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Special Education Initial ReferralProcedures
- ____SST Meeting after testing
- After approval from QST and a completed psycho-educational and/or speech evaluation has been done, SST will meet to discuss the future direction for this student
- Approval for a full psycho-educational and/or speech evaluation does not meanautomatic referral to special education – this is to give the SST team more information to use for further strategies, etc.
- ____Complete ‘Referral to Special Ed’form
- If a special education referral is deemed appropriate, the SST Chair will complete the ‘Referral to Special Ed’ form.
- ‘Referral to Special Ed’ form is on intranet under Pyramid of Interventions under SST Forms
- The referral form can be completed on-line
- ____ Obtain Consent for Evaluation
- SST chairs should work with their consultant on procedures within your school as to who will obtain Special Education Parental Consent for Evaluation so there will be no delay in timelines.
- When parent signsSpecial Education Parental Consent for Evaluation– be sure to give a copy of Parent Rights
- ____SST submitsinitial referral packet to ISC
- The SST file with all appropriate forms (as designated on the ‘Referral to Special Ed’ form) will be sent to the In-School Coordinator.
- This packet must include the forms Referral to Special Educationand passed vision/hearing.
- Once consent for evaluation is signed, the 60 day timeline begins. The file must be forwarded immediately to the ISC
- ____ ISC reviews file
- Check the file immediately to see if consent for evaluation has been signed. If so, the 60 day timeline has started and the file must be completed and sent to central office immediately.
- The psycho-educational and/or speech evaluationmust also be in the file.
- Data collection continues on the current strategies
- ISC will review the file, determine if further information should be gathered for the suspected disability
- Use Initial Referral and Reevaluation Checklist to be sure all appropriate documents are included
- ____ISC sends referral packet to SPED office
- Submit the file to Werz Central Office: Attn: Special Ed Records Clerk
- If further information is being gathered, ISCwill note that in the space provided at the bottom of the Referral to Special Ed form as well as when that information will be received by the Consultant
- ____SPED records clerk logs in referral
- Special Ed Records Clerk will log in the referral on the data-base and givereferral packet to the appropriate Special Education Consultant.
- Records Clerk will write eligibility meeting due date on the file
- ____Consultant will review referral packet
- Special Education Consultant will request additional information from school personnel as needed to complete eligibility (usually, however, the file is complete by this time)
- Consultant and/or ISCwill generate initial referral in Clarity
- Consultant will email psych services secretary to have psychological report attached to the initial referral in Clarity
- ____ScheduleEligibility Meeting
- Consultant and/or ISC will preparethe eligibility report in Clarity
- Consultant and/or ISCwill scheduleeligibility meeting within the designated timelines (60 days).
- ____ Eligibility Meeting
- If the student is eligible for special education services, the SST file becomes the special education file
- If the student is NOT eligible for special education services, the SST file is returned to the SST coordinator and strategies will continue through SST
- The special education referral packet along with the eligibility report indicating not eligible is returned to Werz Central Office, Attn: Special Ed Records Clerk
- A copy may remain in the SST file, but all originals should be kept in the special ed referral packet.
- The data-base must be updated and referral packet is filed.
- ____IEP Meeting
- IEP meeting must be held within 30 days of eligibility date
- ____Consultant/ISC/Case manger returns paperwork to Werz Central Office: Attn: Special Ed. Records Clerk or Special Ed. Consultant. Paperwork to be returned includes:
- Complete Initial Referral Packet
- Signed Notice of IEP Meeting
- Signed Eligibility Report
- Signed Psychological report (signed by psychologist)
- Signed Consent to Evaluate
- Signed Consent for Placement
- Referral/SST file/packet
- ____Special Ed. Records Clerk or Consultant receives paperwork andcompletes database
- The Special Education Records Clerk and Consultant will ensure that the tracking database is complete.
- Paperwork/folder is filed
Coweta County Special Education Department
Revised: August 2010