8.00 A.M. – 10.30 A.M.: OPENING CEREMONY
(Master of ceremony Mr. James Lam-Lagoro and Dr. Anthony Ocaya)
10.30 AM – 11.00 A.M: BREAK
(Moderator: Prof. M.W. Okot and Rapporteur: Mr. Odoch Martine)
1.01Using Geographical Information System to Analyse Food Security among Tea Out growers in Kabarole District, Western Uganda. Nuwategeka Expedito
1.02Using Automated Land Evaluation Systems (ALES) to Analyse Food Security among Tea Out growers in Kabarole District: A Case Study of Tea, Maize and Bananas. Nuwategeka Expedito
1.03Water and Mega Hydropower projects: Case of Bujagali Project in Uganda. Kilama J
1.04Response of broiler chicken to dietary Java Plum (Syzygium cummi) beans. Ndyomugenyi. E. K and M. W. Okot
1.05Smallholder Farmer Access to and utilization of weather forecast information: Experiences in Ghana. Odongo H. Jawoko and Opio Alfonse
1.06Environmental mitigation and regeneration through sustainable farming and food security. Pen-Mogi Nyeko J. H
1.07Rain water harvesting at GuluUniversity campus: implementation, benefits and positive impacts. Ebangu B. O and Openy G
1.08The application of spectral based supervised and unsupervised classification techniques in detecting land cover change in Aswa basin, north-eastern Uganda. Nyeko Martine
1.09Biosystems engineering programme at GuluUniversity: One of the new programmes in Africa. Baliddawa, C. W et al
1.10Comparative reaction of commercial snap bean varieties to rust disease and yields in Uganda. Otim et al
1.11Farm level economic evaluation of Biodiversity enhancing technologies in agricultural production in Mukono district Uganda. Mugonola B et al
1.00 PM – 2.00 P.M. : LUNCH BREAK
(Moderator: Dr. Kennedy Amone P’Olak and Rapporteur: Mr. Amone Charles)
2.01Flaws of Quality Assurance and settling for the least in public universities in Uganda: A case of GuluUniversity. Ongaya Kizito et al
2.02Massification, social inclusion and relevance in higher education: what gaps in the Uganda’s situation? Lam-Lagoro James
2.03School ownership and strategies of managing student discipline in secondary schools in Gulu district. Ofoyuru, D. al
2.04Re-thinking secondary school teacher preparation: A case study of teacher training in Uganda. Odama S
2.05Reward management practices and teacher’s commitment in secondary schools in Uganda: a case study of Acholi region in northern Uganda. Nyeko M. O
2.06The challenge of the Faculty of Education and Humanities at GuluUniversity in rural transformation. Obitta Opio Washington
2.07To be or not to be a respected University educator. Ocitti Jakayo P
2.08Science education programme in post-conflict northern Uganda: Trends and implications for economic development. Udongo Betty Pacutho
3.30 PM – 4.00 PM: EVENING BREAK
4.00 pm – 5.30 pm: SESSION 3 (ECONOMICS PAPERS)
(Moderator: Mr. Gilbert Uwonda and Rapporteur: Ms Mukyala Rebecca)
3.01Characterisation of Shea products market players in Uganda. Odongo. Wet al
3.02Rural electrification and sustainable livelihoods: a case analysis of Kilembe Investment Limited. Babiiha Mpisi Sulayman
3.03The impact of savings mobilisation strategies on the performance of commercial banks: A case study of Centenary Bank at Gulu. Gena Patricket al
3.04Internal control system and the achievement of accountability in community based organizations in Gulu district: The case of NUSAF funded projects. Obwona H. M. et al
3.05The role of microfinance institutions in deposit mobilisation and loan deployment. Nakajubi R. et al
3.06Impact of EAC customs union on Uganda economy: A computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis. Ayai C. O
3.07Impact of foreign exchange exposure on budget performance of international organizations- the case of WHO Uganda. Wokorach, P. et al
3.08Decentralized budgeting and budget performance in Uganda’s Local Governments: The case study of Gulu District. Onyango-Delewa P and Jane Akello Lakony
(Moderator: Dr. B.E. Moro (Assoc. Prof.) and Rapporteur: Dr. Felix Kaducu)
4.01Factors affecting infant feeding practices among HIV-positive mothers attending the PMTCT programme at Gulu Regional Referral and LacoorHospital. Odongkara Beatrice Mpora
4.02Are antiretroviral therapies improving the quality of life for people in northern Uganda. Akello Grace
4.03Adherence to medicines of HIV/Aids by patients attending health facilities in Acholi sub-region of Northern Uganda. Musoke D., Mshilla M. and Kuule J.
