Chapter 26:

The Futile Search for Stability in Europe: Europe Between the Wars (1919-1939)

Key Terms

Identify and explain the historical significance of each of the following. (In other words,

describe what it is or who it is and explain why it matters.)

An Uncertain Peace

lost generationthe Little EntenteRuhr Valley

inflationthe Dawes Planthe Locarno pact

the Kellogg-Biand pact the Great Depression

The Democratic States

John Maynard Keynesthe Popular FrontSocial Democratic governments

Success of Scandinaviathe New DealAtaturk

The Authoritarian and Totalitarian States (brace yourselves!!!)

totalitarianism mass propagandaBenito Mussolini

squadristi (Black-Shirts) Fascists Lateran Accords

the Weimar RepublicPaul von HindenburgAdolf Hitler

Mein KampfNational Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazi)

the SABeer Hall PutschLebensraum

Fuhrerprinzip (the leadership principle)the Third Reich

the SSHeinrich Himmlerthe Hitler Youth

Nuremberg LawsKristallnacht New Economic Policy

USSR (Soviet Union)PolitburoJoseph Stalin

five-year planscollectivization authoritarian state

Francisco Francothe Spanish Civil War

The Expansion of Mass Culture and Mass Leisure

radio and movies

Dopolavoro (Afterwork) and Kraft durch Freude (Strength Through Joy)

Triumph of the Will

Cultural and Intellectual Trends in the Interwar Years

Dadaism Surrealism-Dalifunctionalism

BauhausCarl Jung

Essays (In class—one essay for 35 minutes) :

Answer two of the following questions in essay/outline form:

1) What are the characteristics of totalitarian states, and to what degree were these characteristics present in Fascist Italy, Nazi German and the Soviet Union?

2)Compare the rise to power of fascism in Germany and Italy.

3)Spielvogel claims that the Stalinist era inaugurated an “economic, social, and political revolution that was more sweeping in its results than the revolutions of 1917.” Explain.

4). What role did mass leisure play in the totalitarian states during the interwar years?

5) Was the decline of the Weimar Republic inevitable?