English Department

ENG 4C Course Outline


Course Title:College Preparation


Ministry Course Code: ENG 4C

Credit Value: 1.0

Secondary Policy Document: English


This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will analyse informational texts and literary works from various time periods, countries, and cultures; write research reports, summaries, and short analytical essays; complete an independent study project; and analyse the interactions among media forms, audiences, and media industry practices. An important focus will be on establishing appropriate style and using business and technical language effectively.


By the end of this course students will:

Literature Studies and Reading

  1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of challenging informational texts and literary works from various time periods, countries , and cultures, with an emphasis on assessing information, ideas, and issues;
  1. demonstrate an understanding of a range of informational and literary forms, with an emphasis on research articles and plays;
  1. analyse elements of style in a variety of texts, focusing on how the elements contribute to clear and effective communication.


  1. use a range of print and electronic primary and secondary sources to gather and analyze information and ideas and to develop topics for writing;
  1. select and use informational and literary forms suited to various purposes, audiences, and situations, with a focus on research reports, summaries, and short analytical essays;
  1. use a range of organizational structures and patterns to produce unified and effective written work;
  1. revise their written work, independently and collaboratively , with a focus on accuracy of information, coherent organization, clear expression, and effective style;
  1. edit and proofread to produce final drafts, using correctly the grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation conventions of standard Canadian English, as specified forthis course, with the support of print and electronic resources when appropriate.


  1. use knowledge of language to read, write, and speak effectively, with a focus on choosing, developing, and sustaining an appropriate style;
  1. use listening techniques and oral communication skills to participate in classroom discussions and more formal activities, with a focus on using business and technical language appropriately in interviews and presentations of portfolios and independent study projects.

Media Studies

  1. analyse relationships among media forms, representations, audiences and industry practices to explain how a variety of media works communicate messages.
  1. demonstrates an understanding of the interactions among from, purpose, audience, and production options by designing or creating media works, independently and collaboratively, based on ideas, themes, and issues examined in this course.


Personal reading will be an ongoing activity throughout the course. There will be a variety of informational and literary forms as well as aural and visual material. Students will be expected to summarize, respond, discuss, and present some of this material to fellow classmates. The novel Shoeless Joe will be an integral part of this section

A Writer’s Workshop will be an ongoing activity throughout the course. The language structures of standard Canadian English, the development of specialized vocabulary and opportunities for personal and formal writing will be given. Students will be expected to produce a personal writing portfolio for evaluation during the course

“The Future” is a unit designed to provide the students with opportunities to research a career of interest. Students will spend time working on business communication skills, vocabulary, appropriate business protocol and research skills. Dramatizations, teamwork, oral presentations and business correspondence will be evaluated.

I.S.P. will be a formal essay assignment that requires research. Both the process and the product will be evaluated.

“The Past”: Social Conflict in Our History” is a unit designed to provide the students with a look at societies in conflict. Through the use of movies, a novel, a play and various poems and short stories, the students will look at separatism in Canada, apartheid in South Africa and anti-Semitism in Europe. The play Twelve Angry Men will be part of this unit. Evaluation will be varied and include tests, presentations, written and oral responses, projects etc.

“The Present” is a unit designed to take a look at our youth and their world today. The essay as a genre will be read, discussed and analyzed. The topics within the essays are relevant to teenagers today and provide concrete examples for students to follow in their own essays. Various forms of media on this topic will be reviewed and deconstructed. Students will be able to design their own media using this topic as a theme. The novel A Separate Peace will be part of this unit.


The evaluation for this course will be based on the Ontario Curriculum, Grade 12 English College preparation

1. Knowledge and Understanding17.5 %

2. Thinking and Inquiry17.5 %

3. Communication17.5 %

4. Application17.5 %

5. Summative Evaluation/Final Exam30.0 %