Northern Arizona University

Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation

M.S. Applied Geospatial Sciences - M.A. Rural Geography
M.S. Applied Geographic Information Science


Student's Name: Semester Year Started Program:

DEGREE AREA: m MS Applied Geospatial Sciences

(check one only) m MA Rural Geography m MS Applied GIScience

Graduate Committee Chair (print):

Chair Title: Signature: Date:

Proposed Graduate Committee Members (excluding Chair):

Name: Title: Signature: Date:

Name: Title: Signature: Date:

Name: Title: Signature: Date:

STATEMENT: I, , verify that I have asked each of the persons listed above to be a member of my M.A. Committee, and each of these individuals has verbally consented to do so.

Student's Signature Date


MA/MS Graduate Program Coordinator Date

Geography Department Chair Date

IMPORTANT: Please see the GPR Graduate Programs Handbook for requirements for committee chairs and members. The committee must be formed in consultation with the chair and must be approved by the department chair and the graduate program coordinator. Changes to the committee require a resubmission of this form. This form and all changes to it are to be maintained in the student's department file.

*revised 8/26/09