Chairman Ed Nicholas Website: westfeltonparish.co.uk ~ see MEETINGS April 2016
MEETING 163 Tues 8th MARCH 2016 MINUTES 163
F.1 Three Queens Head residents voiced strong objections to two new dwellings by The Hawthorns: see 4.3 ↓
1. ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 163 held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:
1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Chair Ed Nicholas, David Curtis, Carole Coles, Roger Hampson, Kay Kynaston, Marian Hesketh, Pat Mabe. Plus Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk. NOTED
Plus 3 Queens Head residents including WFPC Co-option Candidate Rachelle Lloyd Jones. NOTED
1.2 Apologies from Vice Chair Chris Jones, Cllr Dianne Barnes and Cllr John Houghton were ACCEPTED.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 163 held on Tues 8 March 2016
2.1 Several Councillors stated that they know Ryan Stockbridge but not as close friends: see 4.3 ↓ NOTED
2.2 Two Councillors said they are tenants of Tedsmore Estate but have no personal interest in 5.3 ↓ NOTED
3. PREVIOUS MEETING 162 held on Tues 9 Feb 2016
3.1 Minutes 162 the Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED
3.2 Matters Arising from the minutes and any other ongoing items outstanding from previous meetings:
a. From 15D-5.5: Community Speed Watch Scheme Ian Connolly of the Safer Roads Team needs a reply:
NO volunteers have come forward so the Clerk was instructed to reply to Ian appropriately. All AGREED
b. From 152-5.7: 20 Holestar Hanging Baskets consider a £1344 quote from Plantscape from Cllr Barnes:
In view of the rising costs of this scheme it was put ON HOLD for this 2016 season but it will be included on the Annual Parish Meeting Agenda APM'16 and also on the WFPC April Agenda 164. All AGREED
Note: Clerk to write to decline Brent Avery's 2016 quote for watering baskets and the cheques for two donations to the scheme of £100 from Brent and £200 from the Carnival Committee will be returned: All AGREED
c. From 162-5.6: Proposed New Bus Route Oswestry to Shrewsbury: in reply to Cllr Marian Hesketh the Clerk reported that he had emailed Hordley Parish Council but so far we have received no reply. NOTED
d. From 162-5.5: Play Area Equipment in reply to Cllr Marian Hesketh the Clerk reported that he had made a firm order for minor repairs from Ray Parry but these are now awaiting less inclement weather. NOTED
e. From 162-9.2d: Sweeping of Oak Farm Lane Cllr Carole Coles said this has been done twice. NOTED
4.1 14/00133 25 houses at The Cross WFPC objection to appeal decision: see emails from SC and PINS:
Clerk to reply to SC Planner Ian Kilby welcoming his statement that SC Planning Officers and Planning Committees are now giving the SAMDev full weight so WFPC now expects that all SC Councillors and Officers will support this parish's Open Countryside Status by ensuring that from now on all open market housing in this parish will be REFUSED planning permission until 2026. If any SC Councillor or Officer fails to support this policy WFPC will make a formal protest against any such individual. All AGREED
4.2 16/00511/FUL Manor House Farm convert cartshed+outbuilding into one new dwelling with septic tank:
WFPC strongly OBJECTS to this plan for same reasons stated in Minute 153-4.2 dated 10 Mar 2015 plus the concerns of English Heritage regarding environmental damage to this historic site: All AGREED
4.3 16/00760/OUT Land NW of the Hawthorns Queens Head Ryan Stockbridge two new dwellings.
WFPC strongly OBJECTS to this proposal since these are new private houses in Open Countryside which would have unacceptable impacts upon neighbours and create additional traffic problems at this location as stated in Minute 145-4.5 dated 13 May 2014 when a previous plan on this site was refused. All AGREED
5.1 Burial Ground Reports
a. Memorial Wall The Clerk said that the new plaque has been installed and it all now looks good. NOTED
b. Composting Unit The Clerk reported that this scheme is now going ahead at a cost of £100. All AGREED
c. Remedial Tree Work The Clerk said he has made an order to Ed Lewis costing £825+VAT. All AGREED
5.2 Queen's 90th Birthday Planned West Felton Street Party: any WFPC involvement: From Cllr Pat Mabe
Pat reported that NO volunteers had responded to the article in the Parish Magazine so Cllr Roger Hampson asked if WFPC might be interested in joining in sending a scroll to the Queen instead: ONGOING to 164
5.3 West Felton Playing Field Register the field as an "Asset of Community Value" ?? From Cllr Pat Mabe
a. WFPC feels that the field clearly fulfils the criteria of being beneficial to the social well being of the Parish so the Clerk will first make informal initial enquiries to SC then report back to Meeting 164: ONGOING
b. Chair undertook to send a REMINDER to the trustees seeking a reply to his letter of 162-5.4: PENDING
MINUTES 163 Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 163 Continued Tuesday 8th MARCH 2016 Page 163 b
6.1 Finance Cashbook-16 line 49 and Bank Statement 261 at 25 Feb'16 = £38,163.29 VERIFIED by members
6.2a Vacancy for a Parish Councillor The Clerk tabled an email dated today Tuesday 8th March 2016 from Rachelle Lloyd Jones of The Croft Farm Queens Head stating that she wished to apply for this vacancy.
