- c. prehistoric
Human habitation ofIndia.
- 5500 BCE
Cotton cultivation begins inIndia.
- c. 5000 BCE
Evidence of religious practices in theIndus Valley.
- c. 5000 BCE - c. 1500 BCE
TheIndus Valley(or Harappan)Civilization.
- c. 4000 BCE
Indian village of Balathal inhabited.
- c. 4000 BCE
Farmingsettlements are established in theIndus Valley.
- c. 3300 BCE
Early HarappanCivilizationofIndiapracticesburialof the dead.
- c. 3000 BCE
First signs ofurbanizationin theIndus Valley.
- c. 3000 BCE - c. 2600 BCE
The rise of the great Indiancitiesof MohenjoDaro and Harappa.
- c. 2800 BCE
Later HarappanCivilizationturns to cremation overburial.
- c. 2600 BCE
Dozens of towns andcitiesare established in theIndus Valley.
- 2000 BCE
Pepperis widely used in Indian cooking.
- c. 1700 BCE - c. 1500 BCE
Decline of the Harappan Culture inIndia.
- c. 1700 BCE - 1100 BCE
The RigVedawritten, mentioning the god Rudra (Shiva) for the first time.
- c. 1700 BCE - 150 BCE
The Vedic Period inIndia.
- 1500 BCE
TheIndus Valleyis invaded byAryans- nomadic northerners from central Asia.
- c. 1000 BCE
TheAryansexpand into the Ganges valley inIndia.
- c. 700 BCE
Indian scholars codify and reinterpretAryanbeliefs to create theUpanishadstexts forming the basis ofHinduism.
- c. 700 BCE
Indiais divided into 16Aryanstates or kingdoms.
- c. 600 BCE
Charaka and Sushruta found two schools of Ayurveda.
- 599 BCE - 527 BCE
Life of Indian philosopherVardhamana, founder ofJainism.
- 530 BCE
PersiaconquerstheIndus Valley.
- c. 500 BCE
The kingdom of Magadha, ruled by Bimbisara, is the most powerful state inIndia.
- c. 490 BCE - c. 410 BCE
The life ofSiddhartha Gautamaaccording to modern scholar consensus.
- 340 BCE - 298 BCE
Life of Indian EmperorChandragupta, first ruler of the MauryanEmpire.
- 327 BCE - 325 BCE
Alexander'scampaign in northernIndia.
- 322 BCE - 298 BCE
Reign ofChandragupta, first ruler of the MauryanEmpire.
- 320 BCE
ChandraguptaMaurya seizes the throne of Magadhan and expands the kingdom over northern and centralIndia.
- 305 BCE
Emperor Changragupta signs a treaty with Seleucus, establishing borders and giving the Punjab to Changragupta in return for 500warelephants.
- 298 BCE
Indian rulerChandraguptaMaurya dies.
- 298 BCE
Chandraguptavoluntarily abdicates the throne in favour of his son Bindusara. Jain sources say that Chandragupta turned into an ascetic and follower ofJainism, migrated south and starved himself to death.
- 298 BCE - 272 BCE
Chandragupta'sson, Bindusara, rules and expands the MauryaEmpire.
- c. 268 BCE
Ashokabecomes emperor of the Maurya dynasty inIndia.
- c. 260 BCE
Indian rulerAshokaconquersthe kingdom of Kalinga.
- 232 BCE
Indian rulerAshokadies and the Mauryaempiredeclines.
- c. 200 BCE
Beginning of the Greco-BactrianconquestsinIndia.
- 186 BCE
Demetrios wins a decisivebattlein Gandhara, beginning the Yona (orGreekera) inIndia.
- c. 165 BCE
The Greco-Bactrian kingEucratidesinvadesIndia.
- 160 BCE - 135 BCE
Indo-GreekKing Menander rules the Punjab.
- c. 130 BCE
Eucratidsflee fromBactriatoIndia. Rivalry between Eucratids andEuthydemidstakes place in the Indo-Greekkingdoms.
- 30 BCE
Pepperis directly imported byRomanships fromIndiaand its price decreases.
- c. 1 CE
First non-stop voyages fromEgypttoIndia.
- c. 1 CE - c. 100 CE
The Mahayana movement begins inIndiawith its belief in bodhisattva - saintly souls who helped the living.
- c. 100 CE
The large series of Mahayana Buddhist texts named in Sanskrit Prajnaparamita “Perfection of wisdom” begins to be written in SouthernIndia.
- 320 CE
Gupta I founds the Gupta dynasty which would ruleIndiafor 600 years.
- 380 CE - 415 CE
Reign of Chandra Gupta II inIndia.
- 450 CE
Indiais invaded by the White Huns across theHinduKush.
- c. 500 CE - c. 600 CE
InIndiathe Tantric expands the number of deities to include helpful demons, contactable through ritual.
- c. 550 CE
The end of the reign of VisnuguptaChandraditya, last of the Gupta rulers inIndia.
- 712 CE
Muslim general Muhammed bin QuasimconquersnorthernIndia.