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Use when removing an AC overlay on an existing bridge deck.

Add to SSP 15-880 when a PCC overlay will be placed on the deck after AC removal.


1. Plans to show type of membrane seal, if any. Edit if no membrane seal or expansion dams.

This work includes removing existing asphalt concrete surfacing, membrane seals, and reinforced concrete expansion dams by cold milling to the existing portland cement concrete slab at bridge decks and approaches.



Cold milling equipment must be able to:

1.Remove concrete a minimum depth of 6 mm

2.Provide a surface relief of at most 6 mm

3.Provide a 4-mm grade tolerance


Cold milling equipment must have the following features:

1.3 or 4 riding tracks

2.An automatic grade control system with electronic averaging having 3 sensors on each side of the equipment

3.A conveyer system that leaves no debris on the bridge

4.A drum that operates in an up-milling direction

5.Bullet tooth tools with tungsten carbide steel cutting tips

6.A maximum tool spacing of 6 mm

7.A maximum operating weight of 30,000 kg

8.A maximum track unit weight of 8,930 kg per meter

9.New tooth tools at the start of the job


Provide personnel on each side of the milling drum to monitor cold milling activities. Maintain constant radio communication with the operator during milling activities.

5. Delete "at the roadway crown" if the plans do not show a crown.

Verify the depth of asphalt concrete surfacing every 15 meters at 1 location on each shoulder, the roadway crown, and in the traveled way.

6. Use when adjacent pavement is to remain in place.

Cut the outline of the asphalt concrete surfacing to be removed with a power saw to a depth of at least 50 mm before removing the surfacing. Asphalt surfacing must be removed without damaging the existing asphalt surfacing to remain.

7. Use when there is a membrane seal shown on the plans. Edit to agree with Para 1 and delete Para 8.

Remove existing asphalt concrete surfacing, membrane seal, and reinforced concrete expansion dams by cold milling to the existing portland cement concrete slab. At most 12 mm of the existing concrete slab may be removed during cold milling activities.

8. Use when there is NO membrane seal shown on the plans. Edit to agree with Para 1 and delete Para 7.

Remove existing asphalt concrete surfacing and reinforced concrete expansion dams by cold milling. At least 12 mm of asphalt concrete surfacing must remain after cold milling activities. Remove remaining 12 mm of asphalt surfacing using other means. The existing concrete slab must not be damaged during removal operations.


Dispose of removed materials under Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right of Way," of the Standard Specifications.

Measurement and Payment


Remove asphalt concrete surfacing will be measured and paid for by the square meter.

11. Edit to agree with Para 1.

The contract price paid per square meter for remove asphalt concrete surfacing includes full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in removing asphalt concrete surfacing, membrane seal, and reinforced concrete expansion dams, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.