Monthly Progress Report no.9Page 1

Project Ref No / 14400/2005/005-2006/066 – CS 1
Acronym / X-DIS/XBRL
Full Title / X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project
Reporting Period / 1stof December2006 – 31stof December 2006
Code name / QM09 / Date of issue / 15/01/2007
Project Officer from Eurostat / Name: Giuseppe Sindoni
Institution/Company: Eurostat
Address: BECH A3/143 Jean Monnet-Building, L-2920 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Phone: +352 43 0137291
Public project web site:
Project Officer from Software AG España / Name: Justo Martín
Institution/Company: Software AG
Address: Ronda de la Luna, 22 – Tres Cantos (Madrid) zip 28660 Spain
Phone: + 34 91 8079789
Public project web site:

Table of Contents


1.1Statement of progress______

1.2Project Meetings______


2.1Issues or Problems______

2.2Red Flags______

2.3Deviations from Plan______




4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables______

4.2Cumulative Resources______

5.Plan for the next Period

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1

Monthly Progress Report no.9Page 1


1.1Statement of progress

The following table indicates the activities and achievements during the period of December 2006.

Task / Achievements / Note
(*) / Received new remarks on INE’s taxonomy from INE Industry Area / Note 1
(*) / Received new remarks on INE’s taxonomy from INE Services Area / Note 1
(*) / Received the 21 extension questionnaires INE is intending to have for the next official collection / Note 1
(*) / Received Belgian SBS Taxonomy from Statbel / Note 2
Received specs of Eurostat related to OSS(Open Source Software) from Mr. Leonhard Maqua
Received some remarks about the SBS taxonomy for credit institutions from Bank of Spain
(*) / Held Monthly VideoConference Meeting with Eurostat / See minutes
(*) / Meeting held on 19th December at INE / See minutes
(*) / Delivered Project Plan for the tasks related to the XBRL architecture / Note 3
Task / Delayed / Note
Mappings of IFRS items against Insurance and Pension Funds SBS Characteristics / Note 4
Mapping between NTP instances and SBS European taxonomy instances / Note 5
INE testing phase / See chapter 2.2 Red flags
STATBEL testing phase / See chapter 2.2 Red flags
(*) / Updated version of the Project Plan / Note 6
Task / In Progress / Note
XBRL architecture reference implementation / Note 3
Enhancement of INE´s XBRL taxonomy (without the 21 new sectorial extension requested) / Note 7
Preparatory tasksfor INE’s testing phase / See minutes
Overview of state of arts on XBRL products

NOTE: There is no reference to any task id. A new project plan is being defined and it must be agreed with EUROSTAT.

Tasks id tagged as (*) corresponds to either new tasks being created during the project executionor little milestones though important ones for some tasksor administrative/management tasks.

1.2Project Meetings

The following project meetings have been held in this period:

Date / Issue / Place / Description
19/12/2006 / Progress Meeting / INE’s venue / Progress Meeting to prepare the testing phase with INE (see minutes)
21/12/2006 / Monthly Progress Meeting / Respective VC rooms / Monthly Progress Meeting between Eurostat and Software AG (see minutes)


2.1Issues or Problems

Task / Issue description / Action Items
Inexistent Insurance and Pension Funds data on IFRS-GP.
This issue was raised in QM07 issued 24th of November:
For the SBS European taxonomy based on IFRS and for the sectors Insurance and Pension Funds, we realised the taxonomy used as reference (IFRS-GP) which provides the source for extension for C&I and Credit sectors does not include the IFRS 4 for “Insurance Contracts”. / Software AG to word a document explaining the issue
INE requested to add 21 new sectorial extensions to the INE’s taxonomy.
The Eurostat position on this issue, as discussed in the latest progress meeting is that this effort should be covered by the Phase 2 budget of the project.
Software AG considers those 21 new sectorial extensions are out of scope of both phase 1 and phase 2. In both phases, it is planned to cover European Statistical Information i.e. with European scope and those 21 new sectorial extensions are related to Spanish Data Collection not included within the SBS European Directives. / To agree how to proceed with INE’s request

2.2Red Flags

Organizational issues.Eurostat stated their concerns with regard to the project management, hence the organizational issues. Software AG has recently allocated a new Project Leader to substitute for the previous one who was suffering health issues and had been off sick lately.

