working in partnership topromote quality regulation

Work Instructions for the Initial Verification of

Automatic Discontinuous Totalisers

under the Measuring Instruments Directive

Introduction / 1
Legislation / 2
Staff / 3
Equipment / 4
Verification procedure / 5


This document is intended to be read in conjunction with the MID quality management system. It forms the technical procedures in relation to the verification of automatic discontinuous totalisers under the Measuring Instruments Directive. It is a guide for all officers involved in the verification of automatic discontinuous totalisers. Its aim is to establish best practice and provide a basis for our confidence that such equipment is verified to a consistent level of quality across the area of the notified body. It cannot cover every situation that will arise but provides a framework within which all situations can be handled.


The legislation and guidance relevant to this document are as follows:

  • The Measuring Instruments Directive 2004 2004/22/EEC
  • The Measuring Instruments (Automatic Discontinuous Totalisers)Regulations 2006
  • The Weights and Measures Act 1985, as amended
  • International Recommendation OIML R107 -1 relating to automatic discontinuous totalisers – 1997 revision
  • The Non-automatic Weighing Instruments Regulations 2000
  • The Weighing Equipment (Non-automatic Weighing Machines) Regulations 2000
  • The Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1986, as amended


  • All staff involved in the testing of ADTs must have regard to their health and safety code of practice and risk assessments for the testing of weighing equipment.
  • Staff will be monitored to ensure compliance with the above requirement


  1. Before use all equipment to be used during the verification should be checked for damage and its calibration status. The authorised verification officer in conjunction with their authority's link officer will make a decision as to whether any damage is sufficient to affect the accuracy of the equipment. If the damage is considered significant alternative equipment must be used and the damaged equipment removed from use until it has been repaired.
  1. The authorised verifying officer must ensure that there is a suitable control instrument available during the verification process. This may be either an integral part of the function of the automatic discontinuous totaliser or a non-automatic weighing instrument/machine of suitable accuracy.
  1. The authorised verification officer must ensure that there are enough weights available to test the automatic discontinuous totaliser as a non-automatic weighing instrument of the same capacity and/or the control instrument for accuracy.
  1. All staff attending on the verification activities will need suitable Health and Safety equipment in accordance with the risk assessment.
  1. All test equipment being transported by the authorised verifying officer to and from the location of the verification shall be loaded onto the vehicle in such a way that the risk of damage to it is minimised.
  1. On return to the office all equipment shall be returned to its storage location, unless any damage has been noted or occurred during use. If this is the case the damage shall be reported to the link officer and the equipment quarantined until it has been repaired and recalibrated.

5Verification Procedure

  1. On arrival at the site the authorised verification officer should report themselves to the duty manager and sign the site register. Where appropriate, any engineers/fitters present who are to be involved with the testing should be identified and introductions made.
  1. Confirmation should be sought that the automatic discontinuous totaliser is ready for testing and that suitable material is available to produce the necessary loads needed during testing.
  1. Where a non-integrated control instrument is being used this should be identified and, if necessary tested for suitability for use as a control instrument for the ADT being verified.
  1. The ADT shall be examined for compliance with the requirements of the appropriate legislation, including conformity with its identified type approval certificate.
  1. The ADT shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, bearing in mind any additional tests required by the type approval certificate.
  1. If, pursuant to accuracy testing, the ADT is found to be within the prescribed limits of error for its accuracy class and conforms to the legislation in all other respects the instrument shall be passed as fit for use for trade.
  1. If the instrument has been passed the verification marks shall be applied in accordance with the legislation as detailed in the type approval certificate.
  1. A certificate of conformity or non-conformity, as appropriate, shall be issued for the ADT and its reference number recorded on the verification record sheet.

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