Cross—Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134)Spring 2013


Human Anatomy

Spring 2013

Bio 2134-101

Call # 23217

Lecture: MW 8:30am—9:50pm (MC 627)

Laboratory: W 10:00—12:50 (MC 625)



Cross—Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134)Spring 2013


Brian Cross

Office: MC 641 (Mailbox in MC 620)

Phone: 595-7055


Office Hours: By appointment

Division office:

Science and Mathematics

Dr. Connie Hebert

Office MC 620

Telephone: 595-7334

Normal hours M-F 8:00 – 5:00


Cross—Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134)Spring 2013


Course prerequisite: Introduction to Biology for Majors (Bio 1224) or Zoology (Bio 1604)

Catalog description: A systematic approach to the study of the human body. Clinical and functional relationships of each organ system are emphasized. Lecture and laboratory.

Course objectives:

  1. Students will develop an understanding of each of the organ systems, the structures within those systems, and their interrelatedness.
  2. Students will develop an understanding of the appearance and location of fine and gross anatomical structures of the human body.
  3. Students will gain an appreciation of the evolutionary connections between human anatomy and the anatomy of other vertebrates.
  4. Students will acquire a working vocabulary of human anatomical terms.
  5. Students will gain experience in the use of microscopes, dissection, and other biological laboratory techniques.

Teaching methods:

The primary method of instruction will be lecture. Laboratory activities will reinforce lecture material by providing hands-on experience with both fine and gross anatomy. In both lecture and lab, students are encouraged to participate through comments and questions. Students are responsible for all material covered in class unless advised otherwise.

Required skills:

The study of anatomy requires certain academic and analytical skills such as the ability to visualize in three dimensions and the ability to integrate structural and functional concepts. Notably, it also requires the ability to memorize a large amount of material in a relatively short period of time. The instructor will be available to assist students as much as possible, but the course also demands work outside the classroom and lab. Success demands a high degree of self-discipline, motivation, and a significant commitment of time and energy.


In this course, we will be using Blackboard for general communication and for the posting of PowerPoints, study guides, links, and other miscellaneous information. In addition, all of your scores will be posted in the Blackboard gradebook. Please log on and familiarize yourself with the setup as soon as possible. To get started, go to, and follow the directions to login.


Human Anatomy, 7th edition

with PAL 3.0 laboratory disk

Author: Martini et al.

Publisher: Benjamin Cummings

ISBN 978-0-321-68815-6


Course Name: MAPCROSS10360

Laboratory manuals:

TCC Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134) Lab Manual

(INTEGRATE: The Benjamin Cummings Custom Library Program for Anatomy & Physiology)

Author: Science and Mathematics, Tulsa Community College – Metro Campus

Publisher: Pearson Custom Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-256-22866-0

Other materials:

  • Dissecting kit
  • Goggles (Note that students must wear goggles during designated labs.)
  • Gloves--disposable, medical latex
  • Lab coat or apron (recommended)

Evaluation Techniques:

  • Lecture exams: 5 lecture exams worth 100 points each; lowest score will be dropped. (4X100=400)
  • Final exam: one final exam worth 140 points (1x140=140)
  • MAP Online Homework: 11 assignments at 5 points each; lowest score will be dropped (10x5 = 50)
  • Supplemental Reading Assignments: three reading assignments worth 20 points each (3 x 20=60)
  • Lab exams: 6 lab practicals worth 40 points each; lowest score will be dropped (5x40=200 points total). These exams will be based on the dissection specimens and models used in lab.
  • Lab Dissection/Participation Points: (50 points)

Total Points Possible: 900


All scores will be posted on Blackboard. Your semester grade will be based on your total points earned at the end of the semester.

90% - 100% (~810-900): A

80% - 89% (~720-809): B

70% - 79% (~630-719): C

60% - 69% (~540-629): D

< 59% (0-539): F

Grade Challenges

In the event of a dispute about the grading of an exam or other assignment, students may submit a challenge in writing no later than one week after receiving the grade. Except in the case of simple computational error, no verbal grade challenges will be considered.

Attendance and Makeup Policy:

Regular attendance is strongly encouraged in both lecture and laboratory sessions. Although no credit is given for attendance per se, your presence and participation are essential to learning the material and succeeding in this course. In addition, missing class usually means missing assignments, quizzes, or exams.

Makeup exams and late assignments in lecture will be allowed only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis or illness. Lab activities and quizzes cannot be made up under any circumstances. In the event of an absence, students are responsible for contacting the instructor to make arrangements as soon as possible. If contact is not made in a timely manner, preferably on or before the due date, the make-up exam or late assignment will not be accepted.


  • Email communications: All TCC students receive a designated TCC email address in the format . This email can be accessed through All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to this email address, and you must use this email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.
  • Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (

Classroom Etiquette:

  • Please give the instructor and your classmates the same respect that you would wish to receive from them. Such respect is essential for the free and open communication that underlies all higher learning.
  • Texting or talking on cell phones is not permitted during class. Please turn off all phones and other cellular devices.
  • Please arrive on time.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the lab.
  • No children are allowed in lecture or in lab at any time.

Students with Disabilities:

It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.

Safety and Health Issues

Please advise the instructor of pertinent health issues or medications you may be taking in case an emergency arises.

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:

  • Ask the student to redo an assignment/test or a substitute assignment/test;
  • Record a "zero" for the assignment/test in question;
  • Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class;
  • Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester.
  • Request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting request to the Dean of Student Services.

Institutional Statement:

Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website:

General Education Goals:

General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.

Computer Services Acceptable Use

Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education, research, and community service. See TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook

Syllabus Changes:

Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.


Cross—Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134)Spring 2013

Tentative Schedule
Week of: / Lecture (M&W) / Assignments / Lab Activities (W)
January 14 / Syllabus; Martini 1 / Introduction
Martini 2
January 21 / No class (MLK Day) / Tissues; Integument;
Martini 3 / SR#1: Roach
January 28 / Martini 4 / MAP #1, #2 / Lab Practical: Tissues, Skin, and Skull (40 pts.)
February 4 / EXAM #1 (1-4) / Axial Skeleton
Martini 5
February 11 / Martini 8 / SR#2: Jablonski / Appendicular skeleton; Review
Martini 9 / MAP#3, #4
February 18 / Martini 13 / Lab Practical: Bones (40 pts.)
Axial Muscles
February 25 / EXAM #2 (5,8-9, &13) / Axial Muscles (cont.)
Appendicular muscles
Martini 14 (Martini 15**) / MAP #5
March 4 / Martini 16 / SR#3: Shubin 5-6 / Lab Practical: Muscles (40 pts.)
Martini 17
March 11 / Martini 18 / MAP #6 / Endocrine system; Brain; Senses
Review / SR#4: Cahill
March 18 / Spring Break No Class / Spring Break No Class
Week of: / Lecture (M&W) / Supplementals / Lab Activities (W)
March 25 / EXAM #3 (14-18) / Lab Practical: Nervous and Endocrine Systems (40 pts.)
Martini 19 (Martini 20**)
April 1 / Martini 21 / Heart; Vessels
Martini 22 / SR #5: Weil
April 8 / Martini 22 (cont.); Review / MAP #7, #8 / Vessels (cont.)
EXAM #4 (19-22)
April 15 / Martini 23 / SR #6: Nuland / Lab practical: Circulatory System (40 pts.)
Martini 24
April 22 / Martini 25 / Respiratory system; Digestive system
Urinary and Reproductive systems
Martini 26 (Martini 27**) / MAP #9, #10, #11
April 29 / EXAM #5 (23-27) / Lab Practical: Misc. Systems (40 pts.)