Do make everyone aware of the Association’s child protection procedures - young people, parents/carers, Young Leaders and other helpers
Do remember this code even in sensitive moments e.g. when responding to bullying, bereavement or abuse
Do keep other leaders informed of where you are and what you are doing
Do remember that someone else might misinterpret your actions, no matter how well- intentioned
Dotake any allegations or concerns of abuse seriously and refer immediately

Adults, please also refer to HQ factsheet ‘Promoting good Sexual Health within Scouting’ FS950000



Smoking by anyone should not be tolerated in the following situations:

• In the proximity of food or in food consumption or preparation areas.

• In ‘programme areas’ during programme sessions.

• In multi-occupied sleeping areas.

• In any situation where it is considered an unacceptable safety or fire risk.

• In the proximity of young people.

  • Each sub-camp will provide a designated smoking Area. Well away from canvas and food.
  • Non-smokers and younger members are not allowed in these areas. It is important that no leader smokes around young people. Not only does smoking around young people subject them to passive smoking, but it also increases the fire risk.
  • As a Leader it is unacceptable to allow young people to smoke while in your care.
  • Don’t offer cigarettes to young people.
  • All young people and adults at the event should be aware of the standards expected of them


Adult Code of Behaviour - A Duty of Care –

As an Adult in Scouting you have a responsibility to ensure that young people and other adults are protected from harm. All adults in Scouting, including members of the Scout Network who wish to work with young people must accept and understand these policies, and those contained in POR.

Everyone, be they a young person or an adult, has a responsibility to behave in such a way as to not endanger themselves or others or spoil Scouting for all. Please ensure that these policies are understood and respectfully enforced.

Thank you

Shaun Dale

County Commissioner


Serious misbehaviour associated with, or apparently arising from, the provision or consumption of alcohol, such as fighting, destruction of property, spiking of drinks, will not be tolerated, and will result in those concerned being sent home/asked to leave Scouting.


  • Under no circumstances should anyone under the age of 18 be allowed to consume alcohol during Scouting events.
  • When responsible for young people, adults should not consume alcohol.
  • During ‘off duty’ periods, adults in Scouting also need to take into account the effects alcohol can have and how it may affect their fitness to fulfil their Scouting duties, including the following day.
  • The consumption of alcohol by adults is permitted, provided that they are off duty and that at any one time at least two adults per Scout Group do not consume alcohol.
  • Adults responsible for Explorer Units should also follow this measure.
  • Any adults who do consume alcohol should not interact with young people and should be ‘off duty’.
  • Adults should not consume alcohol in the presence of under 18 year olds.
  • Adults who do consume alcohol should behave in a responsible manner atall times.
  • All members of the Scout Network and Scout Fellowship are expected to follow the same guidance as for adult leaders.
  • All young people and adults at the event should be aware of the standards expected of them.



  • Do not touch or pick up anything suspicious.
  • Adults to quarantine area & contact the Leader in Charge.
  • Ammunition will be identified by a qualified person and removed.
  • Under no circumstances are live blank or spent rounds to be removed from the site.
  • All young people and adults at the event should be aware of the standards expected of them.

Failure to comply with these instructions will result in the sending home of persons involved.



  • The possession or use of any illegal substance will result in those concerned being sent home.
  • Misuse of substances which are themselves legal (e.g. glue, solvent, lighter fuel) will also result in those concerned being sent home.
  • Adults who confiscate an illegal or suspected illegal substance should contact the Police (through the Leader in Charge) for disposal.
  • Serious misbehaviour associated with, or apparently arising from, the use of drugs, such as fighting, destruction of property, will not be tolerated by the Leader in Charge and will result in those concerned being sent home/asked to leave Scouting.
  • All young people and adults at the event should be aware of the standards expected of them.
  • Those who knowingly or unknowingly break the law will be reported to the Police.



The Scout Association YOUNG PEOPLE FRST – Child Protection – A Code of Good Practice – will be followed at all times. Failure to comply with the code will result in,

  • The parent being notified of the incident.
  • If the law has been broken – the Police will be notified.
  • The Young Person/Adult may be asked to leave the site.

Do put this code into practice at all times / Do NOT trivialise abuse
Do treat everyone with dignity and respect / Do NOT form a relationship with a young person that is an abuse of trust
Do set an example you wish others to follow / Do NOT permit abusive peer activities (eg initiation ceremonies, bullying)
Do treat all young people equally – show no favouritism / Do NOT engage in inappropriate behaviour or contact – physical, verbal, sexual
Do plan activities that involve more than one other person being present, or at least which are within sight and hearing of others / Do NOT play physical contact games with young people
Do follow recommended adult/young people ratios for meetings and activities / Do NOT make suggestive remarks or threats to a young person, even in fun
Do respect a young person's right to personal privacy / Do NOT use inappropriate languages – writing, phoning, email or internet
Do avoid unacceptable situations within a relationship of trust (e.g. a sexual relationship with a youth member over the age of consent) / Do NOT let allegations, suspicions or concerns about abuse go unreported
Do have separate sleeping accommodation for young people, adults and Young Leaders working with a younger section / Do NOT just rely on your good name to protect you
Do allow young people to talk about any concerns they may have
Do encourage others to challenge any attitudes or behaviours they do not like
Do avoid being drawn into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour e.g. tantrums or crushes
Do ensure a no alcohol policy when young people are in your care – adults and young people cont…..