b. In reply to queries from members Rachelle explained that she was very keen to bring the concerns and the aspirations of the Queens Head residents to the attention of WFPC and also to serve the parish as a whole.
c. Rachelle left the room while members discussed her application and soon decided to co-opt her onto WFPC with immediate effect. The Chairman warmly welcomed Rachelle onto the Parish Council. All AGREED
d. The Clerk handed Cllr Rachelle Lloyd Jones a copy of WFPC's Code of Conduct plus Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms which she duly completed and signed. NOTED
6.3 P&W company name change to Maintenance Contractors (Oswestry) Ltd: The Clerk was instructed to email MCO and Bibby Factors Northwest Ltd seeking a full clarification of MCO's letter of 11 Feb 2016.
It was acknowledged that work listed in 7.5 and 7.8 below had been satisfactorily completed but in view of the uncertainties surrounding this contract WFPC decided to SUSPEND both payments and so Cheques 392 and 395 were disallowed and CANCELLED. If WFPC receives written confirmation from both MCO and Bibby that these invoices are fully lawful then these payments will be reviewed next month. PENDING
6.4 Appoint Internal Auditor-16 Bernie Townson was duly appointed on the same terms as last year at a cost of £200 for completing WFPC's Internal Audit-16 for this Financial Year-16. Bernie has agreed to complete his report in early April 2016 and that a brief summary of it can be published on our website. All AGREED
7. ACCOUNTS Meeting 163 Date: Tues 8 Mar 2016 END of Financial Year-16
The following accounts were PAID at this meeting but NOT Chqs 392+395 see 6.3 above ↑ All AGREED
Min / Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / £ CREDITS / £ DEBITS / BALANCE7.1 / 387 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.1 / Ian Hutchinson Clerk's net Pay: Jan+Feb+Mar'16 / PAY-16d / 0 / 936.00 / 37173.03
7.2 / 388 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.2 / HMRC Ian's tax PAYE-15d for Jan+Feb+Mar'16 / PAYE-16d / 0 / 234.00 / 36939.03
7.3 / 389 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.3 / Ian Hutchinson all Year-16 travel expenses claim / CLAIM-16 / 0 / 100.00 / 36839.03
7.4 / 390 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.4 / Ian Hutchinson all Year-16 office costs + admin / ADMIN-16 / 0 / 400.00 / 36439.03
7.5 / 392 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.5 / MCO Grass cutting 1/4 year: Oct+Nov+Dec 2015 / GRASS-16c / 0 / 621.24 / 35817.79
7.6 / 393 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.6 / Lewis Arborcare Ltd trees safety inspection+report / Ground-16d / 0 / 432.00 / 35400.05
7.7 / 394 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.7 / Jones+Hughes new title plaque for Memorial Wall / Ground-16e / 0 / 288.00 / 35112.05
7.8 / 395 / 08.03.16 / 163-7.8 / MCO Grass cutting 1/4 year: Jan+Feb+Mar 2016 / GRASS-16d / 0 / 621.24 / 34530.81
7.9 / 396 / 08.03.16 / 163.7.9 / Tedsmore Estate playing rent ½ year to 28.09.16 / PLAY-16d / 0 / 34.00 / 34496.81
8. EXTERNAL ITEMS None were raised from the emails the Clerk had forwarded to all members. NOTED
9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS plus any items for future agendas may be noted at the Chairman's discretion.
9.1 Any LATE Correspondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk:
a. The Clerk reported that he had purchased a new WFPC website westfeltonparish.co.uk from Peter White of The Web Orchard for a price of £468 that is made up of £240 for setting up plus £228 for one year's hosting.
b. The site is now live but still incomplete so members invited the Clerk to submit the invoice to Meeting 164.
9.2 Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:
a. Marian Hesketh and David Curtis reported briefly from the recent LJC Meeting which they had attended.
b. Kay Kynaston reported that her car had been damaged by a pothole at Queens Head: Clerk will email SC.
c. Roger Hampson read out from a Balfour's note on SAMDev which has some rather disturbing implications.
d. Pat Mabe mentioned Queens Head potholes and the state of the Mile-end roundabout: Clerk will email SC.
10. NEXT MEETING 164 to be held on Tuesday 12 April 2016 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall.
11. CLOSED SESSION Confidential Staffing Item: press and public were excluded by formal resolution:
11.1a The Clerk's Employment Contract-17 vs 3 making Ian responsible for all WFPC's clerical work including all FoIA requests plus DPA and SAR requests was APPROVED: 5 voting FOR, 1 against and 2 abstaining.
b. WFPC Records Management Policy Records-16 was updated by adding Para 21 making Ian the single point of contact for official emails to to be retained for 2/3 years. AGREED
c. RFA 0613037 the Clerk will respond as instructed by Cllr David Curtis's Motion 163-11.1c. RESOLVED
MEETING 163 CLOSED 10.00 pm Duration: 2½ hours.
Chairman's Signature Dated: 12 April 2016
Ian A. Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1697 words Draft-3 printed: 9 Mar'16
West Felton Parish Council Minute Book Ten Page 163 a