Application Deadline: April 30, 2008 by 1:00 PM
Student Leadership Mission Statement: “The Student Leadership Division facilitates leadership and supports student involvement, creating connections for student success."
Associated Student Council, the official student government of Seattle Central Community College, is responsible for representing students' interests to the college administration and for providing services and programs to enhance students' experiences at Seattle Central. A significant ASC responsibility is recommending a yearly budget for the expenditures of Student Services and Activities fees to the college president and the board of trustees for approval. Student Services and Activities fees fund such activities as childcare, recreation programs, tutoring, student publications and student-sponsored programs.
There are many benefits for those who serve on the student government. Student ASC members receive a quarterly stipend to assist with tuition and books. ASC members receive leadership training and have the opportunity to develop and practice skills in meeting facilitation, budgeting, group dynamics, and helping to support programs and services that improve the college. This experience is a valuable addition to future college, scholarship, and job applications.
All ASC members are required to:
n Have completed 15 credits at Seattle Central, enroll for 10 credits per quarter minimum, and maintain a 2.5 G.P.A.
n Work a minimum of 10 hours per week (as an ASC Executive) or 7 hours minimum per week (as an ASC Associate member) on ASC activities.
n Attend regular weekly meetings on Thursdays (1:30-3:30 p.m.) and special council meetings, and fulfill tasks outlined in ASC job descriptions.
n Participate in leadership training activities presented through the Leadership Institute on Tuesdays (1:30-2:30 p.m.).
n Serve on campus and district committees, task forces, and boards.
n Be ready and able to listen to and address the students’ needs and ideas.
n Be willing to work cooperatively with other council members in a group decision-making process requiring good communication skills.
n Be respectful of and responsive to the multicultural issues within a diverse student body.
Associated Student Council Positions
The Associated Student Council is made up of six voting Executives who serve a one-year term, and up to six Associate members who work on special projects and may serve from one to three quarters. The application process is the same for Executive and Associate members, except that Executives must present the signatures of 100 students supporting their candidacy. Any full-time student who has earned 15 credits at Seattle Central with at least a quarterly and cumulative grade point average of 2.5, and is currently enrolled for 10 credits is eligible to apply. The Associate Dean of Student Leadership acts as an "Ex Officio" or non-voting member of the council. The six student Executive positions on the council are:
The Chief Executive facilitates the council and represents the student body to the Board of Trustees and to the SCCC President's Administrative Cabinet.
The Executive of Administration facilitates the council and serves on or chairs a variety of ASC committees, such as the Sustainability Committee and the ASC Student Success Committee.
The Executive of Finance oversees the ASC budget and serves as chair of the yearly Services and Activities Fees Budget Allocation Committee.
The Executive of Issues and Concerns chairs the Issues and Concerns Committee which responds to student concerns on emerging issues, serves as key liaison to student organizations, and advocates for multicultural issues.
The Executive of Communications is responsible for increasing student awareness about the activities of the ASC and acts as a liaison to the college's Public Information Office, as well as serving on a variety of ASC committees.
The Executive of Legislative Awareness acts as a liaison between state legislative actions/activities and the student body and may organize quarterly rallies to Olympia.
Associate Members: Associate members work on special projects identified by the Council, serve on ASC and campus-wide committees, and participate in all ASC business, outreach and training.
How Do I Apply for the ASC?
Applicants for the ASC must:n Complete the application form.
n Attach a copy of your college transcript.
n Attach current quarter enrollment form.
n Attach a written personal statement describing the skills and experience you would
bring to the ASC (no more than one typed page).
If applying for an Associate position, the first four are all that is needed.
If applying for an Executive position, include the following as well:
n Attach a petition with 100 current SCCC student signatures.
n Attach two (2) letters of recommendation (one from a current SCCC student and one from a SCCC staff, faculty, or administration member)
n Submit completed application and all attachments to the Student Leadership Office,
room SAC 350 (above the Bookstore).
n Applicants are required to attend the Applicants Certification and Orientation.
Constitutional Requirements for the Selection Process
Applicant Review Team Requirements
Committee MUST include at least three (3) students-at-large and no less than four (4) other individuals chosen from the list below. This committee can include no more than two previous ASC members. All members are to review each application and individually score it. This committee should reflect the diversity of the Associated Students of Seattle Central Community College.
Interview Team Requirements
Committee MUST include one student-at-large and two other individuals chosen from the list below. The team is to interview and score all applicants. This committee should reflect the diversity of the Associated Students of Seattle Central Community College.
List of Possible Team Members
= Retiring council members
= Actively involved students
= Students-at-large (students not serving on a Student Leadership board)
Associate members are to be selected by the same process as the Executive Council, but will not need to collect signatures.
Applications due: April 30, 2008 by 1:00 PM
Return to Student Leadership, Room SAC 350
Student ID#: Email:
Application for: _____ASC Executive _____Associate Member
If selected, I agree to:
1. Participate in activities related to:
a. Promoting the awareness, understanding and cooperation made available by the rich mix of cultures, races,
ages and lifestyles within our student body.
b. Advocating excellence and promoting multiculturalism.
c. Outreaching as official student ambassadors on campus and in the community.
d. Representing Associated Students on college and SCC District committees, task forces and boards.
e. Planning for student activities, facilities and sustainability.
f. Working on special projects identified by the Council each quarter.
2. Spend between 10 and 20 hours per week in a visible activity as an official member of the Associated Student Council. Some office hours will be designated as ASC common hours. Fulfill the tasks outlined in the ASC job descriptions.
3. Attend all regular, special, and executive committee meetings of the ASC (Constitution, article VIII, section 1-3).
4. Be available for Leadership Institute Tuesdays at 1:30-2:30 p.m. and ASC meetings Thursdays at 1:30-3:30 p.m.
5. Participate in Orientation Workshop Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00 on September 8-12, 2008.
Signature Date
Do not write below this line -- Certification for office use only
1. Enrollment credit requirement (10 current/15 cum.) (attach schedule) ______
2. GPA requirement (2.5 minimum) (attach transcript) ______
3. Student application agreement signed ______
4. Application attached ______
5. Two recommendation letters attached ______
6. Petition with 100 student signatures ______
Date Received Associate Dean of Student Leadership Dated Signed
Please describe your experience and/or involvement with activities, clubs, or organizations (in your family, on campus, at another school, in the community), and explain your activity or role.
Describe your contributions
Name and location of club from/to and responsibilities
Feel free to add more information about this category in your personal statement.
Please describe your leadership experience at Seattle Central, at other schools, in your family, and in your social, religious, and geographical community. Feel free to use the back of this sheet if you need more room.
Please list four (4) qualities that you feel best describe the attributes and work style that you would bring to the ASC and student body.
Please list any workshops, classes conferences or special training in which you have participated that have contributed to your leadership, communication or organizational skills.
Please describe any work experience that you feel has contributed to your leadership and organizational skills.
Describe your job duties and
Employer & Job Title from/to and skills you gained
Please describe any experience you have had working with diverse cultures such as we enjoy at Seattle Central.
Please attach a personal statement, no longer than one page, which expresses what you feel you can bring to the ASC. Please comment in particular about your experience with and attitudes about teamwork, cooperation, and accountability.
Please return to: Lexie Evans, Associate Dean
Student Leadership
(above the bookstore)