Spanish Testing phase. INE sent a letter addressed 65 Spanish businesseschosen by their quality in filling in the statistical questionnaire, size as per their employees number and technological resources encouraging them to take part in the testing phase. INEhasonly receivedconfirmation from one business. A second one has stated its interest but with no commitment.

In a recent meeting held on 11th of January was decided both to send the letter to many other businessesdespite they are less suitable businesses and to wait two more weeks in order to increase the number of businesses interested in taking part in the testing.

This decision adds a new delay of two weeksto the Spanish testing phase.

On the other hand, we should decide:

  • What should the minimum number of participating businesses be to carry out the testing.
  • What will we do in case of not having a minimum number of businesses interested in carrying out the testing.

Belgian Testing phase. This red flag is related to the task named as ‘XBRL architecture’ and the note 3 below. After holding on 9th of January the workshop at Statbel, some new requirements were requested. The impact of these new requirements has to be analysed by the Project Team.

The most important Statbel’s concern is storing the data into their database once the XBRL instances are received from the businesses. Software AG stated at that meeting that requirement was out of scope of the testing approach since it would be a high-consuming task, as a high knowledge of their database schemas was needed in order to carry out the mapping between the XBRL taxonomy and the Statbel’s database. If Stabel would decide to face that task by their own, Software AG roughly,estimates not fewer than 40 working days will be spent, thusnew future delays.

2.3Deviations from Plan

Task / Issue description / Action Items
IFRS Taxonomy / To word a document explaining the task status and the issue related to the lack of data to define the taxonomy for Insurance and Pension Funds for IFRS-GP
INE taxonomy / After sending the latest updates adding the INE’s request, Software AG will try to get the taxonomy approval by INE and close the task (without the new 21 new sectorial questionnaires requested by INE)
INE Testing phase / Software AG is requesting EUROSTAT make a decision on the own Red Flag above (minimum number of participating businesses to carry out the testing and what to do in case of not reaching that minimum decided number)
STATBEL testing phase / Software AG is requesting EUROSTAT collaboration to convince STABEL that the architecture must cover the required functions to test the XBRL feasibility as reporting language between businesses and NSIs
CBS testing phase / Software AG will get in touch with CBS in order to get the further required information (XBRL instances)


Note 1 –INE`s departments keep sending remarks to enhance INE`s taxonomy in order to use it for the next official collection. Most of the remarks are either little adjustments or not applicable changes.

In addition, INE is still interested in get the enhancement of 21new sectorialextensions.That task was estimated asone-month one person.

Note 2 – Mr. Goddeeris from Statbel has sent their latest version of the SBS Belgian taxonomy. This taxonomy will be tested with the XBRL architecture.

Note 3 – Regarding the XBRL architecture, Statbel Team provided feedback. Some subjects seem not to be clear enough within the preliminary document so an enhanced version of the document is required. Before a new version is released, a workshop will be held at Statbel (on 9th of January) to discuss the issues and figure out the Statbel need.

Note 4 – A lack of information has been found to map the Insurance and Pension Funds.

Note 5 – The next step to execute this task is asking CBS more instances to have enough samples.

Note 6 – After the recent new Project Leader appointment, a deeply review is beingcarried outon the project against the latestissued project plan and a new project plan version will be shared shortly.

Note 7 –Two new XBRL taxonomies versions (Commerce and Services, Industry) has been already sent on 10th and 11th of January to INE after updating them by adding the remarks made by INE.


The following table indicates the total effort per Partner and Work-Package in the reporting period.

(*) Consultant on holiday from 23rd of December to 8th of January.


4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables

The deliverables initially scheduled for this period and their current state are:

Status of deliverables
Deliverable / Current status / On schedule / Original completion date / Actual/planned completion date
Minutes of Progress Report / Released / 21/12/2006
Minutes of INE’s meeting / Released / 19/12/2006

4.2Cumulative Resources

5.Plan for the next Period

Task / Plan for the Next Period
Deal with NTP on how to create IFRS SBS instances
XBRL architecture development to test Stabel`s taxonomy
Carry out testing on INE (preliminary tasks)
Carry on with document on state of arts of XBRL products

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1