Chapter 1
I. Enter MRK in “Companies” (Merck & Company, Inc.). Click “Go”.
- Briefly summarize the business description.
- What is the industry?
- What is the sector?
- Analyst rating. In your opinion, is this rating relatively high? Click “News & Events”.
- Review and comment on the three most recent news headlines. Click “Comparables”.
- For the comparable companies:
- List the companies.
- For Merck & Company, Inc. and each comparable company, list the current sales.
- For current sales, select the peer weight for Merck & Company, Inc.
- For current sales, select the peer aggregate.
- For current sales, determine the peer mean.
- For current sales, determine the peer median.
- Comment on how dominant Merck & Company, Inc. appears to be in relation to the peer set.
Thomson One; Chapter 1 / Page 1 of 1