Timeline for Brown International 4th Grade Programme of Inquiry 2017-18

August-October / October-November / December-Jan / Jan.-March / March-April / May-June
Who We Are
Change/immigration / How the World Works
Form/Animals / How We Express Ourselves
Interpretation/Colorado / How We Organize Ourselves
Systems/Government / Sharing the Planet
Energy / Where We Are In Place and Time
Central Idea:
Internal and external factors that lead to migration change the human condition. / Central Idea:
All living things are classified according to their characteristics, which help them to adapt and survive in their native habitat. / Central Idea:
Primary and secondary sources create a lens through which a region's history, geography and economy is expressed and interpreted. / Central Idea:
Government creates a system and a structure for a country’s decision- making process. / Central Idea:
Responsibility of sharing finite resources leads to conservation of energy and its sources. / Central Idea:
Our knowledge of the universe is dependant on continued exploration of space and data analysis.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Factors that facilitate migration/immigration (causation)
-Perspectives on immigration/migration (perspective)
- Social, economical and geographical impacts of migration/immigration (change) / Lines of Inquiry:
-How and why are living things are classified
-Similarities and differences of species (Polar Bear vs. Brown Bear)
-Impact of environmental changes on survival / Lines of Inquiry:
How primary and secondary sources tell the story of how:
-early Coloradans shape our state (biographies)
-Colorado’s geography affects region’s lifestyle and economy
-Colorado changed over time. / Lines of Inquiry:
-Structure of the state and federal government (form)
· Function of the various branches of government (function)
· Responsibilities of government leaders and citizens (responsibility) / Lines of Inquiry:
-Renewable and nonrenewable energy
-Impacts of energy use
-Understanding different types of energy / Lines of Inquiry:
What makes a planet? Characteristics of planets
-Comparison of the components of the solar system
-Gathering and interpreting data about the sun and moon
-Space Exploration
Key Concepts:
change, causation, perspective / Key Concepts:
form, function, responsibility / Key Concepts:
causation, change, perspective, reflection / Key Concepts:
form, function, responsibility / Key Concepts:
function, connection, responsibility / Key Concepts:
form, perspective, reflection, connection
Related Concepts:
migration, population, discrimination / Related Concepts: classification, adaptation, extinction / Related Concepts:
history, geography, economy / Related Concepts:
freedom, authority, citizenship, choice / Related Concepts:
energy, renewable, non-renewable, conservation / Related Concepts:
systems, space
Learner Profile
knowledgeable, reflective / Learner Profile
inquirer, thinker / Learner Profile
risk-taker, communicator / Learner Profile
balanced, principled / Learner Profile
balanced, caring / Learner Profile
risktaker, open-minded
Approaches to Learning
Research,Communication and Social / Approaches to LearningSelf management, research and thinking / Approaches to Learning
Research and Communication / Approaches to LearningThinking and Self Management / Approaches to Learning Communication, research and thinking / Approaches to Learning
Research, communication and social

Revised 8-17