Subject: Keep away from blood stained hands

Dear Sir,

We Ethiopians immigrants in Switzerland and all over the world are writing this letter to you in the name of Ethiopians bleeding from the tyrant regime in the country.

The Ethiopian regime is the father of atrocities and human right abuses. The regimes has killed, imprisoned and displaced innocent own Citizens’ due to their political, religious and Regional placements. Moreover the government displaced people to lease land to foreigners to collect foreign currency to oppress its own people.

What is stated above could be justified by the Massacre in Gambella in 2003(400 Anuaks in an overnight), Sidama region in Loke (mass killing of demonstrators), 200 demonstrators in Addis Ababa in 2005 and subsequently in Oromiyaa region, orchestrated killing of Amharas in Weter, Arba Gugu and several regions.

Currently the regime is displacing people of Gambella and Benshangul Gumuz for leasing land and ethnic cleansing of the Amharas from Guraferda (Southern region) and Benshangul Gumuz. As different international organizations reported such as Amnesty int`l, Human rights watch…the regime stifled freedom of expression, severely restricting the activities of the independent media, political opposition parties and human rights organizations. Dissent was not tolerated in any sphere. The authorities imprisoned actual and perceived opponents of the government. Peaceful protests were suppressed. Arbitrary arrests and detention were common, and torture and other ill-treatment in detention centers were rife. Forced evictions were reported on a vast scale around the country.

We hereby request you not to cooperate the June 1, 2013 get together with Tyrant blood stained groups that want to collect money for their evil deeds in the name of development from their spies in a democratic country, Switzerland, specially Geneva where all Human Rights struggling organizations have Head offices.

We thank you for your cooperation in advance in the name Ethiopian who suffer under the hands of the minority tyrant regime.

With regards