PRESENT: Councillors R. Hendy (Cathaoirleach), S. Griffin, B. Hillis, F. Dukes, T. Conway, J. McGinley, J. Keane, C. Murphy, M. Glennon, T. McEvoy, T. Lawlor, K. Walsh, F. O’Loughlin, G. Conway, P. Kelly, M. Fitzpatrick, P. J. Sheridan, J. O’Neill, M. Miley. E. Stagg TD, S. Power TD, J. Wall TD, Senators J. Dardis, S. Ó Fearghaíl
ALSO PRESENT: N. Bradley Co. Manager, T. Skehan Asst. Co. Manager, S. Stokes
Co. Secretary, J. Lynch Co. Engineer, E. O’Sullivan Finance Officer and other officials
Vote of Congratulations
Cllr. O’Neill and Deputy Power proposed a vote of congratulations to the Moorefield team on winning the County Championship the previous day.
1/1000 – Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the monthly meeting of 25th September 2000 were adopted.
Cllr. Glennon proposed an amendment to the minutes of the Special Meeting of 9th October 2000 that her name be included in the attendance list. The minutes, as amended, were adopted.
2/1000 – Confirmation of Area Committee Minutes
Celbridge Area Committee – 8th September 2000
The minutes of the Celbridge Area Committee meeting of 8/9/00 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. Walsh.
Leixlip Area Committee – 1st September, 4th September 2000
The minutes of the Leixlip Area Committee meetings of 1/9/00 and 4/9/00 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. McGinley, seconded by Cllr. Murphy.
Kildare Area Committee – 10th July, 28th July, 22nd September 2000
The minutes of the Kildare Area Committee meetings of 10/7/00, 28/7/00 and 22/9/00 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. Ó Fearghail, seconded by Cllr. O’Neill.
Naas Area Committee – 20th July 2000
The minutes of the Naas Area Committee meeting of 20/7/00 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. Hillis, seconded by Cllr. Conway.
3/1000 – Disposal of Land/Property
(a) .4047 hectares approx. of land Crookstown, Ballitore, Co. Kildare to Mr. Seamus and Mr. John O’Reilly (Crookstown Motors Ltd.) Crookstown, Ballitore, Co. Kildare.
The Council considered notice dated 9th October 2000 which had been circulated to the members under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act 1966 in relation to disposal of land.
.4047 hectares (approx) of land at Crookstown Ballitore, Athy, Co. Kildare to Mr. Seamus O’Reilly and Mr. John O’Reilly (Crookstown Motors Ltd) Crookstown, Ballitore, Co. Kildare, for the consideration of £10,000 subject to each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Resolved: on the proposal of Councillor Sheridan seconded by Councillor O’ Neill that the Council consent to the disposal of this land.
(b) 0.0072 hectares (approx) of land at Laurence Avenue, Maynooth to Mr Jerry Bradley, 7 Laurence Avenue, Maynooth.
The Council considered notice dated 6th October 2000 which had been circulated to the members under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act 1966 in relation to disposal of land.
0.0072 hectares (approx) of land at Laurence Avenue, Maynooth, Co. Kildare to Mr Jerry Bradley, 7 Laurence Avenue, Maynooth, Co. Kildare for the consideration of £100.00 subject to
1. All legal costs to be paid by the purchaser.
2. A gate to be erected at front line of the house to the satisfaction of the Council.
3. An 18” see through” security fence to be erected at the end of the garden on top of the wall to the satisfaction of the Council.
Resolved: on the proposal of Councillor Mc Ginley seconded by Councillor Keane that the Council consent to the disposal of this land.
(c) 1.152 hectares (approx) of land at Rosetown, Kilcock to Mr. Martin McHale, Rosetown, Kilcock.
The Council considered notice dated 6th October 2000 which had been circulated to the members under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act 1966 in relation to disposal of land.
1.152 hectares (approx) of land at Rosetown, Kilcock, Co. Kildare to Martin Joe McHale, Rosetown, Kilcock for the consideration of £6,000 subject to all legal costs to be paid by the purchaser.
Resolved: on the proposal of Councillor Sheridan seconded by Councillor Mc Ginley that the Council consent to the disposal of this land.
(d) 0.4475 hectares (approx) of land at Backweston, Lucan to Fingal County Council.
The Council considered notice dated 6th October 2000 which had been circulated to the members under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act 1966 in relation to disposal of land.
0.4475 hectares (approx) of land at Backweston, Lucan, Co. Dublin to Fingal County Council, Box 174, 2/3 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 for the consideration of £100 subject to
1. A right of way to be agreed with Leixlip Golf Club.
2. The transfer of a portion of land currently occupied by Leixlip Golf Club to them.
3. All legal costs to be borne by Fingal County Council.
4. All fencing to be the responsibility of Fingal County Council.
Resolved: on the proposal of Councillor Murphy seconded by Councillor Mc Ginley that the Council consent to the disposal of this land.
(e) Ballinagappa, Clane to E.S.B.
The Council considered notice dated 4h October 2000 which had been circulated to the members under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act 1966 in relation to proposed sale of County Council Land.
12.25 sq. metres at Ballinagappa, Clane to E.S.B. for the consideration of £1 for the purpose of erection of E.S.B. sub-station.
Resolved: on the proposal of Councillor Sheridan seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick that the Council consent to the disposal of this land.
Disposal of Properties purchased under Shared Ownership Scheme
(a) John O’Neill and Jackqueline Mullen, 462A Green Lane, Leixlip.
The Council considered statutory notice dated 9th October 2000, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 462A, Green Lane, Leixlip to John O’Neill and Jacqueline Mullen in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of Councillor Mc Ginley seconded by Councillor T. Conway pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
(b) Kevin Wright and Mary Wright, 15 Castle Park, Athy.
