Coaching Session Plan
Under 10/11
March 2013
“At Sylvania Heights FC, we want the Coaches to Coach, the Managers to Manage, the game to be centred around the players and, above all, the kids to be active, learn best by playing the game and enjoy themselves!”
Table of Contents
Overview of SHFC Coaching Session Plans 3
WEEK 1: Passing 4
WEEK 2: Dribbling 5
Week 3: Ball Control 6
WEEK 4: Turning 7
WEEK 4: Shielding 9
WEEK 5: Defending 11
WEEK 6: Attacking and Shooting 12
WEEK 7: Heading 13
WEEK 8: Passing 14
WEEK 9: Dribbling 15
WEEK 10: Turning 17
WEEK 11: Passing and Awareness 18
Under 10/11 Practice Ideas 19
"Team Knock Out" 19
"End Zone Game" 20
Overview of SHFC Coaching Session Plans
This document provides you, as a Coach or Assistant Coach of a SHFC team, with a structured guide for what to do each week. It covers all of the key skills that we are seeking to develop within our young players, such as passing, shooting, dribbling, shielding, heading and tackling.
You can use this Session Plan as a guide each week. It provides ideas for a Warm Up, Drills and Games that can be followed. You have the choice either follow the Session Plan exactly (which is the easiest) or substitute some of the exercises for some other drills and games that you have used before or have found from another source.
You should, however, follow the skill that is to be development for your Division on that particular week. For example, if Week 1 is “Passing”, then you should focus on developing those skills that week. Do not spend time working on shooting or tackling.
WEEK 1: Passing
10 MINS Warm up game. No balls needed
Monkey in the Middle One player (the monkey) stands in the middle of a pitch 15m x 30m. The other players must get from one end of the pitch to the other when the coach blows his whistle without running outside of the area or without the “monkey” tagging them. If they are tagged then they also become a monkey and help him/her in the middle. The player is safe once they reach the other end and the coach blows the whistle to go again. The last person in is the winner and is then the monkey for the next game.
KLP: Looking for and running into space. Don’t run towards the ‘defenders’
10 MINS Practical Drills
Basic Passing
All players line up in pairs facing each other about 5 metres apart. Practice different passing techniques such as inside, outside, laces. Ask the children if they know the different ways of passing the ball before demonstrating yourself.
Keep Away Circle
Players pair up and stand across from each other around a circle (can use cones if required). One player or coach stands inside the circle and tries to intercept passes made between the players. Passes made between the players count as goals. Change the players in the circle after a pass is intercepted or after a short time.
KLP: Correct technique of a pass. Using the correct part of the foot and where to place the non–kicking foot.
15 MINS Practical Games (select 1 or 2)
Cone Game
All players line up in pairs facing each other about 6 metres apart. Place one cone in the centre of the pair. The object is to hit the cone down using a correct passing technique. If a player hits the cone down using the correct technique they get a point and stand the cone up whilst their partner retrieves the ball and gets ready. Do this until the players perform the technique correctly. Make a competition out of it: First pair to hit down the cone 5 times is the winner. Use different passes (inside, outside, laces) or move the starting positions further away from the centre cone
Passing Through the Gap
Partners are required, with one ball and two cones for each pair. Set the cones up about two feet away from one another (moving them closer as accuracy improves). Have the players pass back and forth to one another, making sure that the ball goes between the two cones. Develop a scoring system.
Triangle Pass
Set up a three player triangle. Each group has one ball. Players try to pass around the triangle shape. Make sure they reverse the direction of the passes from time to time. After a certain level of proficiency is reached, add a defender to try and intercept the passes.
KLP: Passing to a target. Technique, awareness of other players.
WEEK 2: Dribbling
10 MINS Warm up
Monkey in the Middle (with balls) Starting off with the coach as the monkey (defender) in the middle of a suitably sized pitch (say 15m x 30m), the players must dribble their footballs from one end of the playing area to the other without the ‘defender’ kicking their ball out. The ball must be kicked to the side and out of the area by the defender. Balls that are kicked to either end are still considered in. If an attacker gets their ball kicked out or dribbles over the side lines, they leave their ball and are considered caught and join the coach as another defender. Play until there is only one child left. Allow the last child the chance to take on everyone. The winner starts in the middle as the defender in the next game.
KLP: Keep the ball close. Have lots of touches. Look for space and dribble to it quickly. Do not kick the ball forward and chase it.
10 MINS Practical Drills
Basic Dribbling
Dribble between two lines using the correct technique. Dribble from one line to the other, stop the ball on the line, go back and stop the ball where you started. A certain number of touches on the ball are required to ensure it is under control. See how many touches of the ball they can have between the two lines. Make it a competition to see who can get the most touches between two set points.
“Whistle Stop”
Players each have a ball and dribble from one end of the playing area to the other. If the coach’s whistle is blown, players must stop the ball where they are, put their foot on the ball and raise one hand. The first person to do so gets a point. On your command they can go again. When they reach the end of the playing area they stop the ball and go back the other way. Players must keep the ball within close control at all times. Winner is the one with most points at the end of the game.
KLP: take many little touches, use the inside or outside of the foot to slow down. Keep the ball close.
