Wellington Town Council
Town MayorTown Clerk
Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBEKAREN ROPER
Civic Offices, Larkin Way
Tan Bank, Wellington
Telford TF1 1LX
Tel: 01952 567697
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the above named Committee to be held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Tuesday, 6th September 2016commencing at7.00pm.
Signed Town ClerkDated this 30th August 2016.
1. / Welcome - Chairman2. / Apologies for Absence
3. / Declarations of Interest
5. / To approve the minutes of the meeting of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd August2016
6. / To receive an update on the office move
7. / Matters Arising– Clerk to report
(a) ICT Project
(b) Anti-Social Behaviour Order
(c) Gasworks Bench
(d) Wrekin News
(e) Car Parking
8. / Finance
(i)To agree receipts for July2016
(ii)To agree payments for August2016
(iii)To agree payments to date for August 2016
(iv)To receive details of Petty Cash payments for August 2016
(v)To receive details of Receipts/Payments compared with budget as at 30th July 2016.
(vi)Bank Account Update – To receive a report from the Clerk
9. / To receive a verbal report and make recommendations to Full Council from the Personnel Committee
10. / PCSO - To receive a report from the Chairman and make recommendations to Full
11. / Parish Environmental Team – update from the Chairman
(a) Gum removal and bus station upgrade
12. / Bowring – To receive a report from the Clerk
13. / Project Board – To receive a report from the Chairman
14. / To receive urgent matters for information only.
15. / To agree date and time of next meeting – Tuesday4th October2016 at 7.00pm.