Medium Term Planning Term 2 2014-15: Saturn Y2: Mrs Priest [Thursday – Friday] NB Wednesdays SENCo release

New curriculum
Hamilton plans
Traditional tales
Information texts
Traditional poems
Phonics Phase 6 / Numeracy
New curriculum
Hamilton plans
Shape, Space & Measures
Data handling / RE
Celebrations / Art / DT
Paul Klee
Hot and cold colours
Literacy links
Traditional tales and poems / PE
sports / French
Salut! CaVa?
Au revoir
Ca va?
Comment tu t’appelles?
Week 1
5-7 November / Phonics: suffix ‘ed’
Traditional tales
Learn about the features of a traditional tale / fable.
Picture story map of The Frog and the Scorpion / Describe, visualise and draw common 2D shapes
Sort 2D shapes, referring to their properties / Poppy Day
Understand why Remembrance Day is an important occasion / Fireworks
Discuss hot and cold colours. Choose one palette to shade line drawingpencil crayons or wax crayons
Set artist research hwk: Paul Klee / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Review ‘au revoir’
Introduce Ca va?
Learn how to ask ‘how are you?
Learn different responses
Use puppets to rehearse greeting
Week 2
12-14 November
F: Children in Need / Phonics: suffix ‘ing’
Traditional tales
Th - Listen to The Ant and Grasshopper: storyteller on CD.
Compare different versions of the story
F – The Fox and the Grapes: comprehension / Make and describe polygons
Sort 2D shapes, referring to their properties / Special times
Know that religions usually involve celebration
Reflect and talk about the children’s experiences of celebrating / Share homework. Show egs of Paul Klee pictures
Take a pencil for a walk. Line drawing – straight or curvy lines. Are there any shapes which resemble a face, an animal or a building for example? / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Review Ca va?
Introduce ‘Comment t’appelles tu?’
Rehearse saying what your name is. Practise asking someone else their name
Week 3
19-21 November / Phonics: suffixes ‘er’ & ‘est’
Traditional tales
Th – revisit The Frog and the Scorpion story map. Plan own fable
F – share story plans in pairs.
Compound sentences / Use Venn diagrams to sort 2D shapes; referring to their properties including symmetry and right angles (‘square corners’) / Id-ulFitr
Learn that Id is a Muslim celebration and understand some of the traditions of Id
Recognise similarities between Id and other celebrations / Continue own Paul Klee pictures
Introduce the story of The Cat and the Bird – a children’s book inspired by Paul Klee / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Review ‘je m’appelle’ and ‘comment tu t’appelles?’ Use puppets.
Play ‘Hide it!’
Find out about Gustav Eiffel and the EiffelTower

Medium Term Planning Term 1 204-15: Saturn Y2: Mrs Priest [Thursday – Friday] NB Wednesdays SENCo release

New curriculum
Hamilton plans
Traditional tales
Information texts
Traditional poems
Phonics Phase 6 / Numeracy
New curriculum
Hamilton plans
Shape, Space & Measures
Data handling / RE / Art / DT
Paul Klee
Hot and cold colours
Literacy links
Traditional tales and poems / PE
sports / French
Salut! CaVa?
Au revoir
Ca va?
Comment tu t’appelles?
Week 4
26-28 November / Phonics: other suffixes
Information texts
Th – reading for sense ‘Matilda’s Cat’
F – ‘Dogs’ by E Garett. Describe a dog from the book. Include adjectives and descriptive phrases / Use Carroll diagrams to sort 2D shapes; referring to their properties including symmetry and right angles (‘square corners’) / Sukkot
Learn to tell the story of Sukkot and understand that this festival is a time of thanksgiving for Jewish people
Think about objects which are special to us / Celebrate St Andrew’s Day, patron saint of Scotland, November 30th:
Shortbread / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / L’alphabet. Learn the French names for the letters of the alphabet. Learn how to spell out your name in French
Or play rehearsal?
Week 5
3-5 December / Phonics: other suffixes
Information texts
Th – examine an information book for organisational features. Write an introduction about a pet
F – ‘Tortoises’ information page. Look for grammatical mistakes.
Continue to edit writing about a pet / Read time on analogue/digital clocks to the nearest half hour / Divali
Learn the Divali story and understand the meaning behind it
Retell the Divali story through drama / Re-read The Cat and the Bird
Children work in pairs to create a building for the class picture – hot and cold colours
Paint, pastels, black marker pens / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Review ‘l’alphabet’ in French.
Practise spelling letters out. Play ‘Hangman’. Learn how to write like French handwriting
Or play rehearsal?
Week 6
10-12 December
?W: Y1-3 play dress rehearsal
Th: 6pm Y1-3 play performance / Phonics: review and assess
Traditional poems
Th - The Owl and the Pussycat. Learn to recite the poem and act out the story
F – EdwardLear: biography
Limericks / Read time on analogue/digital clocks to the nearest quarter hour / Christingle
Talk about Advent and learn the meanings of the different parts of a Christingle
Use a candle to reflect on thoughts and feelings / As week 5 / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Joyeux Noel. Learn greetings for Christmas and New Year in French and other languages
Week 7
17-19 December
T: KS1 Carol service
W: Christmas parties pm
Th: Christmas lunch for school
F: Carols round the tree 3pm / Traditional poems
Homophones: to too two
Write a limerick / Read time on analogue/digital clocks (to the nearest quarter hour) and begin to identify time intervals / The Christmas story
Retell the story of the Nativity / Christmas craft / Lesson with Mr Thacker and Mr Kempster: sports coaches / Assess and review learning in Term 1 and 2