Project: Expenses and Tax Reporting
- User Stories
-Data User Stories
-Reporting Stories
-Admin Stories
- Defects
- User Stories/Charter Statement
Generally: As a user of bank statements and other expense data that goes into completing tax forms annually as well as analyzing spending trends, I need a database which aggregates all bank expense data in one place for the purposes of categorization as well as analysis.
KPI and Output: Dollars spent by category, annually and monthly and total; interest payments to credit cards or other loans; Spending as a % of income; Spending compared against budget; Savings projections
Data User / Priority / Points/Effort / Acceptance CriteriaAs a data user, I want a form with fields to display named Date, Amount, Account Name, Account Type, Description, Draft or Check Number, and Expense Category, that displays current information and allows me to scroll through and validate each expense record / 1 / 26 / Form that displays Date, Amount, Draft or Check Number, Description, and Category that can be edited
As a data user, in editing records via the form, the bank description of the expense needs to autopopulate a default category / 1 / 13 / Macro importing the bank data automatically identifies the bank, and any query populating a form reads that field to be displayed
As a data user, I want to have a drop down menu in the form, of established expense categories to choose from / 1 / 3 / Drop down list that includes existing Expense Categories and allows for new ones
As a data user, I will want to be able to identify records without expense categories and add them via the form / 1 / 3 / Query attached to form which pulls those records without Expense Categories
As a data user, I will want to establish spending controls in the form of a budget which sets limits by category and month, year / 2 / 13 / Ability to input budget thresholds by Expense Category and compare to actual spending
As a data user, I want the ability to view other records in a list to compare by Expense Category when I select the Category from a drop down / 2 / 13 / Button to launch subform and query which shows all prior records in that Expense Category
As a data user, I need a link to the web inside of the Access form to seemlessly view details like drafts and checks to see payee and determine category / 2 / 3 / Links within the form open up a browser window automatically to the sign in page of each bank website
As a data user I want to be able to split an expense to differentiate between certain expense categories e.g. Pharmacy drugs or grocery and cash / 2 / 2 / Split Expense Button that duplicates the existing record and requires user to enter new values for amount and Expense Category
As a data user, I want a cute function with a picture by each potential spender to show who spend the money, one or both / 3 / 6 / Build Spender Table and make a Relational db to join the table to the Main data table
As a data user I want to be able to navigate to records first, last, next, previous via buttons on the form / 3 / 2 / Buttons on the form to allow for such navigation
As a data user I want to be able to have the following functionality on the form: close without saving, Save, delete / 3 / 2 / Automated in the form for Save, undo button for close without save, and Delete (Trash) button
Reports / Priority / Points/Effort / Acceptance Criteria
As a report user, I will want to see a report of expenses by category, with the ability to select month(s) and year(s) / 1
As a report user, I will want to see a report that shows spending compared to income, with the ability to select month(s) and year(s) / 1
As a report user, I will want to see a report that compares spending to a budget / 1
As a report user, I will want to see a report of income with the ability to select month(s) and year(s) / 2
As a report user, I will want to see a report of expenses by account / 3
Controls and Admin / Priority / Points / Acceptance Criteria
As an Admin, I need to clean up existing data in Excel to reflect consistent category and account types for easy upload into Access / 1 / 13 / Creation of macros to account for each bank download which changes the format and ensures each field can be accepted into the Main data table
As an Administrator of the db, I will need a regular schedule to download bank expense activity, reminders necessary / 2 / 6 / Pop up message driven by date, reminder via Outlook possible
As an Admin, I will need an aggregated table of data pulling from all the imported tables that will be written to the table via the form and create a centralized view for reporting / 1 / 26 / Main data table creation as well as process to append the table for each new download
As an Admin, I need to be able to identify credit card accounts which have non-negative expenses and write them to the table as negative expenses / 1 / 6 / Redundant with #1, but requires macro to format the Expense Amount field to negative
As an Admin, I need a timestamp and username for when and who edited a form, as a log / 2 / 6 / Autopopulate based on computer time/date as well as user-selected editor function
As an Admin, I need to be able to differentiate between expenses and deposits for the purposes of reports, similar to positive values for credit card expenses / 1 / 3 / Expenses and deposits can be identified via the Expense Category field
Defects and Change Control
Description / Problem / Proposed Solution / Applied SolutionUser Form drop down for Account Type and Expense Category are not updating to the List tables and the Main table, while those records with populated fields can be edited and those without cannot / The incomplete records not having a category or account type were not editable as those fields were null in the Main table / Creating a different query for incomplete records and a different form
Creating a separate table for incomplete records / Added TBD and corresponding foreign key in the account type and expense category tables
Navigate to Last Records to see the most recent TBD record to be edited
The cute function with the picture has Option Buttons that are not grouped and do not write to the Spender or Main Table
Split Expense button does not duplicate all fields / Need to unlock the fields in Properties so that they can be copied / Go to Properties and on the Data tab select NO for locked / Went to Properties on Data tab, selected No for locked on all fields