In aid of
Cancer Ward 32
Derrick has the same cancer as the famous Welsh International football star John Hartson who played for West Ham; Arsenal & Celtic to name a few clubs. Although doctors have told John Hartson that his cancer is ‘almost undetectable’ unfortunately Derrick has not had such encouraging news. Although gruelling treatments are keeping Derricks cancer at bay; he knows he is terminally ill. Like the famous footballer his family are driving him on not only to keep fighting the cancer but also to fundraise to help other cancer patient spend more time with their families. Derrick says his family gives him strength and all he wants to do is be at home with his wife Lesley and 3 year old daughter Anna; ‘Anna is the best medicine I could possibly have’ said Derrick. He tries every morning to get up and make Anna’s breakfast; no matter how bad a night he has had or how ill he may be feeling. She is a right daddy’s girl; always running to him for help or to play; even snuggling up together to watch a DVD or read a book. To hear them both laugh together is wonderful and an inspiration to us all; that life is worth living. Derrick realises that he could not live at home without the care and support from Macmillan Nurses; or a special syringe driver machine which allows him to receive pain-relieving drugs as an outpatient at NinewellsHospital. He keeps this in a money pouch round his waist and this equipment makes the world of a difference to Derrick as it allows him to stay at home. Like everything nowadays Ward 32 does not have as many of these syringe drivers as they require; hence the reason for this quality pigeon sale; all monies raised after expenses (advert) will be going to the Ninewells Hospital. Derrick said ‘We want to help as many people like me as we can to allow them as much precious time with their families’ This young man and his family are an inspiration to all of us; and I would ask the pigeon fancy to support us in this worthy cause; many of us know (or have known) someone with this dreaded disease; so PLEASE HELP. You are also getting a quality pigeon into the bargain so dig deep and support the cause.
Joe Murphy
Closing Bid on all Pigeons 9pm - WEDNSDAY 15th SEPTEMBER 2010
Telephone 01241-870093 or
Mobile Numbers; 07800534336 – 07710503390 -07837011189
Give your name; telephone number and lot number your bid;
Successful fanciers will be notified at end of sale
Lot 1 fromDave Baldie & son of St Andrews;
Father in Law of Derrick and one of Fife Federations top fancier presents;
Young bird 2011;
Sire winner of 3 SNFC diplomas; 214 Leicester; 121 Eastbourne & 133 Newbury;
Dam 13th open SNFC Leicester; flown Eastbourne 2010; sister won 38 Eastbourne; 311 Newbury; 86thAlencon & 77th Falaise. Another sister won 1st federation 11th region C 64th open SNFC Cheltenham.
Starting bid; £40
Lot2; from Andy Millerof Edinburgh
Winner of 50 SNFC Diplomas in past 3 years; top fancier who wins from the 1st race to the last; Andy has donated from his 5 times SNFC winner to this cause.
Sire; Red Aspect, winner of 12th open Reims; 104th open Bovingdon; 99th open Eastbourne; 320th open Newbury and 331st open Newbury all SNFC.
Dam is a widowhood hen only raced as a youngster, she is a daughter of Ace Staff Van Reet breeders "Van Allen & Sammy" sire & dam of countless 1stprize winners.
Starting bid; £40
Lot3; from Andy Miller of Edinburgh
Other donation will compliment the above.
Starting bid; £40
Lot4from Tom & Scott McEwenof Elphinstone;
Triple SNFC winner with a record second to none in Scotland; a very well established family of pigeons and the purchaser will not be disappointed with a 2011 youngster direct from the stock loft
Starting bid; £40
Lot5; from Dennis Anderson of Annan;
SNFC best average winner past 2 years with outstanding results and SNFC winner with the only bird into Scotland on the day; top Jan Aarden’s also twice winner of the Fanciers of the Year award in 2008 & 2009 plus
On holiday at the moment of my request but has promised something very special for this sale; don’t miss out.
