Patient Experience & User Involvement Steering Group
Members’ Expression of Interest Form
If you have any queries, would like to find out more about what this role will involve, or whether it would be suitable for your interests and experience, please don’t hesitate to contact us on07950 960 159 or 020 3447 2779.
If you are ready to apply, please complete this form and return it to: y midnight Sunday 28 January 2018.
Your contact details- Name
- Postal address
- Email address
- Phone number
Your experience of care and treatment
- Are you a patient or a carer / family member?
- What type(s) of cancer have you, or the person you care for, been diagnosed with?
- Are you, or the person you care for, currently receiving treatment? If not, when did you last receive treatment?
- Which hospitals did you, or the person you care for, go to:
- initially
- for treatment
- for follow-up appointments
Your interests, skills and experiences
- Are you currently involved with any groups or organisations, for example:
- Patient panels
- Advisory groups
- Patient forums
- Patient involvement network
- Health champions network
- Peer support group
- Tumour specific support group
- Faith groups
- Community groups not related to cancer
- We are looking for people who can broadly represent the diverse views and experiences of people affected by cancer and drive our patient experience and involvement work programme.
(max. 200 words)
- Why do you think it is important for people affected by cancer to get involved in helping shape NHS services?
(max. 200 words)
- How do you think you could contribute to the Steering Group?
Please describe your relevant skills and experience, with reference to the role description.
(max. 400 words)
Additional information
The information you provide in response to the following questions will help us to support you effectively. It will not be used to assess your suitability for the role.
- Do you have any access or other support needs to help you to participate fully?
- a. Are you currently working?
- What is your occupation?
- Would you like to receive regular email updates about future involvement opportunities and news about the work of the Collaborative?
Future involvement opportunities:
Yes / No
E-Bulletin News:
Yes / No
- If you answered ‘yes’ to question 15, please select from the following list,activities of interest to you:
- Joining a steering group
- Joining a project board
- Attending a focus group or workshop
- Attending a community engagement event
- Giving remote feedback on documentsby email – e.g. patient information leaflets, publicity materials
- Sitting on a selection panel
- Going on a site visit
- Developing a patient survey
- Public awareness of cancer
- Early diagnosis
- Improving patient pathways
- Provision of accessible information for patients
- Living with and beyond cancer
- Education and training for health professionals
Thank you for your interest in this role. We will respond to all applicants to let you know the outcome within 4 weeks of the deadline.