Adrian S. Hannah Judith LeWinter Chris Trimble

Principal Asst. Principal Asst. Principal


Welcome to those returning and to those who are new to the Wilson K-8 community. I look forward to spending another year working side by side with the staff and parents of the Wilson students in maintaining the excellence in education that Wilson K-8 provides. Through our collective efforts, we should not only be able to maintain the Wilson excellence but also improve on it. I anticipate that this year will be both productive and exciting for the Wilson community.

You have entrusted our staff with your most precious natural resource - your children. We will do everything in our power to educate your children to the best of our ability. However, to be successful, we need parental support. I encourage you to seek ways to become involved in the life of Wilson School.

This Parent Information Handbook has been prepared to communicate important information about our school. Please take time to become familiar with its contents. Hopefully, the information provided will prove helpful in answering questions you may have regarding school and district policies and procedures.


Adrian S. Hannah, Principal


·  Wilson provides opportunities in academic, fine arts, athletics and extra-curricular activities to remain competitive in the 21st century…

·  Wilson strives to achieve academic and performance excellence every day…

·  Wilson creates global connections by using collaboration, inquiry and technology…

·  Wilson students are young leaders who are respectful, responsible problem solvers in the school and the community

·  Families, businesses, residents and employees support the Wilson learning environment



School Begins 8/11

Labor Day 9/5

Fall Intersession 10/10-14

Veteran’s Day 11/11

Thanksgiving 11/24-25

Winter Break 12/23-1/6

Civil Rights Day 1/16

Rodeo Break 2/23-24

Spring Intersession 3/13-17

Last Day of School 5/25


Office hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. during the school year.


M, W, TH, F 8:00am -2:45pm

Tuesday 8:00am – 12:45pm

Half Day Kinder 8:00am-11:00am

•  School office doors do not open until 7:30 am.

•  Students should not arrive earlier than 7:30 or stay later than 2:45 unless they are participating in a school activity.

•  Students need to be in the classroom when the bell rings at 8:00am


M, W, TH, F 8:20am - 3:35pm

Tuesday 8:20am –1:36pm

·  Students should NOT arrive earlier than 8:00 am or remain on campus later than 3:50 pm unless they are participating in a supervised activity.


In the continued pursuit of quality educational programs at Wilson K-8 School, a School Site Council has been instituted. This council is comprised of a team of parents and teachers whose function is to assist in the development and implementation of improvement areas for the 2013-2014 school year.


PTO is the parent teacher organization for Wilson. Its membership consists of teachers, administrators, parents and/or guardians of students enrolled at Wilson School. The key function of this PTO is to encourage communication and cooperation between parents, teachers and administration. In addition, it functions by raising and providing funds for projects and programs initiated by staff and parent requests. This organization provides an opportunity for participation through volunteerism and the sharing of career and home experiences, thus enhancing continued commitment to the value of education.



Report cards are sent home on a quarterly basis during the school year. K-5 report cards are sent home with students while the middles school report cards are mailed home.


Students wishing to bring animals to school for a special project should get their teacher’s permission first. Animals must be carried in a cage or container and cannot be transported by school bus. Special transportation arrangements must be made so child and animal are brought to school and picked up by the parent.


•  If your child is absent from school, please call the school at 696-5915. (NOTE: this is a 24 hour message line)

•  Always go to the office to sign your child out of school

•  Should you need to withdraw your child from school, please give the office as much notice as possible so withdrawal forms can be prepared. Please make sure that your child returns all textbooks and library books and clears all outstanding fees.


•  Students are responsible for the proper care and return of any book or materials issued to them

•  Students will be charged for damaging or losing school property


Any items and/or messages will be delivered once an hour by a student office aide. We do not accept delivery of flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, gifts etc. for students.


•  Copies of legal custody documents must be on file with the school

•  Notify the school office immediately of any changes in address, home or work phone number


Students are expected to observe standards of modesty appropriate for a school setting in their dress, to be clean in appearance, and to wear footwear for reasons of health and safety.

These are some examples of inappropriate dress:

•  Flip flop type rubber sandals- Elementary only

•  Bare or socked feet without shoes

•  Shoes with heels or soles higher that two inches

•  Pants that drag on the ground and/or do not fit in the waist

•  Spiked jewelry or wallet chains

•  Anything worn that displays references to illegal or controlled substances (including tobacco, alcoholic beverages, etc.)

•  Any combination of clothing which, upon guidance from law enforcement agencies, is considered gang related (these may change) i.e., bandannas, hair nets, metal belts buckles with gang monograms, dangling belts or chain accessories, slippers, etc.

•  Anything worn which displays symbols which reference hatred, hate crimes, violence, anti-social behaviors or that offends or intimidates

•  Shoulder straps less than two inches wide

•  Visible clothing considered to be undergarments

•  Clothing exposing midriff (shirt must cover midriff when arms are raised)

•  Shorts not appropriate in length (the, the minimum length is 3 inches of “leg” on the shorts, specifically at the in-seam

•  Skirts that are less than mid-thigh length when seated

•  Make-up- Elementary only

•  Hair that is distracting or disruptive to the educational process

•  Shorts or skirt must be worn over spandex, leggings etc.


•  Hats and caps may be worn on the playground, outdoor PE classes, field days and field trips but not inside the building


•  Homework is meant to be accomplished independently by the student and is a review of a skill taught in class

•  Homework is intended to develop responsibility

•  If homework is not turned in, students will be assigned detention during lunch to complete the work (ZAP for middle school or Responsibility Room for elementary.) There is also afterschool detention TASK for middle and CAT for elementary.

