Blood Lactate Concentrations using Fast GlycolysisDo not need line under title. In bold already-good enough. Maybe a colon after glycolysis. U in using might need to be capitalized-check.

Comparison of Blood Lactate Concentration in Athletes vs. Non-athletes and the recovery time-maybe capitalized-check

Diego Kim, Ernest Raheb, and Guadalupe Rodriguez Do not need comma after Raheb.

Department of Biological Science

Saddleback College

Mission Viejo, CA, 92692

Humans can use all three energy systems simultaneously, but predominately use one depending on the intensity of the physical activity. The Creatine Phosphate system and fast glycolysis produces lactic acid in the muscles when the body is working at high intensity exercise. When an athlete is physically trained, the speed of lactic acid removal is increased compared to a non-athlete.Hypothesis? We tested 5 athletes vs. 5 non-athletes for this study. Each individual sprinted 400m and then after tested for levels of blood lactate five minutes after using a Scout blood lactate meter and strips. We then followed up with every ten minutes for twenty minutes took samples regarding recovery. Statistical differences were found among non-athletes (p=0.00011), and no significance was found among the athletes (p =0.823), which was analyzed using an ANOVA.Means?Discussion? Conclusion?

Should not have columns in this paper.


Bioenergetics is composed of three energy systems: the Creatine-check spelling-probably ok.Phosphate system, slow glycolysis and fast glycolysis. Humans can use all three energy systems simultaneously, but predominately use only one depending on the intensity of the physical activity. The Creatine Phosphate system is an anaerobic system that allows for maximum energy instantly for high intense exercise, but this system only lasts 10 seconds. Faster rates of movement heighten cellular reliance on anaerobic glycolysis, which yield higher blood lactate and greater fatigue (Caruso et al., 2009).-not in literature cited. Do not need et al. here-first time cited.

Slow glycolysis is an aerobic system, which takes a sufficient amount of time to produce energy, but it is virtually an unlimited source. Fast glycolysis is also an anaerobic system that utilizes high intensity exercises in order to produce blood lactate, which regenerates Nicotinamidecheck spellingAdenine Dinucleotide. It-what is it is needed for the creation of Pyruvate from Glucose, which produces lactate. The fast oxidative fibers fatigues faster and it is trainable to endure more blood lactate. Blood lactate is lactic acid that appears in the blood as a result of anaerobic metabolism when oxygen delivery to the tissues is insufficient to support normal metabolic demands. The average recovery of blood lactate is approximately an hour. During supramaximal-check spelling-what is supramaximal exercise, the major pathways for ATP resynthesis-spelling are the breakdown of Creatine Phosphate and the degradation of muscle glycogen tolactic acid (Thomas et al., 2004). Not in literature cited. First time cited-list all authors-delete et al.The main objective of this experiment is to test if athletes have a quicker blood lactateconcentration recovery than non-athletes after running 400 meters.-hypothesis-good.

Materials and Methods

Two groups of five-athletes? Non-athletes? Saddleback College students aging from 18 to 26 were tested for blood lactate concentration and recovery. The experiment took place at Saddleback College campus on the track field in Mission Viejo, California, on Wednesday on the 20th and 27th of November.Confusing-rearrange sentence(on the 20th and 27th of November 2013) Using a lancet to prick each individual’s finger, the blood lactate concentration was tested. The blood was wiped 2 to 3 times in order to get an accurate blood lactate reading. It was then transported to a 58-lactate strip and tested with a Scout blood lactate meter. An initial lactate measurement-be consistent-measurement or reading? Pick one was taken after a warm-up-how long was performed. A second lactate reading-be consistent was recorded 5 minutes after a 400-meter sprint around the track at maximal heart rate intensity,-what was the maximum heart rate? End sentence after intensity and make transition into next one and a third and fourth measurement was taken every ten minutes for recovery until 20 minutes of recovery. Rephrase this part; it is confusing.

