PDM/HMGP Quarterly Report
SubGrant Number / Project/Plan Name / Performance Period / Project Manager InfoDR-4011-UT-HMGP 10-F / Implementation of Risk-Based Liquefaction Maps in Hazard Ordinances and Risk-Based Decision Making / April – June 2014 / Name: Steven Bartlett
Phone: 435-841-9837
Progress Report
(Please describe a general summary of what occurred during the past quarter and any concerns encountered)
Task Summary
Task 1-1 Finalize Maps (Completed – Currently putting maps into published form)
Task 1-2 Electronic publishing (Started)
Task 1-3 Map supporting information (Ongoing)
Task 1-4 Draft liquefaction ordinance (Not started)
Task 2-1 Develop risk-based decision making short course (Not started)
Task 2-2 Develop liquefaction mapping short course (Not started)
Task 2-3 Liquefaction web content (Not started)
Task 2-4 Liquefaction meetings with stakeholders (Not started)
Task 2-5 Follow-up meetings with Weber, Davis, Salt Lake and Utah Co. officials (Not started)
Task 2-6 Revise draft liquefaction ordinance (Not started)
Task 2-7 Support adoption of liquefaction maps and ordinances (Not started)
Task 2-8 Deliver short course of Task 2-2 (Not started)
Task 3-1 Review of traffic modeling methods (Completed)
Task 3-2 Develop liquefaction fragility curves (Completed)
Task 3-3 Traffic modeling (Ongoing)
Task 3-4 Determine impacts (Not started)
Task 3-5 Develop interfaces to display modeling results (Not started)
Task 3-6 Modeling technical report (Ongoing – Draft being developed)
Task 4-1 Develop earthquake hazard curriculum (Completed)
Task 4-2 Outfit earthquake mobile lab (Completed)
Task 4-3 Deliver curriculum to high schools (Ongoing – Visit will continue during Spring and Fall 2014)
(Please list status of important milestones)
- Milestone #1: Finalize Maps
Completion Date: 8/30/2013
On Schedule? Completed
- Milestone #2: Publish Maps
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Slightly behind schedule. Maps are still being converted to ARC GIS format. Some of the files used to produce the maps need to be reconstructed. Final map format is being reviewed by UGS.
Comments: Due end 2nd Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #3: Documentation of Maps
Completion Date: 6/30/2014
On Schedule? yes
Comments: Due end 2nd Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #4: Risk-based short course
Completion Date: 6/30/2014
On Schedule? yes
Comments: Due end 2nd Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #5: Liquefaction mapping short course
Completion Date: 4/9/2014
On Schedule? yes
Comments: Due end 2nd Qtr. 2014 ; Presentation made to Utah Chapter of EERI
- Milestone #6: Map and Ordinance Seminar
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Not started
Comments: Due end 1st Qtr. 2015
- Milestone #7: Meetings with municipalities
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Not started
Comments: Due end 4th Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #8: Revision to model ordinance
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Not started
Comments: Due end 1st Qtr. 2015
- Milestone #9: Short course delivery
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Not started
Comments: Due end 4th Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #10: Technical report for traffic modeling
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Not started
Comments: Due end 4th Qtr. 2015
- Milestone #11: Publication and Web content addressing liquefaction hazards
Completion Date:
On Schedule?
Comments: UGS (Utah Geological Survey Task)
- Milestone #12: High school curriculum
Completion Date: 12/01/2013
On Schedule? yes
Comments: Due end 4th Qtr. 2015; Presentation to high schools is continuing.
- Milestone #13: Outfitted mobile earthquake lab
Completion Date: 12/01/2013
On Schedule? completed
Comments: Due end 2nd Qtr. 2014
- Milestone #14: Delivery of high school curriculum
Completion Date:
On Schedule? Yes, ongoing visits. Presentation to high schools is continuing.
Comments: Due end 4th Qtr. 2014
(Please comment on budget/reimbursement status)
What are your current expenses? None
When and how much do you anticipate requesting for reimbursement? No request for reimbursement this qtr.
Environmental ReportStatus(Project only)
(Please comment on the conditions stated in the REC, any permits obtained and any other issues)
Percent of project/plan complete: 40
Do you anticipate requesting funds in the next quarter? yes
Do you expect the cost of the project/plan to be overrun/underrun? no
Do you expect to complete the project/plan on time? yes