Project Development Officer

Full Time (35 hours a week)

NJC point 24 - £21,530

(The post is initially funded until April 2016)

GMYN is looking to recruit an appropriately skilled/experienced worker to support with the development and ongoing support of GMYN’s projects.

Staff Role

GMYN delivers a variety of projects supporting young people across Greater Manchester. This new role will support with the development of our projects with a focus on communications, media production, marketing, youth participation and monitoring. The role entails working with all members of the GMYN team contributing to the general services and projects of the organisation, supporting volunteers and information management.

One of the key roles of this position will be to focus on the development of two exciting projects “Boots and Beats” in partnership with City in the Community and “Greater Manchester Talent Match”.

For application information please visit

Email or contact GMYN on 0161 274 3377.

Closing date: Wednesday 1st April – 12 noon.

Please note that interviews for the positions will take place on Tuesday 14th April.

All posts are subject to an enhanced DBS check. GMYN is an equal opportunities employer.

Further information on Boots and Beats

The Boots and Beats project will offer young people 14-25 open access football and music provision, primarily on a Friday evening, delivered over 2 static sights. In addition, the project intends to deliver a summer programme taking Boots and Beats on tour across Manchester delivered from a variety of venues.

The project will be young person led, through a project team of young people established by the Project Coordinator. This group of young people will be recruited, trained and supported to give strategic input to influence the development and delivery of the project.

The project will have an underlying objective to increase opportunities available to young people to improve their employability. This will be achieved through the creation of transitional routes, including volunteering opportunities, training and experiential learning. This will include access to courses, enterprise initiatives and workshops.

The project will also use music and football as a tool to encourage social interaction between groups that wouldn’t ordinarily come together and integrate awareness raising sessions and programmes to challenge young people’s perceptions and views.

Further information on Greater Manchester Talent Match

Greater Manchester Talent Match is a Big Lottery-funded programme bringing together the private, public and voluntary sectors to support young people aged 18-24 who have not been in employment, education or training for twelve months or more and who need extra support to help them along their pathway to work. The programme was co-designed with young people and the Youth Panel hosted by GMYN is at the heart of decision-making throughout.

Talent Coaches are providing what young people told us was missing from other youth employment schemes - a highly personalised, holistic approach that supports them to overcome personal and practical barriers to employment.

Employer engagement is at the heart of our programme and we have some great employers working with us. We have created the Greater Manchester Opportunities Hub, an online portal bringing together information about existing opportunities available for young people with those we are sourcing exclusively for young people on the programme. We recognise the value of volunteering opportunities to young people and are working to further develop these within the region.