The results-delete-use data were compared using a statistical comparison of the two groups of five individuals using ANOVA and a Bonnferroni Correction. The created ANOVA statistics demonstrate the difference in concentration of blood lactate in each group. The graph-delete-reference Figure 1. compares the change in lactate concentration of each participant. P<0.0167 (0.05/3 different runs), in some of the non-athlete measurements, which shows there is a statistical difference in blood lactate, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. The p>0.0167 in the group of athletes, therefore we reject the hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis.I think this whole section should be the results-double check.


Measurements of blood lactate were taken during exercise showing the difference of athletes vs. non-athletes and their recovery.-delete-already statedAn ANOVA was calculated on athletes and found p= 0.823 (p > 0.0167), showing there is no difference and accepting the null hypothesis. Another ANOVA was run for non-athletes and found p=0.00011 (p<0.0167). The Bonnferroni Correction determined no statistical difference in the group of the athletes (p > 0.0167). The group of non-athletes had significance between the warm up vs. 400-meter sprint, and the warm-up vs. 2nd recovery (p <0.0167) (Figure 1).-check and see if this format is correct.

A comparative analysis was performed on the athlete group showing the mean difference from the warm-up and the 400-meter sprint 3.02 ± 0.62 (±SEM, n=5). The difference between the 400-meter sprint and the 1st 10-minute recovery was 3.02 ± 0.68 (±SEM, n=5). Lastly, the difference between the 1st 10-minute recovery and the 2nd 10-minute recovery 0.28 ± 3.27 (±SEM, n=5).

Another comparative analysis was performed on the non-athlete group showing the mean difference from the warm-up and the 400-meter sprint 14.58 ± 2.39 (±SEM, n=5). The difference between the 400-meter sprint and the 1st 10-minute recovery was 3.075 ± 1.19 (±SEM, n=5). Lastly, the difference between the 1st 10-minute recovery and the 2nd 10-minute recovery was recorded 1.96 ± 0.57 (±SEM, n=5).

Figure 1. The difference in the measurements from each time tested for athletes and non-athletes. There is a statistical difference in the non-athlete group.P-values? Means? Maybe explain the figure I more detail. mean±SEM.


During the collecting phase of this experiment,we were able to see the difference in the two groups that we were collecting from. From the athlete’s group, we concluded that after running the 400 meter and resting their blood lactate would return quicker to their resting state.-results don’t back this up This is due to their exercise routine training that they partake in. These athletes are using fast glycolysis during their sprint and since they are used to vigorous sprinting, they do not fatigue quickly like most would during a sprint.

The group of athletes demonstrated no significance difference.-in what-explain-be specific

We initially wanted the participants to run at maximum intensity, butthe coach did not agreedue to fear of getting injured, therefore they ran at about two-thirds intensity of what they normally would during a race.-how do you know they were running at this intensity-two-thirds intensity should be in methods.Also, while they were resting after the run, we asked that they stay sitting still for the time remaining but they were jittery and not resting completely.why sitting Due to these minor changes, we were not able to get the most accurate results of each participant from that group-what group,which resulted in no statistical difference.The non-athlete group consisted of five individuals from the same Biology class, and different fitness conditions. Everything was conducted the same way as to the athlete group to maintain consistency. After the 400 meter sprint, these individuals-which individuals were very cooperative of being at complete rest for the following measurements. Since they were more precise with the directions, we were able to get a statistical difference in blood lactate concentration from this group.

The reason we tested this specific data is because we know that athletes have higher endurance, therefore testing to see if that is dependent on their blood lactate concentrations and recovery time would support the hypothesis. The fact that these athletes are trained at a high level, we focused on the difference between each measurement overall. Non-athlete’s took longer to recover back to their original blood lactate concentration due to using fast glycolysis and having fatigued.

Was your hypothesis correct?

