Fifth Reformed Church of Muskegon

Board of Elder’s Meeting Agenda

JANUARY 5, 2015 - 6:00 PM

(Note earlier time for our discussion with John – see item 2)

1.  Call to order, devotions, and opening prayer: Pastor Paul

2.  Discussion with John Davidson re: Dec. 23 special meeting decisions

3.  Approval of minutes of Dec. 15 and Dec. 23, 2014 Special Elders meetings (enclosed)

4.  Communications to the Board: (letters or notes received, if any)

5.  Reception of New Members and Membership change requests:

a.  Professions of Faith: (none known)

b.  Reaffirmations of Faith: (none known)

c.  Transfers In: (none known)

d.  Removals from the roll:

e.  Other Changes (e.g. deaths, re-instatements, make permanent inactive, etc.):

6.  Baptism requests: (none known)

7.  Requested prayers for healing/anointing with oil: (none known)

8.  Communion: Next celebration is February 1, 2015

a.  Asking of the Constitutional Question: Required this month

Are we aware of any in this fellowship who may be coming to the Lord’s Table who are continuing to live in unrepented sin, and need to be admonished to repent or be reconciled to God or others before partaking?

b.  Scheduled servers and preparation/clean-up: per schedule (handout)

c.  Shut-in communion servers for Feb. visits: ______(Feb. 3); ______(Feb. 5)

9.  Discussion of inactive members, pending and potential discipline cases, and other members of concern or congregational care needs:

a.  Follow-up on membership review actions – letters, visits, calls, etc.

b.  Care for our shut-ins, the hospitalized, and other ill persons

c.  Other individuals/families of concern

10.  Upcoming Worship information:

a.  Upcoming Pulpit Supply needs:

1)  February 22 – for 2015 Professional Development leave

2)  March 8 – for Classis Pulpit Appointment (at Ferry Memorial, Montague)

b.  Moment-4-Mission Report schedule – (to be announced)

11.  Old & New Business:

a.  Appointment of new Elder to replace Jerry will be done at Consistory mtg.

b.  Other items of business?

12.  Adjournment and closing prayer

Next Regular Elder Board Meeting: Monday, February 2, 2015 - 6:30 PM