories
Richard / Rumas / Honeywell Aerospace / Electronics
Udo / Schuelke / Honeywell Aerospace / Coatings
Bobby / Scott / Bombardier Aerospace / NonDestructive Testing
Mike / Stolze / Northrop Grumman / Chemical Processing
Steve / Tooley / Rolls-Royce / Welding
Cyril / Vernault / SAFRAN Group / Heat Treating
Estrella / Watson / Goodrich (UTAS) / Elastomer Seals
Paul / Woolley / Rolls-Royce / Nonconventional Machining / Surface Enhancement
Other Attendees
NAME / COMPANY NAMETomohiko / Ashikaga / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Hidekazu / Furugori / Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp.
Hirohiko / Hattori / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Marc-Andre / Lefebvre / Heroux-Devtek
Tom / Newton / Aircraft X-Ray Labs
Tatsuko / Suzuki / Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp.
Stanley / Trull / Honeywell Aerospace
PRI Staff Present
Jerry / AstonMark / Aubele
James / Bennett
Jim / Borczyk
Will / Calvert
Nigel / Cook
Marcel / Cuperman
Phil / Ford
Susan / Frailey
Rebekah / Gondek
Mike / Graham
Mike / Gutridge
Connie / Hess
Rob / Hoeth
Scott / Klavon
Jim / Lewis
Bob / Lizewski
Brian / Manty
Dave / Marcyjanik
Kellie / O’Connor
Joe / Pinto
Keith / Purnell
Stan / Revers
Glenn / Shultz
Ian / Simpson
Andy / Statham
Louise / Stefanakis
Jon / Steffey
John / Tibma
Kevin / Wetzel
1.2 Opening Comments
It was noted that this meeting is restricted to NMC Voting Members, Task Group Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons and PRI Staff only. The following attendees were invited guests of the Chairperson:
· Tom Newton
· Marc-Andre Lefebvre
· Stanley Trull
· Elaine Boswell
· Tomohiko Ashikaga
· Hirohiko Hattori
· Hidekazu Furugori
· Tatsuko Suzuki
Kevin Ward reviewed the meeting agenda. The Antitrust/Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest slideshow was also viewed.
1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion made to approve the October 2013 P&O Meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously and the minutes from the October 2013 NMC P&O Meeting were approved.
2.0 Rolling action item list (RAIL)
All open items were reviewed. All items were closed except P&O-13 & P&O-21.
3.0 Auditor Consistency Update/AUDIT OBSERVATION
Richard Blyth gave a brief update on the Auditor Consistency team. For details, please see slides 1-4 of the attached presentation.
4.0 Support of user member data
Jon Steffey reported that usage data can be requested of Informatics for any given company. The data will show the usage per individual user, and can be broken down by amount of usage, and also number of times that certain pages within eAuditNet were visited. This can give the representatives of a company an idea of the activity level of their staff members in eAuditNet.
5.0 Future Technologies
5.1 Scott Klavon introduced the New Technologies Chart which has been reported to the PRI Board of Directors, in order to show areas of new activity within Nadcap. The chart lists new technologies being explored within existing Task Groups, as well as potential new Task Groups and suggestions from the Board. Each item displays an expected timeline and a stoplight chart to explain where each technology stands.
ACTION ITEM: Distribute New Technologies Chart to NMC Members. (Due Date: 31-Mar-2014)
There was a suggestion to put this information into the Dashboard in eAuditNet.
5.2 Measurement Inspection (M&I)
Simon Gough-Rundle reviewed the current progress of the M&I Task Group. The baseline checklist has been completed and other drafts are in the works. The group recently asked participating Nadcap Subscribers to rate themselves on likelihood and readiness to mandate, on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being lowest, 5 being highest. The average result was 4, which was very encouraging.
Simon also mentioned that the Task Group is currently recruiting auditors, and if there are any members present who know of staff who are qualified and retiring, please pass them forward as candidates.
5.3 Metallic Materials Manufacturing (MMM)
The MMM Task Group held their first face-to-face meeting in London (Tuesday & Wednesday). The group plans to meet in Dublin and Pittsburgh, with an aim for draft checklists to be created by October 2014. For more details, please see the attached presentation.