Starting bid; £40
Lot6; E R Jamieson & J Hardie of Galashiels;
Winners of Joe Murphy Fancier of the Year Award 2010;
Sire is 07 bred direct from Noble Lad1stBritish section Pau International5thBICC Dax; dam of 07 is ‘True Grit’ winner of 4thBICC Barcelona299thSanSebastian
Dam of Lot 13; 08 bred direct from Crack-Nut; 1stBICC Barcelona dam of 08 hen Van Wanroy
Starting bid; £40
Lot7; E R Jamieson & J Hardie of Galashiels
Winners of Joe Murphy Fancier of the Year Award 2010;
Sire 08 bred winner of 57th open SNFC Reims69th open SNFC Clermont 2010 from stock loft.
Dam of Lot 14 winner of 119th open SNFC Alencon again from stock loft
Starting bid; £40
Lot8; D & L Hay of Kirkintilloch
Top distance partnership from West of Scotland; outstanding family cultivated from the very best winning lines.
Hi Joe, young bird will be direct from my very best Jock Allan crossed Jim Hannahlines with bothparents proven stock birds.
SireM55-is a double grand son of Blue Girl1stwest section 2nd open SNFCSartilly(by over an hour); this cock is steeped in the very best of Jim Hannah’s distance champions.
Dam Myra -is bredspecially for stock from my No1 Jock Allan hen and J &JHoods No1 Jock Allan cock. Both pigeons are responsible for numerous birds to win at SNFC level; my 17th section E SNFC Claremont2010 flying 531 miles, direct from this pair; these birds never show any fatigue and can fly 500/ 600 miles for fun.
Starting bid; £60
Lot9; Ian Gillof Kells Northern Ireland
Winner of the Barcelona One loft race 2010; Ian has spared no expense in purchasing top pigeons for his stock lofts.
Sire is a son of N Black & Son Dromore 1st open Kings Cup winner
Dam of Lot 9; is mother of 13th open St Malo winner; her dam won 7th open Kings Cup; while her grand mother is an INFC Hall of Fame Winner; cannot give better.
Starting bid; £40
Lot10; from Ian Gillof Kells Northern Ireland
Winner of the Barcelona One loft race 2010 see lot 9 for more details
Sire a son of Leslie Woodside’s 4 times France diploma winner; has bred a 3rd open St Malo winner.
Dam is a full sister to Barcelona One Loft Race winner; bloodlines are; from Norman Black & son 1st & 2nd INFC winner; while the dam is a red hen who won the Irish Derby; ‘Quality bred pigeon’.
Starting bid; £40
Lot 11;John Harwood Milton of Campsie
Small loft with the big performances; has recorded an exceptional last 3 years in SNFC racing; winning 3 x 1st; 2nd 4th & 5th region from Newbury; Falaise & Alencon.
Sire is stock cock direct from J & J Hood number One stock birds direct from the late great Jock Allan of Symington.
Dam Lot 11; sire from Jock Allan Pride of Alton 1st west section 15th open SNFC Alencon crossed George & Gareth Rankin of Larkhall from 4 x times SNFC diploma winner. Dam of stock hen won 1st section F 124th open SNFC Alencon 2009.
Starting bid; £40
Lot12; Willie & Barry Kinnear of Edinburgh;
Winners of 2 x 1st SNFC opens; 3 x 2nd opens; 1 x 5th open all in Channel racing; also Silver and Gold Award winners in the SNFC; as well as SHU Dewar Trophy winner for the best pigeon in Scotland 4 TIMES.
Sire is Another Reekie; winner of 1st section B 4th open SNFC Reims 2010; sire is a direct son of Auld Reekie winner of 1st 2nd 11th & 24th open SNFC races; while his dam is bred from a son of Poppy winner of 2nd 5th 52nd & 99th open SNFC.
Dam of Lot 12; is a stock hen direct daughter of Auld Reekie
Starting bid; £100
Lot 13; Kevin J Murphy of Arbroath;
Kevin is a personal friend of Derrick and has kindly donated one direct from his 2010 SNFC Silver Award winning cock Rocket.
