9th Grade Physical Science Course Expectations

Instructor: Mrs. Foley

Room: 601

Voice Mail: 779-8956


Course Description:

Physical Science should be a fun and rewarding class. We’ll cover basic principles in Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science (as time permits). Concepts such as force, mass, acceleration, energy, chemical bonding, etc. make up the necessary foundation in science classes to come. You will have to be able to study effectively from you notes, activity sheets, labs, and texts to do well. Many of the vocabulary terms will be new to you. Homework will reinforce the vocabulary. It is suggested that you make flashcards to practice the new vocabulary terms. Also, many of the concepts in this class are described and defined mathematically. You are responsible for learning the material presented. If you don’t understand concepts or ideas, ASK CLARIFYING QUESTIONS before, during, or after class.


Unit 1 Scientific Method, Measurements, and Safety

Unit 2 Motion

Unit 3 Forces

Unit 4 Work, Power, and Simple Machines

Unit 5 Energy and Heat

Unit 6 Waves, Sound, and Light

Unit 7 Structure of Matter, Bonding, and Chemical Reactions

Unit 8 Solutions, Mixtures vs Pure Substances, Separations, Physical and Chemical Properties

Unit 9 Electrostatics and Electricity

Unit 10 Magnetism

What I Expect from Physical Science Students:

1. Materials: You should have the following items with you every day:

Composition book for labs- NO TEAR OUT PAGES

Section in a binder or a small 3 hole binder

3 holed lined paper for taking notes, writing openers, and doing homework.

Pen and pencil


I expect you to keep all assignments that are returned to you and recommend that you keep them neatly organized in a 3-ring binder. You will need dividers. I suggest you divide the notebook into numbered units.

** Your textbook can be kept at home for studying, homework, and assignments**

2. Attendance: NKHS policies regarding tardies and absence will be enforced. “On time” means BEING IN YOUR SEAT with your notebook and pen or pencil ready when the class period starts.

3. Conduct:

a.  Show respect for all people and property in our classroom. Sharpening pencils and throwing away trash during active class time are not appropriate.

Do not talk while the teacher is giving instructions or lecturing.

b.  Come to class prepared to learn

c.  Follow the directions of the teacher for what you should be doing when the bell rings. If there is an opener on the overhead, take out your paper and pencil and start writing the questions, leaving space for answers.

d.  Speak up when it’s your turn to speak and actively listen when it is another’s term

e.  No eating unless EXCEPT at times designated by the teacher. No eating or drinking at lab stations anytime.

f.  No copying or plagiarism: when one student gives answers to another student, both students have cheated. Discipline will be according to school rules. An opportunity to re-do an alternative assignment with partial credit will be allowed (see teacher during tutorial hours).Rules on plagiarism apply especially to homework, lab reports, and individual projects. Often labs are done in groups. However, lab reports should be written in an individual’s own words.

g.  No electronic devices in class – that means they should not be visible. This includes cell phones, calculators (unless needed for a lab), ipods, etc.

h.  Stay in your seat until you are dismissed when the room is clean.

i.  If you have a question for the teacher about a missing assignment or a grade on an assignment, make an appointment to talk with your teacher during her office hours

4. Grading:

Grades will be weighted as per the following categories.

Tests and Quizzes 40%

Labs 30%

Projects 15%

Homework 5%

Journal 5%

Assignments 5%

Grading Scale Used:

100-94  A 76-74 C

93-90  A- 73-70 C-

89-87 B+ 69-67 D+

86-84 B 66-60 D

83-80 B- 59-0 F

79-77 C+

5. Homework assignments

A reasonable amount of reading will be required every week.

Homework is designed to stimulate creative thinking and reinforce new vocabulary. The homework assignments are also useful tools for reviewing for tests and quizzes. Homework and openers will be turned in together, graded, and promptly returned.

Late homework: full points are only awarded if homework is turned in on due date. See teacher for alternative homework assignment if you have missed due date. Alternative homework at a reduced number of points (pro-rated for days past due and turned in within 4 days of first assignment) will be assigned since answers to original homework will have been given in class on due date.

Homework plagiarism:

The homework is designed to help reinforce the material in class. If students are seen copying homework before class or at the beginning of class, both the student copying and the student being copied will not get credit for the homework assignment. “Checking answers” is not an acceptable excuse, since homework is reviewed in class after it is passed back. See plagiarism section under conduct for other consequences.

6. Late Work Policies:

In-class activities will not be accepted late!

Late homework: see policy under homework above.

Lab reports and projects turned in late will receive a penalty of one letter grade

for each day it is late (10% per day

If pre-labs are not completed before class on lab day, you may be restricted from

doing the lab that day or your lab grade will be lowered significantly

7.Tests and quizzes

You will have a test approximately once a month, in addition to occasional quizzes (most Fridays will include a short quiz to review the week’s material). Review sheets will usually be given during the week before a major test. Cramming for tests is not advised. Spend some time each night studying the material and ask questions as they arise throughout the unit. Tests and quizzes will account for about 40% of your grade.

8. Absences and Make-up Work:

Much of the learning in this class takes place through class discussions, labs, and activities. Students who are absent miss content which may affect their ability to be successful in this class. It is your responsibility to obtain any assignments or notes you missed while you were absent, including openers.

·  Assignments: students will have 2 days per excused absence day to make up missed work.

·  Labs: labs should be made up during tutorial time

Labs must be made up within one week from when it was given and in time to turn the lab report in on time. If you miss the first tutorial possible and can’t stay after school during the first week, you will receive an alternative assignment, which you must do and turn in before the unit test is given.

·  Unexcused absences: any work (including tests and labs) missed cannot be made up and you will receive a zero for the work.

9. Extra credit: There is no “extra” credit.

10. Openers: To get full credit, you must write down the question and an answer

11. Successful Students Will:

·  Take responsibility for their learning

·  Make nightly review and homework a priority

·  Keep an organized notebook

·  Turn in assignments on time

·  Begin studying for a test about one week in advance

·  Schedule a time for teacher immediately upon confusion

·  Miss as little class time as possible

Please sign and return this form to Mrs. Foley by Monday, September 11, 2012

9th Grade Physical Science 2012-‘13

Students: Your signature below indicates that you have read the materials in this packet and agree that you will abide the Code of Conduct and Classroom Policies outlined therein:


Student’s Name (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY) Period


Student’s Signature Date

Parents: Your signature below indicates that you have read the material contained in this packet and are aware of the expectations and classroom policies for Physical Science. If you have any questions regarding this class or your student’s progress, please feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail. I will answer all inquiries as quickly as possible, within 2 days at the latest:


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Parent contact information

Home: ______

Work: ______

e-mail ______