Conservation Plan Check List*
Client / Decision-maker Name:
Other partners:
Contact phone number(s):
Farm Type:
Crops(s) Grown:
Approx. Number of Acres Farmed:
Approx. Number Acres Trees Managed:
Number and Type of Animals:
Producer’s Goals and Objectives:
Principal Planner:
Note: Items in blue are located on the Share Pointsite under State Office – Technology –Conservation Plan Documents.
(180-GM, Amend ME-DRAFT)
Assistance Notes should reflect adequate planner communication and involvement of client in the planning process, including the following:
Client’s statement of problems, concerns, opportunities and objectives:
Description of benchmark system(s), including existing practices and functionality, concerns and opportunities:
RMS alternative(s) presented to client:
DateO&M for planned practices discussed with client during planning process:
Client decisions:
Applicableutilities, easements, constraints and determinations of concern to this plan:
Dateand notes of pre-installation conference(s) with client, TSP and/or contractor for each practice in plan
Record here, ORin assistance notes, ORon the CPA-52’s Environmental Effects section, date when fact sheet “Cultural Resources and your Conservation Project” was provided and explained to client.
Record here, ORin assistance notes ORon the CPA-52’s Environmental Effects section, the date when fact sheet “Rare, Declining, Imperiled Species and
Habitats and Your Conservation Project” was provided and explained to client.
If Principal Planner does not have Job Approval Authority for any practice in thisplan, record dateplanned Conservation Practices were reviewed by individual with Job Approval Authority. Name of reviewer:
Plan Items:
Conservation Plan with most currentnarratives, including reference to NRCS standard, and O&M.
CPO (Conservation Plan of Operations) / Contract (Optional. May be located in contract file folder)
Conservation plan maps withappropriate labels, planned practices and identified resources
Soils maps and legend
At-Risk Species and Habitat screening map(s). If consultation is required, includetopo map of sufficient scale and labeling to serve as location map for site.
Cultural resources map(s)/photos
Cultural Resources Review Worksheet (ME-CR-1)**
Correspondence from Cultural Resources Specialist (CRS) documenting completion of cultural resources review (for ME-CR-1s that must be sent to the CRS)
WildlifeHabitat Evaluation Procedure (WHEP) worksheet(s) and summary
CompletedME-ECS-1, and applicable MNAP, and MIF&W and or federal consult as appropriate
CPA 52 (EE)**
Authorization for Release of Information form
Supporting forms and worksheets for inventory and evaluation, as applicable:
Preliminary trip reports conducted by state technical and/or engineering staff
Structure sizing and/or cost estimate planning calculations documented for planned practices
RUSLE2 runs saved in file or Toolkit Customer Folder
WIN-PST runs saved in file or Toolkit Customer Folder
PastureCondition Scoresheetsfor pre- and post- implementation pasture evaluations of Prescribed Grazing practice
Designs and/or Job sheets. “As-Built”documentation as it becomes available)
If TSP or consulting forester will be reviewing any client file information in this process, will need landowner and TSP to sign theAuthorizationfor Release of Information to Technical Service ProviderForm
Other Supporting Components / Documents (as applicable):
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan and/or Nutrient Management Plan
Prescribed Grazing Plan
PesticideHazard Mitigation Plan
IntegratedPest Management (IPM) Plan
Transition to Organic Plan
Irrigation Water Management Plan
Forest Stewardship Plan
Before and after” practice photography documentation as it becomes available(optional)
Practice Implementation Documentation (may be done on design/Jobsheet)
Checklist completed by: ______Date: ______
*Note: A copy of this Checklist may be placed in the Conservation Plan case file and used to record required and supporting plan information. Use of this list is not mandatory, provided the items on this list are documented clearly in the case file and Con 6 Notes as applicable.
**ME-CR - 1 Worksheets and correspondence documenting conclusion of the cultural resources reviewmust date prior tothe CPA 52. The CPA-52 must be completed prior to signing conservation plans and then contracts.