Literature Cited

Beneke, R., M. Hutler, S. P. Von Duvillard, M. Sellens, and R. M. Leitha User. 2003. Effect of Test Interruptions on Blood Lactate during Constant Workload Testing. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1626–1630

Evans, Blanche W. and K. J. Cureton. 1983. Effect of Physical Conditioning on Blood Lactate Disappearance after Supramaximal Exercise. Brit. J. Sports Med - Vol. 17, No. 1: p 40-45

Gass, G. C., S. Rogers, and R. Mitchell. 1981. Blood Lactate Concentration Following Maximum Exercise in Trained Subjects. Brit. J. Sports Med - Vol. 15, No. 3: p 172-176

Grossl, Talita. Dantas de Lucas, Ricardo, Kristopher. Mendes de Souza, Luiz. Guglielmo, Guilherme A. 2012. Time to exhaustion at intermittent maximal lactate steady state is longer than continuous cycling exercise. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 37, 1047-1053

Neric, Francis B; Beam, William C; Brown; Wiersma, Lenny D. 2009. Comparison of Swim Recovery and Muscle Stimulation on Lactate Removal after Sprint Swimming. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 23, No. 9: p 2560-2567

Make sure format is correct for literature cited. Use site professor sent us.

Review Form

Department of Biological Sciences

Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Author (s):_Diego Kim, Ernest Raheb and Guadalupe Rodriguez______

Title:_Blood Lactate Concentrations Using Fast Glycolysis: Comparison of Blood Lactate Concentration in Athletes vs. Non-Athletes and the Recovery Time______


Summarize the paper succinctly and dispassionately. Do not criticize here, just show that you understood the paper.

The Creatine Phosphate system, slow glycolysis, and fast glycolysis are three energy systems humans use to create energy. In this experiment, the investigators had the subjects tap into fast glycolysis to get blood lactate concentrations. Moreover, the investigators predicted athletes will have a quicker blood lactate concentration recovery than non-athletes after running 400 meters. Subjects consisted of five non-athletes and five athletes. All ten subjects had their blood lactate concentrations measured after sprinting. First, subjects sprinted 400-meters as a warm up and blood lactate was measured. Second, subjects sprinted 400-meters again and blood lactate was measured five minutes after sprint. Third, blood lactate was measured every ten minutes after the five minute measurement for a total of twenty minute recovery time. Data was then transferred to excel-which they did not mention-and ANOVA and Bonnferroni test were used to determine any statistical differences in the data. P-value indicates there was not a significant difference in blood lactate concentration recovery for athletes. P-value for non-athletes indicates significant difference in blood lactate concentration recovery. Investigators got these results because maximum heart rate for subjects was two-thirds. In addition, non-athletes followed the directions of the experiment better than the athletes.

General Comments

Generally explain the paper’s strengths and weaknesses and whether they are serious, or important to our current state of knowledge.


Paper at some points is not in third person. None of the literature under literature cited is included in the paper. Literature that is cited is not in literature cited section. Some of the words highlighted I have never heard of before-ex. Supramaximal-might want to define these words when stated. Material and Methods section is confusing in some parts-sentences need to be rearranged. Some parts of the results, formatting is incorrect. Need to add more info in the figure caption. Discussion lacks comparison of results to other scientific studies. Discussion in some parts needs to be cleaned up and explained more in detail. Subjects should have been wearing heart rate monitor. Not enough literature under literature cited-need at least ten references.


Overall, the paper does have a back bone. Introduction does have some good background information and is well organized. Graph is nice and easy to read.

The paper’s strengths and weaknesses may be important to our current state of knowledge because there may not be an experiment exactly like this one. However, when doing this experiment it is important to keep in mind the mistakes made when writing this paper so others can learn from the paper. Thus, the paper can teach an individual aspects to avoid and aspects to consider when performing this same experiment.

Technical Criticism

Review technical issues, organization and clarity. Provide a table of typographical errors, grammatical errors, and minor textual problems. It's not the reviewer's job to copy Edit the paper, mark the manuscript.

This paper was a final versionThis paper was a rough draft

This paper was a rough draft.

Typographical errors / See highlighted words and comments in red
Grammatical errors / Not very much. See highlighted words and phrases and comments in red.
Minor textual problems / Columns.


 This paper should be published as is

x This paper should be published with revision

 This paper should not be published