4.04Low prevalence of insecticide treated bednet utilization among pregnant women in Gulu district in internally displaced person’s camps, Uganda. Obol, J. H et al
4.05A survey to assess household perceptions of government programs to control malaria: Indoor residual spraying to control malaria in Gulu and Oyam districts. Brown, Z. S et al
4.06Development of low cost weaning food for infants in Northern Uganda.Obai. G
4.07The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Family Planning Practice of Women in Laroo Division, GuluMunicipality. Ndayisaba Sylvester et al
4.08A cross-sectional study to assess the risk factors for road traffic accidents in GuluMunicipality. Odongo-Aginya & Group E(fourth year Medical Students)
4.09Achieving Food production in Refugee Settlements, A case study of Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Masindi District.Ayine Robert
4.10Linking neglect of socio-economic factors in assessment of psychosocial distress to contemporary narrow focus on PTSD in wartime interventions. Akello Grace
10.30 AM – 11.00 A.M: BREAK
11.00 AM – 1.00 P.M.: SESSION 5 (SCIENCE PAPERS)
(Moderator: Mr. Benedict Oyo and Rapporteur: Mr. James Bogere)
5.01Development of alternative strategies for tick control in cattle in different farming systems of eastern agro-ecological zone of Uganda. Okello-Onen Joseph
5.02A Reassessment of Blood Diet requirements to Maintain Large Colonies of Tsetse. Opiyo Elizabeth A
5.03Effect of municipal effluent on water quality of Gulu township. Mbabazi J. et al
5.04The effect of internally displaced People (IDP) camps on the physiochemical and Microbial aspects of surrounding water sources – A case study of Gulu district. Mulongo G et al
5.05Diversity of wild plants of the Acholi sub-region, northern Uganda. Loki R et al
5.06Epistemology of wild food plants of the Acholi-sub-region, northern Uganda. Loki R et al
5.07Phytochemical and cytotoxicity test of medicinal plants in Erute county, Lira district, Uganda. Oryema Christine et al
5.08Acaricidal effects of four plant species on Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann (Acarina: Ixodidae) ticks. Opiro R et al
5.09Design of an efficient cogeneration system. Achaye Innocent
5.10Immune Responses to Schistosoma mansoni infection and the associated antibody amongst residents of Kigungu, EntebbeUganda.Odong Aginya Emanuel
1.00 PM – 2.00 P.M.:LUNCH BREAK
(Moderator: Mr. Charles Okumu and Rapporteur: Robert Ayine)
6.01Communalism versus individualism: colonial labour policy and its ramifications in Uganda 1894 – 1962. Amone Charles
6.02The phenomenon of child soldiers in the past and present: risks, protective factors and mental health consequences for their reintegration. Amone P’Olak
6.03Okot p’Bitek: cultural reformist, religious thinker and critic. Okumu Charles
6.04Community participation and educational development: a case study of Parents-Teachers Association (PTAs) of secondary schools in Kasese district. Babiiha M. S
6.05The role of sports in peace building and development in the community. Omara Orech
6.06An evaluation of factors influencing academic performance in government aided primary schools in Gulu Municipal Council, Northern Uganda. Ejang Mary
6.07Effect of Northern Uganda insurgency on the effectivenss of secondary school teachers teaching and supervision: A case study on selected secondary schools in GuluMunicipality. Thomas Gabriel Mayawu
6.08Global Knowledge field building: Beyond dominant logocentrism to hermeneutics of human knowledge construction. Komakech Daniel
3.30 PM – 4.00 PM: EVENING BREAK
