College of Liberal Arts Faculty Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting 4, December 10, 2014
3:30pm – 5:00pm / A/S –124B
Attendance: Misty Jaffe, Chris Karadjov, Lynda McCroskey, Jennifer Reed, David Wallace, Ann Johnson, Ebony Utley, Craig Stone, Carol Zitzer Comfort, LaRese Hubbard, Patty Seyburn, Francisca Gonzalez-Flores, Charles Mahoney, Isabella Lanza, Enrico Vettore, Jim Miles, Sabrina Alimahomed, Steven Rousso-Schindler, Araceli Esparza, Gwen Shaffer, May Ling Halim, Emir Estrada, Heather Stevens, Bill Mohr, Kiyomi Chinen, Hyowon Ban, Yutian Chen, Emily Berquist, Margaret Kuo
I. Call to Order – 3:36pm
II. Approval of Agenda by acclamation
III. Approval of Minutes by acclamation
IV. Reports
A. Executive Committee: Chair’s Report (Jaffe’s Report)—There will be a second round of Scholarly Intersections Grants. Guidelines are the same; however, retroactive funding applications are also considered.
B. Dean’s Report: Dean David Wallace’s Report—We may not see raises until our April paycheck (July 1st retroactive/back pay for those on payroll prior to 6/1/2014). There will be +1.6% increase across the board, while remainder 1.4% distributed for equity pay. CBA attempted to get most/some to the SSI (Service Salary Increase) max; however, it is likely that some will fall below. No details available for the equity/compression program at this time.
Announcements: Congratulations to Mark Wiley, CSULB’s new Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs beginning January 1, 2015. Likely interim search to begin fall 2015. The newly renovated LA buildings will open for Spring 2015 semester. Interested faculty can receive training for the ALCs (Active Learning Classrooms).
[Note: Constitutional Revision #3 was discussed out of order here, but is reported in these minutes in order of agenda items}
C. CLA PR Committee: (Karadjov’s report)—After meeting with Amy Bippus
(1) We have the targeted number of alumni and student profiles for all but two departments, and (2) there is still a desire to improve departments’ websites. Further, there will be a workshop in February 2015 (approximate date) for chairs and faculty which focuses on best practices, good ideas for websites, model websites, and efficiency.
V. Constitutional Revisions
#1 lines 76-82 Membership—full-time defined…includes tenured, probationary faculty, authorized leave and lecturers with a three-year contract. (1st moved, Mohr, 2nd, McCroskey) Friendly amendments include (1) Faculty on FERP count 0.5 (Approved by acclamation) and (2) Faculty with joint appointment 1.0 count in both/each department (Passes/Approved, 1 abstention)
#2 Lines 155-156 Alternates—Alternates shall be elected to all committees with exception of Faculty Council Executive Committee (Passes/Approved by acclamation)
#3 Budget Committee—Nine (9) full-time faculty members. The Dean and the FC Executive Committee shall nominate candidates and the Faculty Council will elect the necessary numbers required for staggered terms by FC vote. (Passes/Approved, 1 abstention)
#4 Lines 236-241 Department Chairs & Program Chairs RTP Service—If department or program chairs serve on the CLA RTP committee they will be recused from decisions involving any faculty from their department or programs (motion to accept language “program directors” Passes/Approved by acclamation)
#5 RTP Ragan Fox motion—In the event RTP cannot be fully populated by members who are all from different departments, up to two department members from the same academic area may be elected so long as they are at different ranks (motion Passes/Approved, 1 opposed, 0 abstentions)
VI. Adjournment 5:00pm