6.1 Heat Treating (HT)
HT is requesting NMC support on standardization of failure & merit criteria for add scope audits; also restricting newly hired auditors from conducting initial audits.
Pascal Blondet asked why 10 of 18 supplier appeals were upheld, which is more than half of the appeals. The Chair explained that the majority of the appeals were related to failure due to non-responsiveness. In many cases, the suppliers in question did not have many nonconformances, and the only reason was the number of late days. Other cases are related to borderline cases of NOP-011 Mode B. On several occasions the Task Group felt that something the supplier brought to the table during the appeal impacted the audit in a positive way and therefore they were open-minded and willing to reconsider the failure.
6.2 Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL)
In the past year, the Task Group established the MTL Vision statement, and also established an SAE AMEC/MTL Committee (not affiliated with Nadcap) to work towards becoming compliant to the Checklist Vision requirements in NOP-002. Issues requiring NMC Support: Ensure company support of the SAE efforts to create requirements for NOP-002 compliance.
6.3 Welding (WLD)
Task Group now has four audit reviewers with the delegation of Stan Revers. No issues currently requiring NMC Support. WLD Task Group will have a leadership transition following the June 2014 Nadcap Meeting, with Steve Tooley becoming Chairperson.
6.4 Elastomer Seals (SEAL)
The Task Group is experiencing increased subscriber participation due to the revision of new fabric reinforced seals checklist, which was rearranged to make it more similar to the format of the Composites checklists. Checklist will be tested and piloted in the coming year. Issues requiring NMC Support: Although there are an increasing number of subscribers, there is only 1 non-Americas subscriber involved.
6.5 Electronics (ETG)
Big key project for 2014 is compliance to NOP-012 (Auditor Consistency), as the Task Group have only had 1 observer audit in the last three years. Issues requiring NMC Support: Additional Subscriber Voting Members needed from Subscribers who do not actively support ETG or those who mandate/accept but do not have a Task Group member. The Task Group is looking to understand why certain Subscribers do not support ETG (particularly those who subscribe to ETG, as listed on the p-frm-10 Subscriber Matrix).
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send the p-frm-10 (Subscriber Matrix) to Kevin Ward, filtered to show which Subscribers support Electronics. (Due Date: 31-Mar-2014)
ACTION ITEM: NMC Members of subscribing companies who either mandate or accept ETG to discuss increasing support and involving a task group member. (Due Date: 27-Jun-2014)
ETG wants to formalize a system for awards and recognition internally within the Task Group. This practice will be shared with the NMC once completed.
7.0 Other issues / New Business / Discussion
7.1 Task Group Chairperson Training will take place the Sunday before the Dublin Nadcap meeting, 22-Jun-2014. PRI Staff is currently developing the training materials and all Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons are reminded to make plans to attend the training. It was noted that NMC training is also in development.
7.2 The Composites Task Group had a list of questions. A number of questions related to NOP-011, and the list of questions will be sent to NMC via email. Other questions included:
- Why does the list of NUCAP audits not count for delegation of audit reviewers?
- The tracking data includes specific audit details, and this information cannot be brought forward to include for delegation.
- Can we count a Staff Engineers observation of an audit towards the NOP-012 requirements?
- The Staff Engineers’ observations can be counted, however they cannot be used in lieu of Task Group member observations.
- If two Subscriber members observe the same audit, is it counted as 1 observation or 2?
- It is counted as 1 observation, because the observations are about observing the Auditor.
7.3 Richard Blyth noted that the Coatings (CT) Task Group will have an issue with succession going forward, and asked the NMC members to speak to their CT representatives, as they will need a new Vice Chairperson in the coming months.
7.4 More details about NOP-011 Failure / Risk Mitigation: When an audit fails, the Nadcap Subscriber has the most amount of risk. This was pointed out by the PRI Board of Directors. Although the audit may be failed, there is a need to continue documenting information and progress towards answering the nonconformances, and the Primes utilizing that Supplier would want to get involved. The new process will be a more Subscriber-involved process, to optimize the supplier’s capability to resolve issues prior to the next audit being conducted. It solves two issues: 1) Plugging a data gap, and 2) Unburdening the next auditor because an in-depth review is conducted instead of waiting 90 days.
ADJOURNMENT – 26-FEB-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
Minutes Prepared by: Kellie O’Connor,