The Council considered statutory notice dated 9th October 2000, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 15, Castle Park, Athy to Kevin Wright and Mary Wright in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of Councillor T. Conway seconded by Councillor Hillis pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
(c) Oliver Harrington and Mary Harrington, 12 Lacken View, Naas.
The Council considered statutory notice dated 9th October 2000, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as 12, Lacken View, Naas to Oliver Harrington and Mary Harrington in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.
Resolved: On the proposal of Councillor Glennon seconded by Councillor Murphy pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.
Senator Ó Fearghail asked that the process of the disposal of shared ownership properties be expedited.
4/1000 – Estimates 2001 – Revised date for Meeting
A report from the Finance Officer was read, proposing to re-schedule the statutory estimates meeting to Monday 20th November at 11am in order to facilitate more detailed consultation and consideration of the Draft Book of Estimates. This was agreed.
5/1000 – Taking in charge of housing estates
It was agreed on the proposal of Cllr. Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cllr. Sheridan that the following housing estates be taken in charge:
· Rockingham, Leixlip
· Ballygoran View and Court
· Thornhill Meadows and Gardens
· The Grove – Phases 2 and 3
· Abbey Court, Clane
· College Road East, Kilcock Road, Clane
· Barrettstown Lawns – Phase 2 Newbridge
· Beechgrove Estate, Kildare Town
· Meadow Court Estate, Clane
· The Meadows, Clane
· Hartwell Green Estate, Kill
6/1000 – Monasterevin Sewerage Scheme – Part X, Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations
It was noted that a report on this project had been circulated to members. It was agreed, on the proposal of Senator Ó Fearghail, seconded by Cllr. Keane, that the proposed development of the Monasterevin Sewerage Scheme should proceed as per report.
7/1000 – Nomination of Members to Task Force on Travellers
The Cathaoirleach referred to the special meeting held earlier in the month at which it was agreed that a Task Force be established comprising members of the Council, the Gardai, Revenue Commissioners, the Health Board and the VEC. He suggested three members from the Council and one each from the urban district councils be nominated. The County Manager added that the Task Force would look at the needs of travelers, issues surrounding non-indigenous travelers, the Council’s legal role, remedies and ways to minimize difficulties. A detailed research paper would be prepared setting out the background to the problem, the legal position, case law, precedent, options available. It was envisaged that it would meet as often as necessary and report back to full Council within three to six months. The following members were agreed:
· Cllr. O’Neill on the proposal of Senator Ó Fearghail, seconded by Cllr. Fitzpatrick
· Deputy Stagg on the proposal of Cllr. McGinley
· Cllr. Dukes on the proposal of Deputy Power, seconded by Cllr. Glennon
8/1000 – Deputation from Kildare Failte
The Cathaoirleach welcomed Tom Malone and a deputation from Kildare Failte. Margaret Edghill from the National Centre for Equestrian & Field Sports then made a presentation outlining the objectives of County Kildare Failte, the objectives of the 2001 Marketing Plan, the proposed marketing programme for 2001 and the cost of this programme. She said Kildare Failte was seeking £60,000 from Kildare County Council towards the overall cost of the marking programme of £75,000, the balance coming from membership contributions (£10,000), advertising from the trade (£5,000) and grant aid (to be confirmed). In reply to questions from the members Ms. Edghill said that Bord Failte sells Ireland as a tourist destination and is not involved at regional or county level. MERTA does support Kildare Failte. She said there was a lot of negativity towards KF and the contribution from Kildare County Council in the past was too small – only £25,000 in 1999. She said Kildare was the second most visited county in the MERTA region and its visitor attractions ought to be further highlighted.
Cllr. Fitzpatrick endorsed the presentation and proposed that the Estimates provide for increased investment in Kildare Failte.
9/1000 – Presentation of Feasibility Study for Ballynafagh Lake
The Cathaoirleach welcomed Sean Flannery, Liam Holton, Sean Ward and Feargal McKeown of Tir na Mona Community Council. Sean Flannery explained that Ballynafagh Lake was owned by Kildare County Council but the Tir na Mona Community Council had received permission to carry out work there and they had developed walks around it. He said it was a man-made lake and the only one in the county. He said it was a natural wild life area, adjacent to bog land and the development of a perimeter walk was the focus of their voluntary effort. He said they had obtained money from KELT to carry out a feasibility study and they wished to present it to the Council today. Cllr. Sheridan supported the group in their work and Cllr. Fitzpatrick proposed that they examine opening a feeder to the canal. Cllr. Murphy suggested that the feasibility study be given to the Council’s navigation officer. The Cathaoirleach commended them for their work and they presented copies of the study to him and the Manager.
10/1000 – Nomination to SPCs
The County Secretary reported that all nominations had been received from the urban authorities and sectoral interests. Council nominations were also received but the Economic Planning & Development and Transportation SPCs were under nominated by one each and the Environment & Services and Housing & Social Inclusion SPCs were over nominated by one each. He would consult with the Party Whips and regulate the matter. He explained that the urban authorities were entitled to nominate one member to the 5 SPCs. As there were only four urbans, a decision had to be made as to how to select the fifth urban member. As Droichead Nua Town Commissioners had held the 5th seat in the last SPCs, it was agreed to exclude them and put the remaining three names in a hat. Athy UDC was drawn and it was agreed that they could nominate one extra member for the 5th SPC. The Manager agreed to Cllr. Conway’s proposal that the members of all SPCs be convened for a general meeting in the near future. In reply to questions from the members, the Manager said the SPCs would be serviced by Directors of Services yet to be appointed. He said he would be in touch with the Corporate Policy Group on this matter. He welcomed the establishment of the SPCs.