The Meeting commenced at 4:00pm and concluded at 6:15pm.
Councillor Representative
Councillor Wilson – Elected Member (Chairman)
Governing Body Representative
George Sanger
User Representatives
John Long
Deborah Wheatley
Also in Attendance
Andy Reed – Assistant Leisure Centre Manager, Rossmore Leisure Centre (on behalf of SLM)
Anthony Rogers – Recreational Manager, Leisure Services
Lisa Gardner – Clerk, Legal & Democratic Services
Members of the public present: 0
The Chairman confirmed that neither this meeting or the last meeting of the CUMC had a sufficient quorum and advised that the actions agreed at both meetings needed to be ratified at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.
That the Actions agreed at the Rossmore CUMC meetings held on (i) Monday, 12th March 2007 and (ii) Monday, 25th June 2007 be ratified at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.
That Councillor Graham Wilson be elected Chairman of the Rossmore CUMC for the ensuing Municipal Year.
That John Long (User Representative) be elected Vice-Chairman of the Rossmore CUMC for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Apologies for absence were received from Tim Gomm (Governor Representative), Councillor Mrs Lavender, George Sanger (Governor Representative), Councillor Montrose, Councillor Trent, Nicky Dutton (Director of Sport, Rossmore Community College), Sally Apps (Headteacher), Clive Smith (Head of Leisure Services), Stuart Twiss (Children and Young People’s Strategy Quality and Improvement Service) and Linda Daly (Manager of the Cuddles Nursery).
That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 12th March 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendments:-
(Page 7, Paragraph 5) (amend to) : Group Customer Services Manager “for their perusal”;
(Page 7, Paragraph 6) (delete) : “Regular colleague training”;
(Page 9, Paragraph 2) (amend to) : Date and time of next Meeting “Monday, 25th June 2007”.
Canteen cleaning
Members confirmed that they were satisfied with the present arrangements for cleaning the canteen which was undertaken by the School during weekdays and the Leisure Centre at weekends.
George Sanger advised that the canteen doors were in need of repair and Andy Reed undertook to make the relevant arrangements -
(i)That the arrangements for cleaning the canteen be noted; and
(ii)That George Sanger contacts Andy Reed with regard to repairing the canteen doors.
OLGA Branding
Members were advised that SLM had adopted a generic brand of “Everyone Active” and was not intending to include the OLGA logo on corporate stationery at the present time, as it was SLM policy not to include any branding other than its own. Consideration would, however, be given to including OLGA signage in the Leisure Centre foyer and on promotional posters/banners.
The Chairman noted that prior to the exchange of contracts between SLM and the Borough of Poole, it had been agreed that use of the OLGA logo would be of great value from a marketing perspective and the CUMC requested that further consideration be given to this matter -
(i)That Andy Reed discusses with Clive Smith the potential inclusion of the OLGA logo on SLM’s corporate stationery;
(ii)That use of the OLGA logo be considered at the next CUMC meeting.
Skate Park
Members considered the arrangements for litter collection on the Skate Park and noted the following:-
(i)One of the two bins purchased by Leisure Services through Planning Obligations Funding had been removed and a replacement bin was to be sought;
(ii)The emptying of litter bins and litter picking were undertaken separately at different times;
(iii)Clarification was required on responsibility for cleaning (i) the Skate Park and (ii) the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and inspecting the bins for safety.
That Anthony Rogers reports to the next meeting of the Rossmore CUMC with regard to responsibility for cleaning of the Skate Park and MUGA, inspecting the bins for safety and obtaining a replacement litter bin.
Community Library lights
Members noted that the two up-lighters at the front of the Community Library had not been fixed to date and agreed that clarification was required over the responsibility for these repairs.
That Anthony Rogers seeks clarification over responsibility for repairing the up-lighters at the front of the Community Library.
Car Park lights
John Long expressed concern that almost half of the lights in the car park were not working at the present time giving rise to security concerns for those leaving the site later in the evening.
Members noted that repairs could normally be completed within one month of notifying Property Services and agreed that the works should be progressed before the Autumn months.
That Andy Reed contacts Property Services with regard to repairing the lights in the car park and reports progress to the next meeting.
Changing Rooms
Members expressed concern over the ongoing removal of clothes pegs from the changing rooms and it was agreed that this should be investigated -
That Andy Reed investigates the continued removal of clothes pegs from the changing rooms and reports back to the next meeting.
Video passes
John Long enquired why the video pass scheme enabling parents to take video coverage of gymnasium events had been abandoned and it was -
That Andy Reed reports to the next meeting on why the video pass scheme had been withdrawn.
Leisure Centre Doors
Members were advised that the installation of new doors in various locations within the Leisure Centre would cost around £11,500 and the School was willing to fund 50% of the works.
That Andy Reed provides a further report to the next meeting with regard to installation of the new doors.
Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA)
George Sanger expressed concern that the fencing surrounding the MUGA had been cut compromising security of the facility and groups of young people had been witnessed entering the MUGA through the split in the fence.
The Chairman suggested that the Skate Park could be refreshed through, for example, involving young people in repainting the graffiti artwork and it was agreed that this should be explored further.
(i)That Anthony Rogers seeks clarification over responsibility for repairing the Multi-Use Games Area;
(ii)That consideration be given to refreshing the Skate Park through involving young people in repainting the graffiti artwork (etc).
CCTV coverage
The Chairman advised that funding for additional cameras could be sought from the Planning Obligations Working Party if it was felt that further CCTV coverage would enhance security of the campus.
