AdvancED Standards / 2013-16
Strategic Plan / Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: Teaching and Learning
School Year: 2015-16 /
1.  Purpose and Direction
2.  Governance and Leadership
3.  Teaching and Assessing for Learning
4.  Resources and Support Systems
5.  Using Results for Continuous Improvement
/ ·  Instruction
·  Human Resources
·  Facility and Safety Services
·  Technology Services
·  Operational Services
AdvancED Standard(s) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan / Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction / ·  District Collaboration – Professional development focused on learning targets and differentiation
·  Inter-Rater Reliability – Training to support TAPS and LAPS
·  District Data Team – Review district Georgia Milestones data to determine specific areas of need
·  School Improvement – Provide individual support to schools regarding using data to guide instruction (CCRPI, data teams, Georgia Milestones, SGPs, SLOs, etc…)
·  Performance Based Teaching and Learning – Align assessments and instruction to the cognitive level of the standard
·  Student Learning Objectives – Create assessments based on priority standards
·  Personalized Learning – Research and develop a vision and implementation plan for personalizing learning in FCS.
·  Collaborate with Student Support to develop classroom culture that supports learning / Ongoing
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction / ELA – Based on T&L data team review of 2014-15 GA Milestones Results and school improvement plans.
·  Continue focus on written expression; provide professional learning in idea development, organization, and coherence (Elementary)
·  Provide professional development for written responses to texts; continue focus on writing across content areas (Elementary)
·  Writing practice with constructive feedback in extended response and narrative writing (Middle)
·  Provide more writing opportunities to receive feedback from both teachers and peers in the area of narrative writing (High)
·  Train / Implement DBQ project units and strategies (Middle & High)
·  Investigate DBQ project units and strategies (Elementary)
·  Creating vertically aligned learning targets
·  Design k-12 literacy framework
·  Revisions of the elementary balanced literacy framework / ·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Summer 2016
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction / Math – Based on T&L data team review of 2014-15 GA Milestones Results and school improvement plans.
·  Continue development, implementation, and refinement of common summative assessments developed collaboratively by math teacher leaders across the district, adding HS common summative assessments
·  Implement high school math collaboration team meetings
·  Provide professional development for all 6th and 7th grade teachers on the ratios and proportions standard
·  Training on numbers talks; Redefine teaching and assessment practices regarding number fluency
·  Provide professional development on Formative Assessment Lessons (FALs) / ·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Fall 2015
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction /
Science – Based on T&L data team review of 2014-15 GA Milestones Results
·  Embed literacy skills into all science instruction
·  Design active/experiential science lessons
·  Develop conceptual understanding of all academic vocabulary
·  Implement Stem Scopes (Elementary)
·  Implement a district Physical Science data team to review results, focus instruction, and share best practices
·  Create integrated units and benchmark assessments (Elementary) / ·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Fall 2015
·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Spring / Summer 2016
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction /
Social Studies – Based on T&L data team review of 2014-15 GA Milestones Results
·  Poll schools to determine current schedules and practices teaching social studies; determine those that are most effective to share with all schools (Elementary)
·  Create integrated units and benchmark assessments (Elementary)
·  Create a leadership team to identify resource needs and develop a vision for secondary social studies (Middle & High)
·  Pilot DBQ project units and strategies to determine future implementation (Middle & High)
·  Building itsLearning resource courses
·  Investigate DBQ project units and strategies (Elementary) / ·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Ongoing
·  2015-2016
·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Spring / Summer 2016
Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / Instruction / CTAE/Workforce Development – Based on team review of 2014-15 CTAE EOPA, SLO’s, Perkins Core Indicators, and FCS Construction Program:
·  Ongoing professional development around integrating academics into career and technical education.
·  Continued development of common pacing and unit plans.
·  Continue development of pathway planning days for content alignment.
·  Ongoing monitoring of Workforce Forsyth implementation by career pathway.
·  Develop seamless middle to high school alignment in regards to curriculum, equipment, and other resources.
·  Monitoring of lab modification and improvements as part of 2014 bond referendum.
·  Assist school CTAE administrators in Perkins budgeting and resource allocation
·  Begin architectural design and curriculum development for Alliance Academy for Innovation. / ·  Spring / Summer 2016
·  Summer 2016
·  Spring 2016
·  Spring 2016
·  Ongoing
·  Ongoing
·  Spring 2016
·  Spring / Summer 2016

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