Sire; Rocket winner of 48thsection C304thopen Newbury 4,501 birds; 419thopen Eastbourne 4,243 birds; 94thopen Ypres 1,243 birds; 12thsection C 59thopen Falaise 1619 birds; 15thsection C106thopen Ypres 1790 birds; 36thsection C108thopen Clermont 1102 birds; he has won 6 times from 7 SNFC races and is only 2 years old. Rocket was bred by Willie Donachie and George Brown from Dundee; his sire bred by Lowik Brothers of Holland “Night flyer”direct son famous Dax Doffer foundation cock; won 1stDax VNCC, 1.153 km 716 miles; 64th National Bergerac40,061 birds.Dam of stock cock the ‘Bordeaux Hen’ 3rd National Bordeaux 4,748 birds, 98thNational Bergerac 22,183 birds, 183rdVNCC Brive 2,090 birds and 279th VNCC Brive 2,410 birds.Dam of Rocket bred by Ritchie and Whyte of Fraserburgh; sire bred 2ndnorth section 16thopen Tours 721 miles when paired to 7thnorth section 177thopen Falaise 614 miles. She is a ½ sister to Last Chance who flew the channel from Tours 721 miles as a 2 year old; then won 12thnorth section Alencon 645 miles; 1st north section (only bird in race time) 42ndopen Tours. Sire of Last Chance was High Hopes; 3rdnorth section Newbury; 6th north section Liege 570 miles; timed in on the day from Lille and flown the channel 3 other times.The sire of High Hopes was bred by Jim Biss containing Valance and Natrix bloodlines. The Dam of High Hopes was a grand daughter of Jubilee Express 7th open Nantes holding the record of the fastest velocity over 720 MILES timed ON THE DAY; of liberation. Jubilee Express is in turn a double grand daughter of Storm Queen 1stnorth section 2ndopen SNFC Nantes 727 miles in 1966.
Dam of Lot 13; is from a brother and sister pairing; from son and daughter of HIGH HOPES see details above. So you will see winning bloodlines from ½ a century ago still winning today;
Starting bid; £100
Lot14; bred by Dave Pirie of Aberdeen
SNFC winner from Andrezel 626 miles 2009;1st section Bovington; 3rd section Eastbourne; 2nd section Reims 605 miles; 1st section Bourges 720 miles (only bird in section and open result) 9th section Claremont 570 miles ALL IN 2010.
Top flier in North Section of Scotland this year without any doubt
Dave has promised something very special for this charity sale; it will be the same lines as the birds he is winning with in 2010; you will not be disappointed believe me.
Starting bid; £40
Lot 15; Mr & Mrs Little of Eastriggs
Double SNPRC Winner 1st open Cholet only bird on the day;1st open SNFC Falaise
I only have 2 young birds left in the nest, one for the SNFC and the other for this sale; this youngster is bred in the purple and is inbred to 2 of our Scottish national winning hens.
Sirestockson of super Van De Pol bred by Geoff Kirkland, has bred many top birds including Jake's Princess 1st open SNRPC Cholet 557 miles, only bird on the day. Dam stock cock is a Desmet Matthys / Alfons Bauwens full sister to Fiona's Girl
1st open SNFC Falaise 450 miles.
Dam of Lot 15; stockher 9102 her sire is our phenomenal Desmet Matthys cock bred by Geoff Kirkland, this cock's bloodline runs like a golden thread in our lofts, he is responsible for numerous winners for us and others, he is sire of Fiona's Girl 1st open SNFC Falaise 450 miles. Dam of 9102 is Jake's Princess winner of 1st open SNRPC Cholet; RPRA Award winner; 36th open SNRPC Newbury, she is closely related to our 1st section winner from SNFC Leicester 2000.
