Minutes of Council Meeting held in the Youth Centre
Thursday September 9th2013, 7.00pm, Linda Burke, Deputy TownClerk
Present: Cllrs, Chairman Alun White (AW), R Jones (RJ), Chris Turner (CT),Keith Cox (KC), Simon Clarke (SC), Mike Curtis (MC), Roger George (RG)
In Attendance: Ward Councillor Merryl Phillips (MP), eight members of the public, OnePress Officers.
Apologies:Colin Smalley (CS), Mike Moseley and Sue Green.
Code of Conduct & Declarations of Interest: – members must declare any interest as it arises.
Co-option of new councillor: Following the resignation of Sue Lane, Sue Brawn was invited to give a short statement about her wish to become a councillor. AW asked if any Councillors had questions they wished to put to Sue. RJ expressed concern over the e-mailing of Council business to a work address. SB expressed concern that he should think this would happen and re-assured him that this would not be the case. CT proposed the co-option, AW seconded, all were in favour. Sue then joined the Council for the remainder of the meeting.
Reminder to the Public and Councillors – that they may only speak when invited by the Chairman: Members of the public may be invited to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes before a proposal is made.
Approval of Minutes of11th July
With three amendments, AW proposed acceptance, RJ seconded, all in favour.
Matters arising from the minutes of last meeting:
No matters arising.
Contingency planning to ensure Community Benefit if Bovis’s application is successful. Recommendation from Planning Committee.
As agreed at the last meeting professional advice was sought concerning the Section 106 Community Benefit should the Bovis development go ahead. STC has received good advice from Foxley Tagg and have forwarded the recommendations to Robert Easton of CDC. Items requested include a Cycle shed and some small benefit to King Georges Field e.g. changing rooms. It is to be hoped that CDC will respect our wishes as they will also have items to be included such as affordable housing. It is feasible to say that an increase of 300 cars could come from the development. MP advised the sending in of an application. CDC councillors have given permission to refuse the application and it has gone straight to appeal, she pointed out that this would shorten the timescale.
Report from the School:Rebecca Scutt, headmistress is back in the saddle at the school following the birth of her twins. She expressed the children’s pleasure at being able to take part in the Cotswold Festival especially the fashion show. Groovy Two shoes kindly donated the shoes worn to the children. There are now five classes and a larger intake of children. The Harvest Festival will be on October 3rd. A family Bingo and Public Quiz is planned for the 15th November. A pumpkin party is planned. The school is now affiliated to the British Legion. Funding from the Olympics (£8000) is being sought. The school is looking for a secretary to the Governors.
AW thanked the Cotswold Festival Committee for their marvellous work in organising the programme and producing a wonderful festival.
Report from the Police:
None present
Report from County Councillor:
Not Present
Report from District Councillors:MP informed the Council that subject to planning permission the Gypsy Field has been sold. The prospective purchaser has applied for permission to build 5 large houses, a medical centre and a large car park providing a shuttle to and from the Town centre. Permission has been refused for the Sainsbury supermarket and nursing home has been refused. The small supermarket near the caravan site has gone to committee. CT apologised for not having spoken to Maria Wheatley of CDC concerning increasing the daily parking time from 5 to 8 hours.
Report from Stow Youth Club
The Youth Club has been closed for the holidays and will be re-opening next week.
Report from Finance Committee:KC read out the balances and the cheques for ratification by Council KC proposed acceptance, AW seconded, all were in favour. CT declared and interest. MC expressed concern that a cabinet was being purchased on behalf of the civic society. He was assured that the cabinet would remain the property of STC and that the civic society was giving a donation. At the last meeting requests were made of a statement of expenditure this was provided and Council were able to see that the Council was working well within budget. KC pointed out that the 14/15 budget must be prepared by the end of the year. He will be requesting information in October to be brought to the November meeting. KC informed the Council that the annual accounts had been signed off by the external auditors.
