Professional Education Unit

Northern Arizona University

Dispositions Survey

Descriptor 1: The Candidates Believe They Have the Ability to Teach
Examples of Proficiencies:
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they are able to
• teach all students regardless of their backgrounds and appropriately engage all students.
• manage their classroom and instructional settings and approach the classroom setting and individual students with confidence.
• implement a variety of appropriate instructional strategies and attempt to implement instructional strategies perceived to be most effective in meeting specific students’ needs.
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they
• are able to teach only certain groups of students and inappropriately focus on some student groups more than others.
• cannot manage the classroom and are hesitant to manage behaviors of students.
• are able to implement only a restricted set of instructional strategies and do not employ a variety of strategies when called for to meet students’ needs.
Descriptor 2: The Candidates Believe They can Effectively Communicate
Examples of Proficiencies:
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they are able to
• communicate with parents, students, peers, and administrators and take initiative to do so.
• produce thoughtful, effective, and respectful communication and plan meaningful communication.
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate they believe they are unable to:
• effectively communicate and attend to effective communication strategies.
• communicate effectively with parents, students, peers, and administrators, and they avoid communication situations with these entities.
Descriptor 3: The Candidates Believe in Their Ability to Engage in to Professional Development and Growth
Examples of Proficiencies:
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they are able to
• identify and use resources that promote professional growth and actively pursue these.
• read and articulate advances in best practices (i.e. technology, forms of assessment, pedagogical content knowledge) and make efforts to access information about current methodologies.
• Candidates demonstrate the belief that they are not able to pursue resources and articulate best practices leading to professional growth and do not pursue this information or opportunities.
Descriptor 4: The Candidates Believe in Their Ability to Accept Feedback
Examples of Proficiencies:
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they are able to
• use feedback constructively and respond positively and make appropriate adjustments accordingly.
• use feedback to improve and seek feedback from appropriate others.
Candidates perform actions that demonstrate the belief that they are unable to
• respond to feedback constructively or they react defensively or antagonistically to feedback about performance.
• use feedback to improve or they make excuses rather than accepting the feedback provided.
• use feedback to improve, and they frequently ignore suggestions for improving practice.

Disposition A: Confidence (Self-efficacy)

Meets / Approaches / Does not meet / Not practiced /
Descriptor 1: I believe I have the ability to teach
Descriptor 2: I believe I can effectively communicate
Descriptor 3: I demonstrate my willingness to seek and engage in professional development and growth opportunities
Descriptor 4: I demonstrate my ability to accept and act upon constructive feedback

Please describe why you evaluated your dispositions as you did.

Descriptor 1 Commitment to Respecting Diversity
Is knowledgeable of and sensitive to community and cultural norms and is responsive to, and respectful of, individual and cultural differences such as class, race, ethnicity, gender, religious, ability, language, and sexual orientation as well as experiences and ideas that do not reflect the individual candidate’s particular history. Demonstrates belief that all students can learn and a commitment to supporting the growth of all learners.
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Respects differences
• Recognizes and plans effectively for diverse learners in the classroom
• Promotes a cohesive classroom community
• Adapts instruction to meet varying needs and abilities such as through different modes of delivery
• Shows overt bias, prejudice, or lack of fairness toward certain students or groups of people
• Makes negative comments about students’ abilities to learn
• Does not adapt instruction to meet varying needs and abilities
Descriptor 2 Commitment to Collaboration
Willingness to collaborate for the improvement of teaching and learning
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Seeks involvement or input
• Receptive to requests to collaborate
• Constructively participates in class activities
• Does not seek involvement or input
• Does not participate in class activities


1. Disposition B: Open to new ideas and valuing different cultures.

/ Meets / Approaches / Does not meet / Not practiced /
Descriptor 1: I am committed to respecting diversity
Descriptor 2: I am committed to collaboration

Please describe why you evaluated your dispositions as you did.

Descriptor 1 Upholds Principles of Safety and Well-Being
Demonstrates concern for, and protection of, the physical and emotional safety and well-being of self, students, and others
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Protects the safety and well-being of others in the classroom or school
• Maintains appropriate confidentiality for all students.
• Contributes to and models behaviors for emotionally safe classroom environments
• Acts in a manner that might put others at risk and fails to act in a manner that protects the safety and well-being of others in the classroom or school
• Discusses students with perceived problems and classroom/school incidents

1. Disposition C: Caring and empathic.

/ Meets / Approaches / Does not meet / Not practiced /
Descriptor 1: I uphold principles of safety and well-being

Please describe why you evaluated your dispositions as you did.

Descriptor 1 Legal and Ethical Conduct
Behaving in a manner consistent with the standards of legal and ethical conduct (e.g., professional conduct with candidates, parents, colleagues, professors, and P-12 students, etc., academic conduct consistent with the NAU Code of Conduct; protecting privacy and confidentiality of candidates).
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Behaves in a manner consistent with the standards of legal and ethical conduct
• Protects the privacy and confidentiality of others as appropriate for the situation
• Upholds NAU Codes of Candidate and Academic Conduct
• Engages in illegal or unethical conduct
• Fails to protect the privacy and confidentiality of others
• Violates NAU Codes of Candidate and Academic Conduct
Descriptor 2 Professional Conduct
Is mindful of and fulfills professional responsibilities and habits of conduct (e.g., dress, language, preparedness, attendance, punctuality, composure, honesty) appropriate to the cultural context
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Is on time for class and/or appointments
• Uses class time efficiently
• Acts or dresses according to standards of the school
• Completes assignments or duties on time
• Serves as an appropriate role model to classmates and colleagues
• Maintains civility in classroom or in interactions with others
• Cultivates appropriate relationships in respectful ways
• Is frequently late or absent without prior permission
• Fails to act or dress according to standards of the school
• Often fails to complete assignments or duties on time
• Is dishonest in interactions
• Fails to maintain composure in classroom or in interactions
Descriptor 3 Committed to the Profession
Demonstrates a productive attitude and commitment to the profession and understands the broad responsibility of educators in the school, community, and society
Examples of Proficiencies:
• Demonstrates a commitment to ideals of fairness in a democratic society
• Thoughtfully and productively engages in educational experiences outside the classroom
• Considers the relationship between school and society
• Exhibits poor attitudes toward the discipline and/or teaching profession


1. Disposition D: Ethical reasoning and behavior

/ Meets / Approaches / Does not meet / Not practiced /
Descriptor 1: I exhibit legal and ethical conduct
Descriptor 2: I exhibit professional conduct
Descriptor 3: I am committed to the profession

Please describe why you evaluated your dispositions as you did.