4.00 pm – 5.30 pm: SESSION 7 (MEDICINE PAPERS)
(Moderator: Prof. Amoko and Rapporteur: Dr. Joyce Kaducu)
7.01Pyomyositis and its risk factors in patients of Gulu regional ReferralHospital. Kitara David Lagoro, Paul Bwangamoi Okot and Henry Wabinga
7.02The Postoperative complications predicted in MulagoHospital using a scoring system. Kitara, D.I., KakandeI., Mugisa, B. D., and Obol, J. H
7.03A case report pf Buruli Ulcers in GuluRegionalReferralHospital, Northern Uganda. Kitara David Lagoro, Paul Bwangamoi Okot and Odong Aginya E. I
7.04The mortality pattern of patients who undergo Laparotomy in MulagoNationalreferralHospital. Kitara et al
7.05The demographic characteristics of patients who underwent Laparotomy in MulagoNationalReferralHospital. Kitara D. L
7.06Pharmaceutical care in the Antiretroviral therapy service delivery: A case study of Acholi sub-region, northern Uganda. Mshilla Maghanga
7.07Retroesophageal right subclavian artery. Ocaya Anthony
7.08Neuropsychology in Northern Uganda. What may handcrafts tell us about cognitive functions? Lamwaka et al
(Moderator: Mr. Babiiha S. R. M and Rapporteur: Mr. Augustine Okech)
8.01Capital Markets regulations and development of business enterprises in Uganda. Olido Kenneth and Ngabito Moris
8.02Budgetary procedures in a decentralized system of governance: the quest for fairness and performance. Olido Kenneth
8.03Ethnicity and armed conflicts in Uganda: A case of the Lord’s Resistance Army rebellion. Amone Charles
8.04Federal government role in development: Lessons for Africa. Alani Jimmy
8.05Public expenditure management and governance in Uganda’s Local Governments: The case of Apac District. Onyango-Delewa P. and Echat M.
8.06Public-Private partnership for improved service delivery: a case study of National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in Kitgum district. Babiiha M. S et al
8.07Gendering post conflict transformation in Northern Uganda. Laloyo Omona Stella
8.08A Glimpse at Uganda’s Conflict Vulnerability. Stephen Langole
8.09Theorising Peace and Conflict – An Anthropological Approach. Lioba Lenhart and Julia Vorhoelter
8.10Local governance and effective service: Focussing war ravaged northern districts of Amuru and Pader. Babiiha M. S. R
10.30 AM – 11.00 A.M: BREAK
11.00 am – 1.00 p.m.: SESSION 9 (MATHS, ICT AND SCIENCE PAPERS)
(Moderator: Prof. Joseph Okello-Onen and Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Lokii)
9.01Deriving Formulae for series sum of powers for the first n natural numbers. Alani Jimmy et al
9.02A comparison of a new root finding method and Brent’s methods. An application in confidence interval estimation of survival probabilities. Abola B
9.03Copyleft open source ICT initiative: A growing challenge to copyright in African Oral literature. Ongaya Kizito
9.04Mobile phone based water billing system. Okello Robert
9.05Enhancing Mobile applications for rural community transformation. Oyo Benedict
9.06A teaching and learning softboard application. Andresile P
9.07Fish prevalence in Ugandan local markets: a case of st. Balikudembe and Gulu main markets. Nagai Yawe Jane
9.08Permutations and combinations learning application. Ochiege Francis
9.09Optimising ICTs for Better Academic Support Services: Results of ICT Facilities Performance Verification at GuluUniversity. Aregu R
9.10The use of Geographical Information System as a support tool for decision making in wildlife conservation: The case of Kajiado District, Kenya. Lamtoo Geoffrey
1.00 PM – 2.00 P.M.:LUNCH BREAK
(Master of ceremony Mr. James Lam-Lagoro and Dr. Anthony Ocaya)