A new Etiquette, Personal Development,
and Cultural Arts
Signature Series from Club Etiquette.
How will this benefit my child?
Our mission is simply to help your child be her best by giving her tools in social development, poise, confidence,character and leadership skills. We believe that "knowledge is power" and "practice makes perfect". Give her an edge by participating in one or more of our many fun, interactive, and creative workshops, seminars, and field trips.
Help her develop a consistent method of dealing with difficult social situations, a sense of pride in self, school, and community, become more a more productive member of society and her community. Encourages her to be a harmonious and contributing member of her family.
Add culture and knowledge of the arts. Open the door for your child to be a distinguished by her confidence in handling a number of social situations with ease.
Join the many other troops who have discovered this local treasure, by booking a class for your troop today!
"Develop valuable characteristics for a
lifetime of social graces."
' 281.589.KIDS (5437) FAX: 281.589.7223
Mailing address: Club Etiquette, 14351 Chadbourne Drive, Houston, TX 77079
What classes are offered in the from Alarming to Charming! Signature Class, Workshop and Field Trip Series?
JDAISY'S1. Mastering Table Manners
2. Common Courtesies
3. Mommy Can I Spend the Night? Guest/Host/Sleepover
4. Time for Tea! Tea Party Manners Plus
5. Party Presence-Guest/Host Do's & Taboos
5. Custom Classes…. We have lots of fun ideas! / JBROWNIES
1. Manners Try-It
2. Mastering Table Manners
3. Time for Tea! Tea Party Manners Plus
4. Party Presence-Guest/Host Do's & Taboos
5. Many Bridger Classes
6. Custom Classes… We have lots of fun ideas!
1. Stress Less
2. Mastering Table Manners
3. Uncommon Courtesies
4. Beauty and Beyond! Mega Seminar New!
5. Ladies First—Poise & Grace
6. Out on the Town! New!
7. Time for Tea! Tea Party Manners Plus
8. Fashion Emergency…Fashion Do's and Taboos
9. Picture Perfect You! Mini-Seminar Back by popular demand!
10. Beginning Couple's Dancing
11. Custom Classes… We have lots of fun ideas! / JSENIOR CADETTES
1. Stress To SuccessMastering Table Manners
2. Beauty and Beyond! Mega Seminar New!
3. Time for Tea! Tea Party Manners Plus
4. Fashion Emergency…Fashion Do's and Taboos
1. Out on the Town! New!
2. Picture Perfect You! Mini-Seminar Back by popular demand!
3. Ladies First—Poise & Grace
4. 6. Custom Classes… We have lots of fun ideas!
What is included?
Professional and fun instruction by the Club Etiquette staff has made many lifetime memories. Handouts, giveaways, and a few laughs are included in most sessions. Most workshops last one hour and fifteen minutes. Field Trips, Seminars, and Mini-Seminars vary in time. An optional elegant Sterling Silver Add-a-Charm will be awarded to each girl to add to her Alarming to Charming Bracelet. Patches for Brownies Manners Try-It, Stress Less, and Stress to Success can be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop, or online.
What is covered in each class? "Learn while you earn--most count toward activities"
Beauty and Beyond Mega-Seminars ______New! #601BB-S
Four seminars in one. This all day mega-seminar is popular with out of town troops who would like to accomplish a lot in one day, rather than travel for four different seminars, as well as with area troops who are "accomplishment driven" and who would like to save money in the long run. A day of fun and luxury, you will feel the lights before the camera as you pose for four fashion shoots after a hair and fashion makeover. Learn stress-relieving techniques as well. Top the day off as you dine elegantly while you learn more than many adults know about dining etiquette, conversational skills, and more. A couple of weeks later, view your photos and learn about nutrition and skin care
Beginning Couple's Dancing -- #401BCD-S
2 Sessions of fun and incredible memories!
SESSION 1 Workshop, SESSION 2 Dance Social--Girls & Boys
Build skills and confidence for years to come. Do you enjoy meeting new people? Do you sometimes feel awkward on the dance floor? Join your friends for this fun and fast paced dance lesson to popular tunes of today and yesterday. A fun two class workshop to learn beginning couple's dancing, poise, posture, etiquette on the dance floor, and ending with a fun dance social and contest to practice newfound skills. We are looking for an approximate equal amount of girls and guys and will group you at the same basic age level. This is a popular class that prepares individuals for proms, school dances, and beyond.. We’ll have a dance contest at the end with special awards.
