Conference Sponsors
GeorgetownUniversityCenter for Child and Human Development
- UniversityCenter for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
- Georgetown Autism and Communication Disorders Clinic
- Children’s National Medical Center
- Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- District of Columbia Developmental Disabilities Council
- University Legal Services
- Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities
- DC Chapter, Autism Society of America
- DC Autism Parents
According to the Centers of Disease Control one out of 150 children is diagnosed with autism. Most children are identified after the age of 3 years. The importance of early identification can not be overemphasized. The purpose ofYoung Children with Autism: Early Identification and Intervention is to provide information on the early identification of young children with autism and intervention strategies that are evidenced based and facilitate the full participation of children on the autism spectrum in their families and community.
Following this conference, the participants will
- Identify key screening and diagnostic strategies that increase the likelihood of correctly identifying young children on the autism spectrum.
- Incorporate contemporary intervention strategies into a comprehensive intervention plan.
- Apply current research findings in the design and implementation of services to young children with autism.
- Be aware of community-based resources available to children with autism and their families.
Session Descriptions
Plenary Address
The Autism-Environment Connection: What do We Know?Jerry Paulson, MD
In this provocative presentation, Dr. Paulson will explore what is known about the possible link between autism and environmental exposures.
Break-out Presentations
Service Providers & Families: Creating Better Partnerships Parent Advocates, Bruno Anthony, PhD
A knowledgeable and empowered parent is better able to act as an active partner in their child’s treatment and early intervention. Programs that include parents as partners show better outcomes for both the children and their families. This session, led by parents of children with autism, will discuss resources available for parents to increase knowledge and build skills to insure their children receive appropriate services. We will also discuss the best ways for service providers to engage families in treatment as equal partners.
Medical Evaluations and TreatmentsPeter Daniolos, MD
In this interactive session, Dr. Daniolos will provide information on which medical evaluations need to be completed (neurological, genetic, metabolic, vision, hearing, etc), and a brief overview of the evidence behind popular alternative and complementary approaches.
Early Intervention: Applied Behavioral AnalysisCommunity Services for Autistic Adults and Children
Applied behavioral analysis is an intensive intervention strategy that has been shown to be effective in young children. In this session the speakers will discuss the components of ABA and the evidence that supports it use.
Sensory Motor Interventions for Children with ASD Toby Long, PhD, PT
Physical therapists will discuss the importance of sensory-motor intervention for young children with ASD and strategies that can be incorporated into everyday activities and routines.
Screening Tools for Early Identification of ASDPenny Glass, PhD
In order to identify young children for early intervention services, practitioners should use screening measures that accurately identify children in need of those services. This workshop will cover how to use the best screening tools available to identify ASD in toddlers.
Roundtable Discussion: Accessing Early Intervention Programs
Parent Advocate, Laura Anthony, PhD,Kathleen Atmore, PsyD
The panel members will discuss how they successfully navigated existing programs and will provide information on the various programs available throughout the area.
Early Intervention: Speech and Language Therapy
Cheryl Anselmo, MS, CCC-SLP and Tori Bateman, MS, CCC-SLP
Speech and language therapy has been demonstrated to be one of the most effective interventions for children with ASD. This session will provide an overview of evidenced-based therapeutic techniques to enhance language learning in very young children.
The Latest Research on Early Brain Development in Autism
Lauren Kenworthy, PhD, Joette James, PhD and Ben Yerys, PhD
A panel of experts will distill the latest research findings into practical applications for early identification and intervention.
Participation in Preschool ProgramsIvymountMaddoxSchool and Outreach Program
The panel members will discuss the best methods and supports for including preschoolers in mainstream preschool programs.
Plenary Address
The Autism Epidemic?Roy Grinker, PhD
Dr. Grinker will explore factors that influence the increasing numbers of children identified as being on the autism spectrum.