Date: Monday 3rd October
Present:Chris HamiltonSharon WrightDavid RaeburnKaren Grant Carol Smith (Company Secretary)
Apologies:Jean BaileyJohn Bedwell
The minutes of the meeting of14 Septemberwere approved by DR and seconded by CH.
2.1 Defibrillators
GDCC have not yet placed a grant funding application for the defibrillators as they are still obtaining quotes and permissions.
2.2 Meeting Foundation Scotland / EDF
CS is still waiting for potential meeting dates and times. Clarification is required as to the agenda for the meeting
2.3 Facebook page
The facebook page has now been set up and those LCT members on email have been informed. As LCT wishes to encourage all members of the GDCC Community to be a part of LCT it was agreed that posters will be put up to advertise the facebook page
Action: CS to create and distribute posters
CS has received a notice of resignation from Ruari Matheson. The Board would like to thank Ruari for his time and support during his tenure as a director of LCT.
Following discussion the Board agreed that it wished to hold an EGM to appoint another director
Action: CS to arrange AGM with Alpin Stewart
CS to send thank you letter to Ruari Matheson
The directors reviewed the feedback from the community meeting. The notes and responses are as below:
The directors discussed the comments from the community meeting at the LCT Board meeting on Monday 3rd October. The directors were pleased with the openness of discussion and the willingness to share ideas
The key points raised are noted below with responses from the Board:
- Has the Board discussed changes in the Articles?
CS Note: There are 2 governing documents. The Articles determine how LCT operates legally a company. The Community Benefit Agreement governs the operations and grant funding of LCT
The LCT Board can, and has, made changes to the Articles. The latest changes were amendments to the number of member directors and an amendment to the director terms and retirement process. This was as voted on and agreed by the members at the AGM in July 2016
- Applications process – It was felt that grants were paid outwith the HC Agreement
The LCT Board has this year amended the application scoring process and adopted a more detailed matrix to allow for improved review of grant funding applications, as presented to members at the AGM. The current directors are unable to comment on previous application awards but would welcome any comments and suggestions for the current process
- Applications to be made available prior to the Board decision to allow for member comments.
The LCT Board understands the comments made by members regarding applications being made available. Following discussion it was agreed that a summary of grant applications and sums requested would be made available on the website prior to grant award.
The Board did not feel it appropriate for the full application to be made available to members as the new scoring matrix enables objective decision making. The directors are voted to the role by the members and as such are empowered to make decisions regarding grant funding applications.
- Frequency of applications and awards – the public meeting could be used for grant applicants to present their application. It is currently proposed to have 3 community meetings per year being in January / May and September
LCT will be amending its grant awards to quarterly being 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.
The Board did not feel it appropriate to request applicants to present at the public meetings as it was felt that this might be onerous for some applicants and prevent applications being sent to LCT
- LCT could publish a summary of the grants pre award
LCT will publish a summary of the grant applications and funding requested previous to the Board reviewing the applications.
- Members to be emailed/posted minutes of meetings to prevent misinformation
Final minutes will be emailed/posted to all members following their sign off
- Will the community be consulted on whether they want EDF to give the funds to LCT?
Foundation Scotland held workshops on behalf of EDF to achieve community feedback and this was distributed to all participants. The feedback will also be posted to the LCT website.
LCT are meeting with EDF and Foundation Scotland to discuss further the potential funding from the Corriemoille wind farm
- Will LCT help applicants to be aware of other external funding
LCT is able to offer help to applicants for LCT grant funding through the Company Secretary.
Unfortunately LCT does not have the knowledge or experience to aid applicants of other external funding bodies. However this support may be provided by SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations).
- LCT should consider favourably setting up a development company
LCT appreciates members’ comments and has previously sought legal advice as to the process for setting up a development company. However, the directors are waiting for the results of the GDCC community survey and are currently unable to comment regarding the establishment of a development company.
- Would it be possible to employ a development officer and how would this be funded. It could be a shared resource with other community funds
As with point 9 above LCT is waiting for the results of the GDCC community survey and is currently unable to comment
- Is there any feedback to see if a project has been completed and how the funds were spent? Could this be put on the website
LCT received feedback from all successful grant applicants and a summary of this will be posted on the website.
- Would it be possible to put a suggestion box within the local community
It was felt that a suggestion box would be difficult to administer but comments can be made to the Company Secretary by post, email or facebook
End of community meeting notes
- The bank signatories need to be amended to remove Jennifer Haslam and Gordon Mackenzie and add Sharon Wright
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 27th October at 10am in Garve Hall