Class sizes are limited. Chaperones appreciated.
MINIMUM/MAXIMUM: 30/60 (Including gentlemen) DRESS: Call for dress codes FEE: $45 per person includes professional etiquette and dance instruction, hand outs, fun, prizes for dance contest, and award(s).
Common Courtesies Workshop #301CC-WS
Uncommon Courtesies Workshop #302UC-WS
Age appropriate workshop on daily courtesies at home, school, and beyond which will make life a little smoother. From magic words to friendship issues, this fun and interactive class will help each girl polish their social skills for years to come, and put them well on the road to becoming the best that they can be.
Fashion Emergency…Fashion Do's and Taboos-- Workshop #603FE-WS
Typically held at your troop meeting this fun and interactive course calls for the girls to do a little informal modeling while the rest of the troop tests their skills regarding appropriate vs. inappropriate dressing for certain occasion. The girls have fun learning posture, the "model's runway walk", as well as seating and other tricks to being their best. This is popular with the girls and their moms
Ladies First—Poise and Grace for Girls, Workshop #602LF-WS
Discover conversation do's and taboos. Learn tricks that encourage the opposite gender to be a gentleman. Learn model secrets for walking, standing, posture, and much more! Discussions on dress and skin care. Set goals for being the best you! Explore how to overcome difficult situations. You may book this at one of your individual troop meetings. Where tv/vcrs are available, movie excerpts of social faux pas will be shown.
Leaders select age appropriate topics.
DRESS: Comfortable dressy, or your Uniform
Manners Try-It Patch-- Brownies Workshop #701MTI GSB-WS
Includes introductions, greetings, conversation skills, phone manners, dining etiquette bingo, home-helpers, and respect for self and others. The patch is available at the Scout store. About 50% of the Brownie Troops will follow this class up with the Mastering Table Manners Field Trip to reinforce and refine
Mastering Table Manners--Field Trip #101MTM-FT
Learn the finer points of dining manners during an elegant three-course meal at some of our city’s finest casual and formal dining rooms. Professional instruction by Mrs. GiGi Lewis &/or staff, materials, an elegant three course luncheon,. Introductions, greetings, handshakes, conversational skills, seating and being seated and formal dining manners instruction including and at least 50 points of dining etiquette, gratuity and room use are inclusive. You’ll definitely walk away knowing more than you did during this fast moving and memorable class!
Mommy Can I Spend the Night? Avoiding Monster Manners-Workshop #201MSN-WS
Introductions, greetings, do's and taboos on sleepovers, birthday parties, and play dates. Proper dress, do's and don'ts when having guests over, and being a guest at someone else's home. Telephone manners and a craft are included in this fun and hands on course.
Out on the Town! --Field Trip New! ______#501OTT-FT
Develop your cultural side by joining our groups for field trips at area theater, museums, and events. From experimenting with eating with chopsticks to knowing theater do's and taboos, learn from actual guided experience. Learn proper dress, customs, behaviors etiquette specifically for the event, and sometimes get a guided tour of the place before or after the event. DRESS: Comfortable dressy, or your Uniform
Party Presence! Guest Host Manners--Workshop #202PP-WS
Guest/host manners are the order of the day for this fun and interactive workshop. The basics of social expectations and skills when having others over, or attending as someone’s guest. What’s you introduction i.q.? What do you do when your guest arrives at the door? What do I do with my plate when I’m finished? What is an r.s.v.p.? When am I required to write a thank you note? Once you learn, you know for life .
Picture Perfect You! Mini-Seminar Field Trip #604PPU-FT
Back by Popular Demand
A half-day of knowledge often held at Neiman Marcus. Includes fashion tips, skin care tips including a make-over, and an elegant three-course luncheon, which includes lessons on at least 50 points of dining etiquette. It's not rocket science, but those in the know will definitely have an edge for all social and job interview functions.
Stress Less -- Junior On the Go-- Workshop #702SL-GSJ-WS
includes relieving stress, time management, and values of journaling. The Activities included are Activity #1 Personal Stress Kit; Activity #7 Pass It On, Activity #9 One at a Time; Activity #3 My Feelings Diary; Activity #__ Elevator Breathing. Leaders have attributed this class to grade improvement. See the Houston Chronicle article in our website.