Starting bid; £40
Lot16; Mark Doran from Broxburn;
3 x 1st region D wins in 2009; SNFC Silver Award winner 2010; youngster direct from Nan’s Rose SNFC Silver Award winner 2010 & Young Chucky
Sire is Young Chucky winner of 4thsectionD and 26thopen SNFC Falaise;
Sire won; 11 section D 150th open SNFC Falaise; 6th section D 48th open SNFC Falaise; 7th section D 59th open SNRP Alencon; 12th section D 132nd open SNFC Newbury; 2nd section D 32nd open SNFC Alencon; 9th section D 104th open SNFC Falaise; Dam of Young Chucky sire won 1st club 8th federation Huntingdon; 1st club 2nd open Central Federation Maidstone; dam of 900 Sanny’s Memory 1stopen Scottish Central CombineBeauvais (only bird on the day for John McNeill of Broxburn) crossed Rab Hamilton of Cambus;
Dam of Lot 16; Nan’s Rose bred by Joe Murphy Thornton; she has previously won 8th region D 85th open Reims; 1st region D 22nd open Alencon & 10th region D 122nd open Falaise; now the winner of the coveted Silver Award in the SNFC.
Starting bid; £60
Lot 17; George Rankin & Son Gareth from Larkhall
One of the best west section lofts in Scotland; winner of 7 SNFC West section Averages awards; SNFC Gold Award etc; buyer can be assured of a quality young bird in 2011.
Starting bid; £40
Lot 18; Ian Downie of St Andrews;
Club mate of Dave Baldie and promised a youngster direct from his mealy cock
1st federation 1st region C 4th open SNFC Alencon 2008
Starting bid; £40
Lot 19;John Harcus St Andrew;
Topped the Fife Federation from Leicester & Maidstone on 2 consecutive years with 7pigeons in first 20open;
Starting bid; £40
Lot20; Brown & Donachie of Dundee
SU10DF 1294 red chequer:-especially bred for this great sale from two very special stock pigeons.
Sire bred by Dale Newcombe, direct son of two Gold Award winners.Sire is 'Kardale Style' 113th open Rennes; 26th open Sartilly; 84th open Sartilly; 15th open Liege; 55thopen Reims; also SNFC Gold Award and over £8800 in winnings.
Kardale Style sire is a son of 'Fortune Lady' 10 times SNFC winner and DOUBLE Gold Award winner; when mated to full sister of'Lothian Lass' 7times SNFC winner and Gold Award winner.Dam of Newcombe stock cock is 'Kardale Regatta' 6th; 126th211th154th open Rennes; 67th open Sartilly31st open Nantes; also Gold Award winner plus £4600 winnings. Kardale Regatta is bred from a full brother to 'Lothian Lass' (see above) when paired to a direct daughter of 1st open SNFC Sartilly.
Dam Lot 20; (1294) is 5348 bred by Ritchie & Whyte, Fraserburgh, 7th north section, 171st open Falaise 614 miles, she is ½ sister to 'Last Chance' 1st north section, 42ndopen Tours 721 miles in 2008. Both ace hens bred direct from super stock cock 'High Hopes' (see Lot 13 above for performances). Dam of '5348' is top stock hen 6249 adirect daughter of 3918 and 7608 winner of 3rd north section, 126th open Rennes; 4th north section Rennes. 7608 is dam of 3rd north section, 70th open Liege; 1st north section, 6th open Chenoise and grand dam of 'Margaret' 1st north section, 5th open Lille; 1st north section, 34th open Chenoise.It is only fair to mention that a direct daughter of 5348 is the dam of Kevin Murphy's 'Rocket' see Lot 13 above.
Starting bid; £60
Lot21;Johnson Lilleby of Barrow in Furness Cumbria
Winners of 8 x 1st Cumbria Combine races in last 3 years from 350 to 450 miles; on 3 occasions taking 1st; 2nd & 3rd; also 3 x 2nd ; Combine Channel Average winner past 3 years. In North West Grand National F.C. since 2004 have won Old Bird averages in Section A every year bar this year(missed a race)
Sire ‘40 Cock’ from Old Janssen lines; he is winner of 3 x 1st combine from France; winner from 120 to 500 miles; flown English Channel 25 – 30 times; also 1st Cumbria region Centenary race from Fougeres in 2005; 4 x 1st section A in NWGN; won his 3rd Gold Award in Cumbria Combine (5 positions in first 30 on result from Channel) no other pigeon has won more than one. Represented GB at Olympiad sporting team in Dortmund at 10 years old; he has always been a racer; however his daughter won 4th Combine Portsmouth (behind 2 loft mates; she then won 1st Combine Fougeres (full sister to Lot 21); grand children have won 1st Combine Messac 09; 2nd Combine (dropped with winner) Lessay 09; 1st section A NWGN Falaise 09 & 2010.
See article on 40 Cock in BHW Stud Book 2006; page 120
Dam of Lot 21; 90 bred in 07; dam of 2 x 1st Combine winners from Fougeres (when mated to 40 Cock) and Messac (mated to son of 40 Cock). 90 is from Klak Number One cock; Jos Van Limpt direct and daughter of Marcel Buijsse’s brilliant Klak cock ‘Kleine Blauwe Klak’; 90 is sister to 2009 RPRA Middle distance award winner; 2 x 1st Combines from Lessay & Fougeres also 1st section A 15th open NWGN Falaise; 3rd combine Carentan.
Joe I cannot give you any better; good luck for the sale
Starting bid; £40
Lot 22;Johnson & Lillebyof Barrow in Furness Cumbria
See Lot 21 for more details on this winning partnership;
Sire is Dopey bred by Tony Johnston from his good hen 15 winner of 7 x 1st prizes; from old Janssen bloodlines via Ron Lilleby. Dam is 90 from 03; full sister to 90 from 07 (see Lot21 above). Dopey is sire of winners with different mates as is 90; Altogether they are responsible for 3 x 1st Combine; 3 x 1st NWGN section A winners; including 6th 7th & 8th open; one son 14 in 2010 won; 1st combine Carentan 1; 6th Combine Carentan 2; 2nd Combine Fougeres & 1st Furness federation Niort 552 miles; another son 21 won 2 x 1st ; 2nd & 3rd Combine; 1st ; 2 x 2nd section A NWGN beaten only by loft mates; all race from over the channel. Qualifies for Olympiad 2011; A daughter ‘Goldie Locks’ won 2nd Combine Lessay 2009 beaten by a yard; she also won 1st section A NWGN Falaise while her nest mate White Flight has won 2 x 1st section A NWGN.
If it is winning bloodlines you are after then you will not get any better than this don’t miss out;
Starting bid; £40
Lot23;Austin Whittaker of Methil
SNFC 2010 winner has kindly donated a pigeon from his very best; this man’s record in SNFC races these past few years is nothing short of ‘phenomenal’.
Sire was purchased from Eddie Wright and is a son of Mr Gallant 1st section Pau 718 miles; 62nd open NFC 1st open NE 700 mile club; RP Award winner. Dam of sire is full sister to Snydale Prince 2nd section 8th open NFC Tarbes 700 plus miles.
Dam of Lot 23; is direct Machiel Buijk from Holland Jan Aarden based; sire is Kleine Bruinoger from Vlekje & Dolle base. Dam daughter of Favoriet Dolle & Miss Dolle
Starting bid; £40
Lot24; John McNeill of Broxburn
2nd open SNFC Reims 2010; another house hold name in Scotland and a record second to none; winner of the D region numerous times; also Scottish Central Combine winner; top fancier with top pigeons.
Sire won 2nd Combine 2nd region D 16th open SNFC Ypres; his sire is a son of Sanny’s Memory 1st open Combine Beauvais (only bird on the day) while his dam won 1st open Combine Brussels
Dam Lot 24; is from Sanny’s Memory crossed Eagleson Busschaert
Starting bid; £40
Lot 25;Roy Fielding Taylor from Frampton on Severn
This fancier has kindly donated a pair of pigeons to the cause