Report from Planning Committee: The last meeting of the planning committee was not quorate. A letter has been prepared regarding the Huntingdon plans, CT proposed that the clerk be asked to sign jointly with himself on the basis of insufficient parking. KC seconded and with two abstentions the letter was signed. CT had a good meeting with Mr Arkle over the White Hart Lane development and the annoyance that the development had not begun. Access to the site must be kept clear at all times. It was felt that the Heads of Terms document between the developer and Mr Arkle was a possible delaying tactic by the developer. CT pointed out that objections to plans must be on planning issues only. STC were very fortunate in having people with inquisitive minds helping formulate planning issues. During the Bovis objections a large amount of research was carried out by Mrs M McGhie (MM) helping to formulate objections. The developers have gone straight to appeal. CT asked for approval of an invoice from MM, AW asked if this was a retrospective invoice, CT said yes. AW seconded the invoice on condition that this did not happen again. MC agreed with AW, 6 were in favour of payment 1 was against.
Report from Parks Committee:There has been no meeting since the last Council meeting. However an inspection of the QE11 field has taken place and quotes for work would be needed. MC suggested that a team of volunteers could be set up to help with odd jobs. KC received a call out from the wells where vandals have again smashed the sump cover. He has ordered a cast iron cover, it is planned to reduce the height of the sump, lay the cover and then place soil on top.
Burial Board:In his absence CS sent in a short report. CS thanked CT and Mr Golby for their work in clearing the dead flowers and wrappings from behind the bin near the bier house. The bier house was broken into, CS has purchased a new padlock and affected a repair, and it is now secure again. The shed in the Church is causing concern and has been condemned as a safety hazard by Eastabrook Architects and Clarke, Nicholls and Marcel (structural engineers). Quotes are beingrequested for its demolition. Mr Golby has completed the push testtraining and will begin to test the memorials in the cemetery; he is willing to pass on his knowledge to anyone who wishes to know. A number of drawings have been produced for the ashes wall by Alan Pinder. SC asked if Council would approve an increase donation from £300 to £600, AW proposed the increase, CT seconded; all were in favour with one abstention. There is a large amount of work to be carried out in the Churchyard. Council has approved a budget of £4000 for the work. SC has received a letter from a resident expressing concern over the flat memorials in the cemetery. Due to error by a previous clerk the memorials are at a height of 4/5 inches thereby causing a trip hazard.
Report from Traffic and Parking: CT reported that Church Lane was still being used to store rubbish. A complaint has been received about the goods on the pavement in Digbeth Street. CT will visit the site and speak to the owner. CT put out cones in the Square for the health bus but felt that although speaking to the clerk the organisers should have approached the T & P committee. CT contacted the owners of a coach that was parked overnight in the Square. He pointed out that although Stow welcomed coaches, the Square was a drop off point and coaches should be parked in Maugersbury Road car park. CT dropped off the cones at 5.30 a.m. and stated that the traffic at Sheep Street was already congested.
Report from the Trustees of the Alms-houses: None
Report from Staffing Committee: The committee tasked with finding a new clerk held a meeting to discuss the needs of the Council and formulate a job description. They agreed that the post should be 35 hours per week and be upgraded to CEO. MC would like the advertisements to go out asap after a couple of corrections. The finance department would have to increase the precept, but as the community charge is frozen there should be no extra cost to residents.
Report from the Trustees of St Edward’s Hall:The AGM held on the 1st of August has approved the accounts. Patricia Ashley has been co-opted as a trustee. Michael Lee has been re-elected as chairman. GCC are considering an application from the Hall for an improvement grant. RJ proposed a letter of support from STC, AW seconded; all were in favour.
A file was available for inspection.
Reports on Councillors visits and other business meetings: SG has been giving advice to the Cricket Club concerning the provision of visitor information. AW will circulate an e-mail from a business in Cheltenham working to restore the High Streets. It may be possible to ask Matt Roper a representative of the business to come to the next meeting to give a brief talk. The meetings between CT and Robert Eaton of CDC and Mr Arkle were both successful.
Any Other Business: A resident expressed surprise at the fee for Mrs McGhie; AW assured the resident that Mrs McGhie was no longer a councillor and that the work was carried out as a private individual. Residents felt that the idea of a pool of volunteers was excellent, Jennie Turner was asked to run a piece in the Stow Times calling for volunteers under the heading Pride of Stow, AW will prepare a short statement for her. SB suggested the formation of a Residents Association and will write a small piece for the Stow Times. KC will try and arrange for the grass cutter to cut the grass in Glebe Close.
The next meeting will be on October 10th at 7.00 p.m. in the Youth Centre.
Meeting closed 8.45pm
Signed: ......
Dated: ......