A Bill to Protect The US Economy from Harmful EPA Regulations
Section 1.A new committee called the Regulation Review Committee shall be formed. It will review all present and future EPA regulations, and repeal the ones it deems too harmful to the US economy.
Section 2.Regulations are defined as any restrictions the EPA places on the private sector.
Section 3.The RRC will be composed of 25 members. Ten must have Phds in Economics, ten must have Phds in Ecology, and five must have Phds in law. It cannot create regulations, but it must review all regulations created by the EPA.
- The House will nominate, by a means a 2/3 majority deems adequate, three people for each RRC seat once every four years. The Senate will then vote, by simple majority, on these nominations and determine who of the three candidates for each seat gets the seat.
- The Congress has the power to overrule the RRC and the EPA
- No campaigning is permitted for RRC seats
- It must produce a decision on a regulation no later than four weeks after it began debate on said regulation.
SECTION 4.This bill will be implemented immediately following passage.
Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted,
Notre Dame H.S.
A Bill to Increase Funding in STEM Education
Section 1. The federal expenditure in the area of STEM Education shall increase to 33.6billion dollars from the current 3.6 billion dollars in high schools
(A)Funding will come from cutting 21.4 billion dollars the Medicaid Funding Program, as well as defunding the allowance of purchasing condoms and diapers through SNAP amounting to 4.5 billion dollars, the Department of the Interiors and Bureau of Land Management’s “Wild Horse” program amounting to 71.1 million dollars and cutting 7 billion of Welfare Spending.
(B)Funding will primarily focus on increasing teaching resources, establishing new programs and curriculum, purchasing electronics, reagents, science supplies, communication technology, and other forms of materials needed for a STEM classroom
Section 2.STEM education- an approach to teaching and learning that integrates the content and skills of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Section 3.The Department of Education and the Department of Defense will oversee the implication of this bill.
SECTION 4.This bill will take effect on January 1, 2016
Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by,
Kenneth Brittingham
Elk Lake High School
A Resolution Mandating All Service Stations Become Full-Service
- WHERAS there are over 120,000 service stations in the country.
- WHERAS more employees would be required to pump gas if all gas stations converted to
- full-serve.
- WHEREAS legislation requiring pump attendants already exists in New Jersey and
- Oregon.
- WHEREAS gasoline is a dangerous substance, and full serve gas stations reduce the
- likelihood of damage or injury.
- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that gasoline cannot be pumped into any motorized
- vehicle
- or retail container by any person who does not have a permit to pump gas.
- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the permits will be granted by the states to all service
- station employees and employers who apply upon completing a short written test created
- by the state governments.
- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the permits will be granted for life, with the
- exception that the person holding the license ceases to work at the gas station.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gaetano Buonsante
Holy Redeemer High School
A Bill to Strengthen the Equal Time Rule
Section 1.The equal time rule shall be expanded to include all political commentary and panels.
Section 2.A. Anchor commentaries are defined as when the anchor gives his or her opinion on an issue(s).
B. Panels are defined as when there are at least two guests.
C. Time must be made within a week of the original broadcast date to air the opposing view.
D. The other view must be aired in the same timeslot as the original broadcast.
Section 3.Enforcement of this bill shall be handled by the Federal Communications Commission.
- The Federal Communications Commission has the authority to penalize the network if the network fails to show both sides.
- Penalties shall start at $1.00 per total viewer, as measured in the Nielsen ratings.
- Penalties will increase by twenty cents per viewer each incident.
- The Federal Communications Commission may levy a higher penalty on a case-by-case basis, depending on the severity.
SECTION 4.This bill will take effect immediately upon passage for use.
Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tyler Kusma
Abington Heights HS
A Bill to Establish A Congressional Committee to
eliminate unnecessary spending
Section 1.A congressional committee is established to examine the use of money by the federal government and to stop unnecessary spending in order to more effectively allocate funds for US citizens.
Section 2.A congressional committee is defined as a group of economic, budget analysts, and congressional officials that works directly under and reports to the Congress (both the House and the Senate). The unnecessary spending is defined as money spent that has little to no positive benefits for the US citizens and/or has yielded negative outcomes for the United States and its citizens.
Section 3.No specific agency will oversee this committee but instead the Congress will create it and grant it power to consult and work in unison with other agencies both legislative and executive such as the Department of Commerce and the Congressional Budget Office.
SECTION 4.This bill will go into effect the next fiscal year.
Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
Rep. Shahil Patel
Abington Heights High School
A Bill to Control the Spread of the Ebola Virus
Submitted by Danville H. S.
Whereas,The Ebola Virus has infected many countries which include Guinea, Liberia,
Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, and the U. S., and
Whereas,The virus has killed over three thousand people in these countries, killing more as we speak, and
Whereas,Many developed countries have contracted the disease due to lack of protocol that would help defend from the virus, and
Whereas,Many people in developing countries have neither the resources nor the education to defend against this disease, be it therefore
Resolved,By the Student Congress here assembled that the United Nations will fund the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization in order to equip and educate doctors and nurses with the tools and knowledge needed to control and contain the outbreak, be it further
Resolved,That a set of regulations be established for anyone that has come in contact with any infected persons that enforces screening for the virus and surveillance in order to watch for symptoms.
A Bill to Increase Immigration to
Promote Economic Growth
SECTION 1.The number of available lawful permanent resident cards for immigration will be increased by 10%. Foreign business owners and entrepreneurs that receive U.S. investment may move and grow their business in the U.S.
SECTION 2.A. U.S. investment is defined as money from a U.S. centered corporation to promote the foreigner’s business.
B. A U.S. centered corporation is defined as a corporation whose headquarters and more than 50% of its workforce reside in the U.S.
SECTION 3.The Department of Homeland Security will oversee implementation, auditing employers believed to be hiring illegal aliens.
- Businesses found in violation will be ordered to cease and desist, and are subject to a fine not less than $10,000 and not more than $25,000 per infraction of current illegal alien employment laws.
SECTION 4.This bill will begin implementation over the course of its inaction to the end of fiscal year 2018.
SECTION 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced for Congressional Debate By
Danville Area High School
A Bill to Place Term Limits on the US Congress
Be it enacted by the student congress here assembled:
Section I. Term limits shall be placed on all members of the US Congress.
Section II. Each member of the House of Representatives will be limited to 6 terms (12 years) and each member of the Senate will be limited to 2 terms (12 years).
Section III. After they have served their terms, the member of Congress will not be allowed to run for reelection in the next election.
Section IV. This bill will affect all members of Congress currently in office. The terms of Senators and Representatives will be based on the amount of terms they have served at the end of the next session of Congress. Any member of Congress that has exceeded the term limits will not be allowed to run for reelection.
Section V. This bill will come into effect at the end of the 114th United States Congress.
Section VI. All laws in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted
Drew Hutsko
Lake-Lehman High School
A Resolution to Encourage Iraqi Kurdish Independence
1. WHEREAS, the powers of the Western World have intervened to rescue the Iraqi Kurds
2. from major threats three times in the last thirty years; and
3. WHEREAS, the government of Iraq has already made Iraqi Kurdistan an autonomous zone,
4. severed many ties with the region, and instituted heavy economic restrictions on the area;
5. and
6. WHEREAS, other nations, including its neighbors, are becoming increasingly supportive of 7. Iraqi Kurdish independence; and
8. WHEREAS, the existence of an independent Iraqi Kurdish state shall facilitate further
9. collaboration in the global War on Terror; therefore,
11. United States shall openly encourage complete independence and statehood of the Iraqi
12. Kurdish autonomous zone through the United Nations, and other diplomatic channels,
13. including encouraging the government of Iraq to allow the full secession of this zone
14. from their territory.
Respectfully Submitted
Jake Stattel
Southern Lehigh H.S.
Bill to Increase the Tariff on Imported Oil
Section 1. The current tariff on imported oil is $65-$70 dollars per barrel this is not enough to sufficiently deter exportation of domestically produced oil and importation of foreign oil.
Section 2. This bill would increase the current tariff to $90 per barrel to deter the importation of foreign oil, the exportation of domestic oil, and to increase research and development of other viable fuel and energy alternatives.
Section 3. The current total United States oil reserve is around 2.39 trillion barrels of oil which the United States has easy access to. The United States does not need to import oil foreign countries at extremely high prices which are dictated by foreign countries.
Section 4. The United States currently spends 456 billion dollars on importation of oil annually.
The money that the United States spends on the importation of oil would then be used to reduce the current National Debt of approximately 16 trillion dollars.
Section 5. The enforcement of this tariff will be managed by the U.S. commerce agency.
Section 6. The new tariff will be enacted the 1st of the following month
Section 7. All laws that was passed prior to this bill that is in conflict with this bill will be declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted,
William Maack
Wallenpaupack HS