A discussion took place with regard to security of the Skate Park in particular during which members considered the following:-
- There was an increased likelihood of anti-social behaviour on the Skate Park due to incomplete CCTV coverage and further cameras could be installed to cover blind spots ;
- Consideration could be given to whether the current lighting of the facility could be improved;
- Further vandalism to the storage cupboards containing sports equipment could be prevented through extended CCTV coverage;
- Bolt-cutting had occurred following a previous attempt to secure the Skate Park and there were frequent problems with broken glass around the facility;
- All incidents of anti-social behaviour should be reported to the Police and the Borough’s Community Safety Officer.
(i)That clarification be sought over the responsibility for maintaining the Multi-Use Games Area and the Skate Park;
(ii)That consideration be given to submitting a bid to the Planning Obligations Working Party to fund the provision of further CCTV cameras to enhance security of the Skate Park.
(iii)That consideration be given to the current method for reporting incidents.
Football focus
George Sanger reported that Poole Police had contacted the Governing Body with regard to hosting matches for the Football Focus initiative for one night per week on the Multi-Use Games Area. Football Focus was a diversionary activity project for 13-16 year olds which had proved very successful elsewhere in the UK as a means of tackling anti-social behaviour and the School was keen to support the initiative.
The Chairman reported that a new MUGA had been established on Arne Avenue through Planning Obligations funding and a further MUGA was to be considered for the Trinidad Boys’ Club. There was a need to consider how the local initiatives linked with the Safer Neighbourhoods work and it was -
(i)That Anthony Rogers, Virginia Bailey and Andy Reed explore whether the Rossmore Multi-Use Games Area could be used to host local matches for the Football Focus initiative; and
(ii)That the Chairman discusses linkages between the local community initiatives and Safer Neighbourhoods work, with Ward Councillor Safer Neighbourhoods Committee Member, Councillor Miss Lindsay Wilson.
Leisure Centre Manager’s Report
Andy Reed, Senior Manager (SLM) presented the latest Leisure Centre Manager’s report and advised on the following:-
- Consideration would be given to the development of a group Exercise Studio at Rossmore;
- A MRM bookings system had been introduced recently at Rossmore Leisure Centre;
- The Leisure Centre was working towards Quest registration and had received a provisional score of 66-67% (exceeding the 60% pass-mark);
- Two new Air Conditioning Units had been installed in the Exercise Studio;
- The Leisure Centre was seeking to secure a higher number of memberships for the Exercise Studio;
- Phases 1 and 2 of the capital developments at the Dolphin Centre (new fitness suite, members changing rooms, membership office, colleague rest room, consultation room) had been completed and Phase 3 (new reception area) would commence in mid-July;
- The capital programme for Ashdown Leisure Centre was on target for completion by mid-September and running to budget;
- Dean Hedges was the new Rossmore “Eco Warrier” and with assistance from the SLM Team, was endeavouring to make Rossmore an “Eco friendly” site;
- A new Information System had been installed enabling the compilation of accurate data on usage;
- Congratulations were expressed to the OLGA Team and their coach for their recent achievements.
That the Leisure Centre Manager’s report be noted.
Monitoring Reports
The Chairman requested that up-to-date attendance figures were circulated at each meeting of the Committee, including a breakdown of usage by clubs and attendance figures from previous years to enable comparison.
That Andy Reed and Anthony Rogers meet to consider the format of CUMC monitoring reports.
Recycling Committee
Members noted that the School was due to establish a Recycling Committee and felt there might be scope for joint projects to be undertaken by the School and SLM.
That SLM be informed of the next date of the Recycling Committee and asked whether it wished to send a representative.
Vacant Coaching positions
Andy Reed reported that all of the casual coaching vacancies had been filled and an update on any further vacancies would be provided to the next CUMC meeting.
Leisure Centre fees
John Long expressed disappointment that there had been no prior consultation with regard to the increase in Leisure Centre fees and voiced concern that the price rise of 9.2% could impact on the top-level sporting activities the Leisure Centre had been designed to deliver.
Members noted that the price rise had been deferred for many years preventing reinvestment in the facilities and discounts were still obtainable through the Access to Leisure Scheme. A statement had been provided to all stakeholders prior to the increase of fees and the fee structure was set following joint agreement between SLM and the Council.
The CUMC expressed concern that the price rises should not be of detriment to elite performance and considered that the relevant National Governing Bodies should be contacted about the potential additional resources available to support elite performance.
That Andy Reed and Sharon Woods advise OLGA members about grant funding and the FANS scheme.
It was noted that elite performers should contact their National Governing Bodies with regard to further support.
Members discussed the difficulties with vandalism within the School which had recently included broken taps in the toilets and noted the new doors/entrance system should prevent such incidents occurring in the future.
The Chairman advised that he had met with Andy Reed to consider how vandalism could be prevented and it was felt that further attention to keeping the campus presentable could encourage pupils to take pride in the facilities. Reverend Gomm had also taken 5 pupils at risk of presenting anti-social behaviour to a camp, accompanied by a Social Worker and other professionals, with a view to changing their outlook.
The Chairman proposed that as part of the `Schools for the Future Project’ consideration be given to whether the design of the campus could be made more conducive to community use.
Partnership Meeting
Anthony Rogers reported that a Partnership Meeting was due to take place during August and a report would be presented to the next meeting of the Service Provision Scrutiny & Audit Committee on 13th September 2007 on the progress to date with the Leisure Centre Partnership.
The Chairman requested that the report included feedback from the clubs based at each of the Leisure Centres.
Members agreed that the next meetings of the CUMC would take place on the following dates (all meetings to take place at 4.00p.m. at Rossmore Library):-
- Monday, 25th September 2007;
- Monday, 12th November 2007;
- Monday, 14th January 2008;
- Monday, 10th March 2008;
- Monday, 19th May 2008.