NEWS from the MSU Extension Organizational Development Team*
August 7, 2012
Resources & Tips
‒Applications are due September 1 for the following professional development opportunities.
- Professional Development Endowed Fund (board appointed staff)
- K.J. Moilanen Memorial Scholarship Fund (board appointed staff)
Please visit the MSUE Professional Development site for eligibility information, criteria, and application forms. Applicants are responsible for securing administrative approval; applications cannot be considered without it.
‒Civil Rights Tip of the Month. Be sure to include the Anti-discrimination statement on your Facebook or other webpage(s). The statement needs to be included on all forms of media/communication that are utilized for educational or programming purposes. On Facebook, one of the best locations to place it may be the “About” page, where you have a number of options. It could be included in “general information” section, within the “mission” statement box or even in the “program overview” area. What’s important is that it is included. Utilization of the unabridged statement is most appropriate in this application. Always check the MSUE Civil Rights webpage for the most up-to-date versions and information.
“MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Thomas G. Coon, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.”
‒ANR Events Management System.In order to provide its employees with a dynamic tool to manage event registrations, MSU Extension has developed a customized Events Management Registration System. Just log in with your ANR ID and password. This comprehensive registration system will allow you to offer online registration, with the ability to take credit card payments, in addition to being able to easily view your roster, print invoices, manage billings and ensure that all necessary participant information is handled. As part of the larger event management process, ANR Event Services has developed resources to help you plan events. Located on the ANR Communications website, the Event Management Site is a great online resource for event planning, with features like tips and tricks from professional event planners, templates, draft timelines, budget spreadsheets and other resources. This site will be a great source of information when it comes time to plan your next event.
‒Social Media Mind-Building. Remember that New Years’ resolution to read a professional book per month (or was that just me?)? The Professional Development library has some fascinating new books exploring ramifications of the internet in general, and to social media more specifically. Here are a few titles, all published or updated in 2011 or 2012:What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains; Likeable Social Media; The Digital Divide; Socialnomics; Net Smart; Now You See It: How the brain science of attention will transform the way we live, work, and learn.Check out one of these, or many other similar books in our collection. Click on the title, then look in the upper left module for the link to these books and access to our online lending library. Books can be checked out for one month and mailed to you.
Announcements & Deadlines
‒Conflict Smoothies. The fourth one in this series of 9 is listed below (on August 16) the first and third Fridays (September 7 & 21, October 5 & 19, and ending on November 2). On November 30 we will have a face-to-face session from 10-3 to review and practice at the Ziibiwing Center in Mt. Pleasant. Please come, even if you’ve only attended a few Smoothies! The series will repeat beginning October 9 and continuing on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for nine sessions.
Professional Development Opportunities
REGISTER NOW for sessions offered by the OD Team!
‒In the Professional Development Registration System
- Soothing Conflict Smoothies--#4 (August 16, 11-11:30 a.m. What if I messed up? (And what if I didn’t?) This is an encore since some didn’t receive the correct URL. Please register!
- How to Help Clients with Questions (primarily for support staff, two in August)
- Facilitative Leadership (formerly ‘Facilitator Excellence’, September 11-13, 4 spots left)
- Two-Day Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop, November 13-14.
‒Event Services and Management from A to Z.Open Q&A session about the new events management system, budgets, event services, tips and tricks. This session will be held on first Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m., September 5, and October 3. No pre-registration required just click on the title, log in and fire away with questions.
*The MSUE OD team provides a comprehensive support network for employees in the areas of accounting & finances—Terri Weller; communication & marketing—Kris Hynes, Interim; diversity & multiculturalism—Dionardo Pizana; civil rights & human resources—Nancy Axtell; information technology—Erica Ciupak; planning, evaluation and reporting—Bruce Haas & Cheryl Peters; volunteer management—Doug Brahee; and professional development—Lela Vandenberg.OD News Archives.
Anne Brooks
Support Staff
Michigan State University Extension
11 Agriculture Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Ph: 517-432-7623; Fax 517-432-1048