Local Board Meeting
April 20, 2010
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Athens Technical College
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Athens, GA
April 20, 2010
10:30 A.M.
Ms. Patricia Barron Mr. Stephen Felker, Jr.
Mr. Kenny Beck Mr. Don Fortson, Vice Chair
Mr. Fred Boatwright
Mr. Bill Cabaniss
Mr. Frank Christa, Chair
Mr. Vince Dooley
Mr. Mr. Ed Geddings
Mr. Scott Hardigree
Ms. Carol Williams
Ms. Pet Williams
Mr. Rusty Adams, Owner of Star Granite and Bronze
Ms. Kathleen Roberts, 2010 Coca Cola Silver Scholar Winner
Mr. John Phillips, 2010 Coca Cola National Finalist
Ms. Kay Helms, Phi Theta Kappa Regional Coordinator for Georgia and Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter Advisor
Mr. Randall Fameree, Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter Co-Advisor
Chair Frank Christa called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. welcoming everyone to the April Board Meeting.
Mr. Christa asked Ms. Andrea Daniel to introduce the Coca Cola scholarship winners and Phi Theta Kappa advisors.
The Coca Cola All State Community College Academic Team is cosponsored with Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. There are 370 Coca Cola awards handed out each year nationally. USA Today recognized the academic team in their newspaper.
Ms. Daniel recognized Kay Helms who is the Phi Theta Kappa Regional Coordinator for Georgia and the Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter Advisor, and Randall Fameree who is the Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter Co-Advisor.
Ms. Daniel introduced Kathleen Roberts, who is a student in the Biotechnology program, and a 2010 Coca Cola Silver Scholar Winner. She will receive a $1,250 scholarship from Coca Cola. Ms. Daniel introduced John Phillips, who is a student in the Drafting program, and a 2010 Coca Cola National Finalist. He will receive a $1,000 scholarship from Coca Cola.
Mr. Christa asked Mr. Jerry Barrow to introduce his special guest. Mr. Barrow introduced Rusty Adams, owner of Star Granite and Bronze. The company received Georgia Manufacturer of the Year in the small company category. Mr. Adams spoke about Star Granite and Bronze. He purchased the granite business thirty-five years ago and recently invested in a foundry to produce bronze. He employees thirty people in the bronze business and hopes to increase to seventy people by 2011.
Mr. Barrow updated the board on Economic Development Services. He will be attending a Walton County Board of Education meeting in May. The board will take action concerning the Walton Career Academy.
Yancey Gulley, Director of the Greene County Campus, held the first Community Resource Meeting in Greene County. It was well attended.
Mr. Barrow provided the board members with information on the Georgia Work Ready Score Card. The state is testing 2,000 people per week.
Wal-Mart Corporation donated a trailer to the Walton County Campus Commercial Truck Driving Program.
OSHA has gotten money to hire additional people to do inspections.
Arc flash classes are being offered which teach people about electricity.
Mr. Dennis Ashworth provided the board members with a tour of the new Life Sciences Building.
Upon returning from the tour of the Life Sciences Building lunch was served to the board members and the meeting continued.
Mr. Christa called for approval of the March minutes for the Local Board. After reviewing, there were no changes. Patricia Barron made a motion to approve the minutes and Scott Hardigree seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The minutes were approved.
Dr. Joyce Sansing could not attend the meeting today. Ms. Susan Larson, Dean of General Education, and Technical and Industrial Divisions, presented the board with information about the new construction management degree and diploma programs to be offered at the Walton County Campus. Students have expressed an interest in the construction management program and after research, we believe now is a good time to offer the program. This year, in our service area, we are anticipating approximately 1,200 new jobs in this field. Ms. Larson asked the board for their approval of the construction management degree and diploma programs for the Walton County Campus. Ed Geddings made a motion to approve the programs and Patricia Barron seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The construction management degree and diploma programs for the Walton County Campus were approved.
Ms. Kathryn Thomas presented the Budget Amendments. The Budget Amendments include the State’s exchange of state funds for stimulus funds. Ms. Thomas asked for approval of the Budget Amendments. Ed Geddings made a motion to approve the Budget Amendments and Pet Williams seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The Budget Amendments were approved.
Ms. Thomas presented the Financial Report as of March 31, 2010. Our local revenue has generated $9,016,000 which is 131% of our anticipated revenue. This is due to our enrollment increase which has not been added to the budget yet. By adding the $2.1 million for enrollment increase the amount will go down to 71%.
Ms. Thomas presented on the Follett Rent-A-Text program in which students can rent textbooks instead of buying them. This is a new program that began in Fall 2009 with seven schools. Students use a credit card to rent textbooks and if they are not returned by the deadline the students’ credit cards are charged. Students can choose to purchase their books. Follett has found that students buy more from their bookstores.
Mr. Dan Smith presented board members with gifts that will be handed out at the Life Sciences Building Open House on Thursday.
Mr. Smith provided board members with information about the FY 2011 Perkins One-Year Local Application Budget. It includes personnel funds for instructors as well as equipment funds for the diesel program at the Elbert County Campus and a transfer tractor for the Commercial Truck Driving Program at the Walton County Campus. Mr. Smith asked for approval of the FY 2011 Perkins One-Year Local Application Budget. Ed Geddings made a motion to approve the FY 2011 Perkins One-Year Local Application Budget and Patricia Barron seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The FY 2011 Perkins One-Year Local Application Budget was approved
Mr. Smith asked the board members to complete a form regarding ethnicity for the Perkins Application Budget. The state is changing the classification for ethnicity and wants updated information from local board members.
Ms. Andrea Daniel handed out the new Life Science Division brochure to the board members.
Enrollment for Spring Quarter is 4,910 unduplicated. There were 3,700 students last Spring Quarter. All campuses have an increase in enrollment.
There are changes to the Non-Hope Eligible Fees that need to be submitted to the state. There are changes to some of the testing fees, administration costs, and program costs as well as some new testing fees. The new fees will begin July 1st. Ms. Daniel asked for approval of the Non-Hope Eligible Fees. Kenny Beck made a motion to approve the Non-Hope Eligible Fees and Scott Hardigree seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The Non-Hope Eligible Fees were approved
Ms. Daniel asked Lenzy Reid, Director of Admissions, to present on the 2010 Associate Degree Nursing Profile. Mr. Reid provided the board members with handouts. There were 316 applicants into the RN program and there were fifty accepted. The applicants accepted to the program had an average NLN score of 96.98 with a GPA of 3.80.
Chair Christa informed the board that it is time to vote on new officers. He asked the board members to consider a new Chair and Vice Chair. Ed Geddings made a motion to elect Don Fortson as Chair and Patricia Barron as Vice Chair. Pet Williams seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The board approved Don Fortson as the new Chair and Patricia Barron as the new Vice Chair.
Dr. Tydings presented the President’s Report. The board members received a Georgia Trend magazine with an article concerning the Technical College System of Georgia.
The board members received the 2010 TCDA-TCFA Annual Conference Save-the-Date information. The annual conference will be October 21st and 22nd in Macon.
The new budget should be signed this week and will be presented at the May board meeting. It was not as bad as originally expected. It appears that we will not have to take any additional furlough days.
Carryover legislation was passed which will allow us to carry over up to 15% instead of 10%.
She is still working on obtaining the Walton Career Academy building. The Governor’s Office is aware of her efforts.
Being no further business, Chair Christa adjourned the meeting with appropriate motion and second at 12:45 p.m.
Flora W. Tydings, President
Rebecca Allen
Administrative Assistant
Next scheduled Board Meeting: May 18, 2010.
* Denotes action items that require a vote for approval by the local board.