Homework for student who is ill:

•  To obtain homework, please call the teacher’s extension by 8:00 a.m. and request homework. Homework assignments can also be found online at the teacher’s website.

Otherwise, your child will be given the instruction necessary and number of days equal to the absence to catch up with the class when he/she returns.


Please try not to pick up your child the last 10 minutes of the school day as it is a very hectic time. There will most likely be a delay in getting your child.

•  If a student needs to leave the school, parents/guardians need to sign the student out at the front desk in the office. You may need to provide a form of identification to the office. Students are not called to the office until the parent/guardian is here.

•  Students may only be picked up from school by their parents/guardians or someone designated by parent/guardian in writing.

•  Upon returning to school, the student should check in through the office


Any item deemed disruptive to the learning environment should not be brought to school. They include, but are not limited to:

•  Portable electronics (IPODS, cameras etc.)

•  Video Games/Cartridges

•  Sports equipment

•  Card Collections

•  Toys

•  Cameras

•  Gum

•  Water Balloons

•  Laser Pens

•  Roller Blades or Skates, Shoes with built in rollers, Scooters, Wheelies

•  Cell phones must be turned off and stored for the day. (locker- middle school) backpack-elementary)

If brought to school, these items will be taken and held until a parent comes to claim them.


•  It is not appropriate for students to sell or trade personal belongings, candy, pets, toys, cards, or other items at school


Any Wilson staff member, from teacher or administrator to secretary or cafeteria worker has the authority and the responsibility to correct the behavior of any student.


•  Students need to be dropped off and picked up in designated areas only (see school map)

•  Do not drop off or pick up in parking lot.

•  Vehicles may not be left unattended in student drop off and pick up areas between 7:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.


Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom by 8:00am for elementary students and 8:20am for middle school students

Consequences for excessive tardies can include but are not limited to:

·  Lunch detention

·  No Recess

·  Up to a week of lunch detention

·  A day in the responsibility room

·  Parents are notified in writing if a problem with tardies starts to develop before any of the above consequences are imposed.


We are proud of what is happening at Wilson and encourage parent visitations and volunteering

·  Please make arrangements in advance with the teacher.

·  Please do not drop in to class during class time for a conference with the teacher.

·  If you need an appointment to discuss your child, please call the teacher

·  Stop at the office to sign in and obtain a visitor/volunteer badge.

·  When you arrive at a classroom at your expected time, please enter without knocking.

·  Siblings are to be left at home unless they have been invited for a special program.




School announcements are made at the beginning of each day. It is important for students to listen attentively whenever announcements are made in the classroom. Middle School announcements can be seen daily at: http://www.schooltube.com/channel/wilsonnews/


Please make arrangements for your child’s after school schedule in the morning before he/she leaves for school. If you do need to contact your child, you can leave a voice mail messages with their teacher. It must be received before the child’s lunch to ensure it is received.

•  In the case of an emergency, please call the office and we will make sure the student gets the message.


The Parent Portal provides access to your child’s grades, attendance, class schedule, standardized test score history, and immunization records. You can access the portal at https://sisportal.amphi10.org. Please note that the Parent Portal works best when using Internet Explorer, and Apple products such as Macbooks and iPads may have connection issues. Also, the portal is not available for mobile devices such as smart phones or tablet computers at this time.


Please check out the school website for calendar events and other information about the school. http://www.amphi.com/schools/wilson-k-8.aspx.

Notes Home is also another link to the happenings at Wilson. www.amphi.com/schools/wilson/noteshome.html.

There is also an Information Center in the front office where organizations can now place their flyers. This includes sports, clubs, arts & crafts, etc. Check it out!


Please check out the teacher’s web pages for updates about the happenings in their classroom.


Breakfast & Lunch Program

•  Breakfast: K-8 $1.25

•  Lunch: K-5 $2.20 6-8 $2.35

•  Milk or juice is available for purchase for $.50

•  Information on the free/reduced lunch program may be obtained from the Wetmore Center (701 W. Wetmore). Applications for free and reduced breakfast and/or lunch are available in the school office and cafeteria.

Schoolmenu.com is a program that links nutritional information to our daily breakfast and lunch offerings.

EZSchoolPay- is a way to put Money on your child’s account.


The following regulations apply to all school buses operated by Amphitheater Public Schools:

•  The bus driver is in complete charge of his/her vehicle

•  A student must have written permission to leave the bus at a stop other than the usual stop or ride a bus other than their assigned bus.

•  Elementary students may not ride the middle school buses

•  Wear safety belts, when provided

•  Remain seated and facing the front of the bus at all times.

•  Keep the bus clean

•  Do not throw or shoot any object

•  Keep hands, feet, arms etc inside the bus

Bus Stop Behavior

•  Please make your child is aware that she/he is to respect other people's property while waiting at bus stops.

•  Throwing rocks, destroying landscaping, and chasing/teasing pets/animals near the stop are strictly prohibited.

•  Students need to be aware of traffic safety; do not run around or between cars.

•  Students are bound by the same code of conduct that applies at school.

Guidelines for Release of Students from the School Bus

•  Kindergarten: Kindergarten students will not be allowed off the bus unless an older child or adult is present to escort the child home. If an older child or adult is not present the child (ren) will be returned to school and a parent contacted.

Bus Consequences

If passenger rules are not followed, the driver has the authority to administer consequences based on the severity of the disruption. The school principal and person responsible for the students will be consulted. Consequences include, but are not limited to: verbal warning, seating assignment or suspension from bus