Small Grant Application Form 2012
What isBirdLife Australia’s Beach-nesting Birds Program?
BirdLifeAustralia’s Beach-nesting Birds program has been working with community volunteers across Australia since 2006 to achieve the following:
- Raising awareness among beach users about beach-nesting birds, threats and their conservation;
- Training volunteers to monitor beach-nesting birds, indentify threats, and implement and improve management;
- Protect eggs and chicks via temporary fencing, signage and artificial shelters, and;
- Research new ways of protecting birds and improving breeding success.
For more information, visit
What are BirdLife Australia’s Beach-nesting Birds Program small grants?
BirdLife Australia’s Beach-nesting BirdsProgram small grants are a new initiative funded by the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country.
These small grants are to provide funding for community-based projects that target on-ground conservation, community education or researchabout beach-nesting birdsat a local or regionalscale within Australia.
A total of up to $20,000 (excluding GST) is available from7thDecember 2012 for projects to be completed byJune 30th 2013.
What activities will be eligible for funding?
Grants up to $5000 are available to assist projects relating to beach-nesting bird (BNB) conservation that include either on-ground conservation works (e.g. signage, fencing, chick shelters, banners, predator control, etc); awareness raising events or the creation of awareness raising materials/resources, or; research to fill important knowledge gaps about BNB management, or to better understand the attitudes or drivers of behaviour towards beach use or BNB conservation on beaches.
Priority will be given to innovative projects which engage individuals beyond the membership of your own community group, where land manager approvals and permissions have already been obtained, and where monitoring and evaluating the success of the project in relation to tangible improvements to BNB conservation has been factored in.
Think outside the box! An approach to community engagement can come from a different angle, maybe an arts project, short film or children’s book, or social media project. Try something new to reach a new audience.
In terms of on-ground management, make sure you have read all the up-to-date research out there and know the pros and cons of each management option available. Feel free to run your idea by us for feedback as the BNB team consists of scientists who have a background in best practise management.
For research projects, think about what would be feasible in such a short time frame. Realistically, for field research only groups or students with existing permits will be able to apply for this funding to expand their research projects. However research does not only have to be ‘bird’ or ‘management’ focused, it can be social or historical. For example, it could be researching indigenous stories about beach-nesting birds or interviewing beach users or residents about attitudes or values. Contact the BNB team who have a background in developing social surveys, experimental design and statistical analysis.
No more than 5% of these funds can be used for administering the grant (e.g. telephone; petrol; coordinator salary; etc).
Who is eligible to apply for this funding?
Community groups who are eligible to apply forgrants include:
• Coastcare, Landcare, ‘Friends of’ groups, naturalistgroups and non-government community organisations;
• Indigenous organisations, land councils, trusts andcooperatives working ‘on-country’;
• Community service organisations and clubs;
• Education institutions including schools and universities;
• Umbrella groups, network organisations and ‘consortia’of community groups.
Monitoring and evaluation
A requirement to receive payment will be to provide aMonitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement(MERI) report.Appendix 1 provides templates for your MERI report according to the type of project you are carrying out (e.g. on-ground, community awareness or research).
It is important that volunteer groups recognise the valueof the monitoring and evaluation processes, not just forthe benefit of the groups in identifying their successesand limitations, but also to offer accountability andtransparency regarding spent funds.
You will also be required to submit an informal progress report to BirdLife Australia midway through the project.
Acknowledgement of funding source
As a requirement of this grant, you must acknowledge the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country and BirdLife Australia in any promotional activities including but not limited to:
• Events, activities and public relations activities such as workshops or conferences;
• Media releases, media activities including newspaper and radio interviews;
• Display materials such as banners, posters and on-ground project signs;
• Publications such as reports, books, fact sheets and web information.
The following wordingis to be used:This project is supported by [project proponent's name] and BirdLife Australia, through funding from the Australian Government's Caring for our Country.
All display materials, publications, websites and where possible media releases should also include the Caring for our Country logo and BirdLife Australia logo, as provided. Prior to production, please run awareness products or signage past the BNB team to ensure the conservation messaging is consistent with BirdLife Australia Beach-nesting Birds program.
Application details
To apply, please submit the application form by the closing date, either in the post or via email. The closing date is26thNovember 2012,by close of business.
Post: Suite 2-05, 60 Leicester St, Carlton, VIC 3053
Enquiries can be directed to the BNB team at our general email address: or phone (03) 9347 0757
Please refer to the check list below prior to submitting your application.
Completion of all sections of the application form where required
Community groups must have written permission of the land manager on whose land the project will take place (Part B)
Have you established whether a permit is required to undertake an activity (e.g. awareness raising event on council property);
A project application must include a budget, excluding GST;
That the project can be completed in the allocated timeframe (by 30 June 2013);
Application submitted by 26th Nov 2012.
Grant timeline
26th November 2012:Application closing date.
5th December 2012:Notification of success.
7th December 2012:Start date for projects.
29th March 2013:Informal progress report.
30th June 2013:Finish date for projects.
27th July 2013:Final report due (Appendix 1 reporting templates).
BirdLife Australia’s Beach-nesting Birds Small Grant Application Form
Part A: Community Group Details
Group name:Contact person:
Title: / First name: / Last name:Position Title:
Postal address:
Town/Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Phone: (BH) / Mobile:
Part B: Land Manager’s Details(must have if planning an on-ground project)
Name of land manager agency:Person who is authorised to agree to on-ground work on behalf of the land manger.