15 MINS Practical Games
Stuck in the Mud
Mark out a suitable player area (15m x 30m). All players have a ball except one “catcher”. Players must dribble their ball away from the catcher. The catcher tries to ‘catch’ all the players by tagging them, NOT by kicking their ball away. If a player gets caught they must stop, hold the ball on their head and stand with their legs apart (“stuck”). Other players can then free the “stuck” player by dribbling the ball through the legs of that player. They must have the ball under control at all times and not just pass the ball under the player’s legs. Once freed, the player can join back in again. If the coach see anyone with the ball not under control, he can make that player ‘stuck’. Play for a set time (2 minutes) or until all players are caught. Change the catcher, or add a second or third catcher to the same game.
KLP: Looking for and dribbling into space. Don’t run towards the ‘defenders’. Take lots of touches and keep the ball near so you have control and can change direction or shield the ball in necessary.
Week 3: Ball Control
10 MINS Warm up
Break the team up into groups of three, with one ball to a group. Volunteer one player to be the pig-in-the-middle. The two other players try to pass the ball past the pig without letting him intercept it. Once the pig traps the ball, one of the other players takes his place. The two outside players must control the ball, or they will have to switch with the pig.
KLP: Movement and position to receive the ball. Close control when we receive the ball.
10 MINS Practical Drills (select 1 or 2)
Rapid Fire
Have the team form a circle around a single player. Every player except the middleman should have a ball. Have each team member take turns passing the ball to the player in the centre. This player tries to trap and control the ball, and then passes it back to the original player. Have each team member take a turn as the middleman.
Continue Down the Line
Divide team members into groups of four players with one ball to a group. Select one player to be the server. The three remaining players should line up, side by side, facing the server. The server will take turns serving the ball to each player who must trap and control before returning it to the server. Continue in this fashion, alternating the server.
Flight ball
Divide team into pairs, giving each pair one ball and a grid. One player will be the server, who is to serve the ball in the air to any location in the other player's half of the grid. This player must move to the ball, trap it, and return it to the server. Alternate roles after every 10 serves.
KLP: Proper technique when controlling the ball, with football, thigh or chest. Bring the ball under control before passing again.
15 MINS Practical Games
4v1 Keep-Away
This drill demands total concentration and good ball control. It also encourages children to look up (not at their feet) otherwise they will run into each other.
Use a square grid about 10 x 10 metres. 4v1 with a player at each corner. Play keep away from defender in middle while keeping ball in the square grid. For more advanced players use 3v1 or 3v2 with one open corner (player must move to support).
Tips: Shorten grid as players get better. Keep score by counting passes. Don't be too strict in keeping ball in square - let play continue unless blatantly out of square.
KLP: Keep your head up when controlling and passing.
WEEK 4: Turning
10 MINS Warm up game
Robin Hood
Arrange the players into four teams and station themselves in the four corners of a square already set up. All balls (10+) placed in the middle of the area. On the whistle the first players must run into the middle, collects and return a ball back to their space. Once the ball is in their corner the next player can go. They should repeat this until all the balls are gone from the middle. They must then run to someone else’s collection of balls and retrieves / steal one from that. After a set amount of time, (2 or 3 minutes) stop the game and see which team has got the most balls. The team with the most balls is the winner and gets 4 points, 3 points for second etc. Repeat the game for 10 minutes. There can be no protecting of balls or tackling. Keep overall score.
KLP: Be alert and aware of where to go next. Be quick. Use good dribbling skills and keep the ball under control (as per week one).
10 MINS Practical Drills
Turning Drill
Demonstrate three basic turns - Pullback, Inside Hook Turn and Outside Hook Turn. All children line up along a line and dribble to another line marked out and practice a turn. This should be repeated until the children can adequately do at least one of the turns.
Do a Pullback by putting the bottom of the foot on top of ball to stop it & pull it back in the direction you came from.
Do an Inside Hook Turn by pushing the toes down and turning the foot so the inside of the foot can "hook" the ball, stop it & pull it back.
Do an Outside Hook Turn by pulling the toes up and turning the foot so the outside of the foot can "hook" the ball, stop it & pull it back.
KLP: Develop good technique. Ask the players why turning is necessary in a game of football.
15 MINS Practical Games (pick 1 game)
The Numbers Game 1-on-1
Two small goals are marked out with cones facing each other 10 metres or so apart. Players are split into two teams and sit down facing each other across the playing area. Each player on each team is given a number so that each team has a number 1,2,3 4, and 5. The game is started when the coach calls out any one number and a ball is thrown into the playing area. The players whose number has been called (one from both teams) must try and retrieve the ball and dribble it into a square and control it with a foot on the ball. If a players way is blocked encourage a turn by that player so that can move towards the other square. Award points to the team that ‘scores’ a goal. Keep score.
KLP: Decision making. When to use a turn? Is it best to go straight for one square or turn if your way is blocked by an opponent? Encourage lots of turns
Dribble Across a Square
Use 4 disk cones to make a square about 10 or 12 steps wide (smaller or larger depending on age & number of players)
Every player has a ball. Spread players around the square, all facing inward (like below):
All players start on "Go" & each player dribbles across & back.
They must do a "Pullback" or a "Hook Turn" to turn.
Do a Pullback by putting the bottom of the foot on top of ball to stop it & pull it back in the direction you came from.
Do an Inside Hook Turn by pushing the toes down and turning the foot so the inside of the foot can "hook" the ball, stop it & pull it back.