Wadham College

Student Allocation Scheme

Instructions for Students

Founded in 1963, the Wadham Society is made up of all alumni of Wadham College. Its primary goals are to encourage continuing interest in the welfare of Wadham College and promote connections between current and past members of the College. For many years, through the generosity of alumni donors, the Society has provided small grants to students, primarily through the SU and MCR. Examples of such grants included £1600 for punting, £520 for yoga, £200 for the translation of the College’s statutes into English, £399 for a croquet set, etc.

As of 2013, applications have been encouraged from students, both individually and within groups, identified as sharing the aims and objectives of Wadham College. Any matriculated Wadham student can put forward an application, on the condition that the activity must involve a group of Wadham students (some also involve wider University participation) who are representing the College.

Grant Application Procedure

The first step in the process is the completion of an application form, along with a budget. (See Application Form attached). Applications should be for the benefit of the College and not external parties, such as local community groups. All funding decisions would be reported back to the donors, the alumni body, and the Wadham community through the Gazette. Preference will be given to proposals that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Offer the widest possible benefit to the College as a whole or to a large constituency, broadly interpreted to include proposals that enhance the quality of college life.(Projects benefiting only one individual will be given lowest priority);
  • Are innovative and assist in advancing Wadham’s unique reputation to stakeholders and the broader community;
  • Offer long-term benefit or added-value to existing initiatives;
  • Would struggle to find funding from alternative sources;
  • Fall within the charitable objectives of the College.

The following will not be considered for funding:

  • Research projects eligible for grants from standard grant sources;
  • Retrospective funding;
  • Applications from individuals seeking support for tuition, other course fees, or personal maintenance costs;
  • Projects requiring recurrent funding (including salaries and subscriptions). These project will generally only be funded for one year and will not be considered unless other funds are available to meet the recurrent costs after year one;
  • Projects requiring part-funding. These projects will only be considered if it is demonstrated that the rest of the project funds are available or very likely to be secured.

Following WadSAS Committee decisions, the Development Office will email both successful and unsuccessful applicants to advise them of the outcome of the meeting. Communication to successful applicants will outline the process to:

  • Claim the grant and what is required to be able to do so;
  • Indicate reporting requirements and the expectation that successful projects will be featured in alumni publications to highlight the benefits created through alumni giving. Recipients of funding will therefore be required to provide a brief report on what was done with the funds and what the key outcomes were.

This form must be returned to the Wadham College Development Office by noon Tues 5 May 2015, Attention: Laurelle Vingoe, Development Officer.If you have any questions, please contact .

Wadham College

Student Allocation Scheme

Application Form

1 Your name ______

Mobile ______Email ______

Address ______


2 Title of project/initiative ______

3 Who and how many people will benefit from this project? ______


4 Cost* £______Amount requested £______

*A budget on one A4 sheet must be attached

5 Description of your project/initiative (You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary.)

6 How will the project be reported to donors informing them of how their money is spent. (You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary.)

This form must be returned to the Wadham College Development Office by noon on Tues 5 May 2015, Attention: Laurelle Vingoe, Development Officer.

If you have any questions, please contact

An online version of the application form can be found at .