Title: / First name: / Last name:Position title:
Postal address:
Town/Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Phone: / Mobile:
Signature of land manager spokesperson / Date: ____ / ____ /2012
Part C: Project details
Project title:(20 word maximum)
On-ground conservation / Y / N / Awareness raising / Y / N / Research / Y / N
Total amount requested (excluding GST):
Location of project:
State: / Region (e.g. FleurieuPeninsula):Specific coastal
site names (Pleaseattach a map):
Expected Start Date: / Expected End Date:
What are you going to do? (Project summary – 200 words maximum)
Part D: Detailed Project Design
Problem Definition: Describe the specific challenge you will try to address and why it is significant. Include causes of the problem and whether it is a local or regional issue.
Objective: List the specific objectives of your project.
Partnerships:In addition to Land Managers approval (where required),are there other organisations or groups involved in the project? If providing additional funding to the project, please indicate contributors of the funds.
Project Implementation: How will you implement your idea? List and describe the specific steps you will take to meet your objective(s).
Innovation: How is your project idea innovative or unique?
Expected Results:Please state the expected results of your project and its contribution to beach-nesting bird conservation in the short and long-term.
MERI reporting:
Have you read Appendix 1: MERI reporting templatesand are you able to meet these requirements? Y / N
If no, why?
Please note if you are successful in your application, you will need to discuss your MERI plan with the BNB team. We will require some degree of quantification of the success of your activity. For example, instead of stating that the fencing you put in place reduced human activity in the dunes, we would prefer something along the lines of there was 3% coverage of human prints within the fenced area compared to 60% within the adjacent dune outside the fenced area. For community awareness, it may be that you have a ‘voting ballot box’ (Vote 1: We learnt something and willmake a change; Vote 2: We learnt something new; Vote 3: We haven’t learnt anything new) at your events table where people can express their feedback in a quick way.
Part E: Activities and financial requirements
Provide a list of the major activities of your project. For each activity identify when they will be completed, the grant funds required and the funds (cash or in-kind) that will be contributed.
Description of key activities(Please give as much detail as possible; see example) / Completion date / Cost per unit/hour / Total number units/hours / Funds required (GST exclusive) / Additional cash or
$ amount / Source of other contribution
e.g. Wood and screws for building chick shelters / Jan 2013 / $10/shelter / 10 shelters / $100 / $50 (2 x construction hours) / Friends group
TOTAL / $ / $
* An in-kind contribution is a non-cash input which can be given a cash value, for example the number of hours volunteers invest in this project– this can be calculated at a rate of $25.00 per hour.
Appendix 1: MERI Reporting Templates
1. On-ground management
Description of on-ground activity / List materials purchased and quantity / Name of contractor used if applicable / In-kind hours invested in project component / Number of sites / Sites (incl. latitude and longitude) / Attached map?Yes or No / Size of area protected (e.g. linear metres of beach) / Photos before and after?
Yes or No
e.g. Permanent fencing of nesting dune blowout / 40 Posts and 160 m of ringlock wire / Mr John Smith, Fences R Us, Moorabbin VIC / 10 hours / 1 / PortseaOcean beach -38.338774, 144.712081 / Yes / 150 m / Yes
How did you monitor the effectiveness of your on-ground works?e.g. coverage of footprints inside and outside fenced area; observations of beach users at the site; observations of chicks using shelters; etc.
Please report on the effectiveness of your on-ground works as revealed by the monitoring above. Please include graphs or photographs if helpful.
2. Awareness Raising
a. Products or materials
Description of awarenessmaterial / Name of graphic designer or company used if applicable / In-kind hours invested in project component / Method of distribution? / Location or target audience / Number of copies distributed? / Attached copy of product?Yes or No
e.g. Dogs on beaches brochure / Brochures R Us, Melbourne VIC / 45 hours / Events, email, physical distribution / Events below; Local Vets and dog trainers; Friends group email list / 1000 / Yes
b. Awareness events and activities (please list each event or activity separately)
Description of awarenessevent / List materials distributed at event if applicable* / Date of event / Location of event / Number of attendees? / In-kind hours invested in project component / Photos of events if applicable?Yes or No
e.g. Stall at market running kids craft activity (calico bag painting) / Stencilled calico bags; Paint; Wing Thing activity books; Stickers and swapcards; ‘birds on beaches’ Brochure / 21/12/12 / Boneo Monthly Market, Boneo, VIC / 96 / 21 hours / Yes
* Please note you are welcome to make requests of the BNB team for particular materials (e.g. Wing Thing magazines; My Hoodie guides; etc) and we can do our best to make them available if we have enough in stock.
How did you monitor the effectiveness of your awareness product and/or event?e.g. feedback form or ballot on table; survey of audience before and after; etc.
Please report on the effectiveness of your awareness product and/or event as revealed by the monitoring above. Please include statistics, graphs orfeedback quotes if helpful.
3. Research
If you have written up your research in an alternative report format, please contact the BNB team to see if this can be submitted in place of the below.
What is the theme relating to beach-nesting birds and their conservation that you are addressing?
What is your specific research question? Include your research aims here.
What led to the development of thisspecific research question being asked? (e.g. filling information gap; trailing new conservation technique; novel way to approach awareness raising or conservation; etc)
Methods of research
Study area (include a map)
Results (include statistics and graphs where appropriate)
Discussion and conclusions