Stress To Success-- Senior Cadette Int. Badge Workshop #703STS-GSS-WS
This fun and interactive class includes stress-relieving techniques for a lifetime. Knowledge is power! Includes Skill Builder #2; Technology #3; Technology #2; Skill Builder #3 & Yoga Exercise, as well as unexpected smiles.
Time for Tea! Tea Party Manners Plus
· Workshop #102TFT-WS
Conducted at your troop meeting, we teach the girls the art of putting together a tea party, as well a variety of hands on role-play regarding guest host manners at a tea.
· Shortcourse #102TFT-SC
4 week course teaching social skills for guests and hostesses, the anatomy of a tea party, and ends with a special mother daughter tea given by the girls. It is taught through arts and crafts, role play, and home exercises. It is a sure winner with the moms and daughters. The cost includes 4 lessons, all arts and crafts materials, all training handouts, and the beautiful optional sterling silver award. Each girl will provide something for the final tea.
· Field Trip #102TFT-FT
Relax and enjoy this rare and special time with each other in a beautiful setting as Mrs. GiGi Lewis and/or staff shares glimpses on the history of teas, how they can add to your life beginning today, and presents instruction on guest/host etiquette for a tea. Each participant will savor the surroundings as well as the gourmet presentation of traditional High Tea fare in a variety of area known and hidden tearooms. DRESS: Comfortable dressy, or your Uniform
For all age groups our Web site, or The Golden Link.
What does it cost?
Club Etiquette group lessons are generally priced as follows with the exception of a few variations :
12-19 students $15 per student / 50-99 students $ 7 per student20-49 students $10 per student / 100+ students $ 5 per student
Some groups combine meetings to save money. The prices include materials and training. Awards
are separate. Twice a year we offer Stress Less Workshops at the San Jacinto Girl Scout Center.
How can we begin this exciting series?
Ø 1. Complete and mail registration form here on online.or/
Ø 2. Call for information regarding enrolling your group or child .
Ø 3. “J” You may book most classes during some of your scheduled group meetings.
Ø 4. Check our website or give us a call as classes form daily. You can sometimes join other groups, or join classes that are pre-scheduled by Club Etiquette.
Ø 5. See The Golden Link, & The KIDS DIRECTORY.
How do we pay?
Payment is always in advance, and is first come, first serve. A check or money order may be issued from the individual troop. You will receive a confirmation from the office of Club Etiquette soon after your group had paid.
What will my child be awarded? Add (a) Charm to Her Life!
Besides the obvious intangible benefits, each child will optionally receive an elegant Sterling Silver Charm to add to her Alarming to Charming Bracelet for each Alarming to Charming Class she attends in the Series. The charm is included in each class with an additional charge. Bracelets may be purchased separately. Patches for Brownies Manners, Stress Less, and Stress to Success may be purchased from your nearest Girl Scout Store or website.
About the founder:
“GiGi” Lewis, the Founding Director of Club Etiquette,
a Girl Scout member, is a mother, wife, active
community volunteer, world traveler, lecturer,
educator, & has actively been developing & refining
the Club Etiquette method and curriculum since 1995
Our principals, students, & parents say the nicest things:
“Club Etiquette gives our student first hand knowledge on how to treat each other and how to act at a formal or semiformal gathering.
"It is a great program that all of our 6th graders love!” 1st Baptist Academy, Todd Prince, M.S. School Principal
“Mrs. Lewis’ classes are fun. The children love her creative and interactive style. They don’t even realize they are learning.” Christ Memorial Lutheran Mrs. Alice Johnson, Director
“How did you do it? After the two hour field trip to Planet Hollywood, my daughter was showing us the correct ways to use a napkin.” Father of a Brownie at Memorial Drive United Methodist
“Mom, is Chris (a counselor) going to be there next year? Can I do this again next year!"
Eila, Summer Student, Camp Etiquette at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church
Ask about our For Gentlemen Only, Adult, Corporate, Private Lessons,
and Summer Camps. We also do Birthday Parties!
Call 281-589-5437
Manners Try It, Stress Less & Stress to Success
“Help your child develop valuable characteristics
for a lifetime of social graces.”
Check below & complete form. One registration form per session please: