ARMA Northern Virginia Chapter

"Applying Best Practices in a Transforming World"

Date | Time 9/16/2015 5:00 PM | Board Meeting

In Attendance:

Elizabeth Adkins, Elisabeth Butler, Liane Cooper, George Darnell, Deborah Dumott, Tim Shinkle, Mary Beth Weaver, James Willson-Quayle.

Mary Beth Weaver called this 2015-2016 meeting to order (scheduled 5pm) at Clyde's Tyson's.

Agenda & Discussion

President's Report

Updates since last meeting/ Announcements

·  ARMA LIVE Conference - National Harbor – Oct 5, 6, 7.

Stuff the Bag Dinner at Paxton – Sept 25.

Chapter Dinner – Cadillac Ranch Tuesday Night at Conference – Oct 6. Carolyn made reservations for 5:30pm (after Expo closes).

·  Chapter donations to AIEF – ARMA NOVA chapter donated items to the AIEF's silent online auction (at Conference). ARMA International Educational Foundation (AIEF) moved the auction to an online platform. The auction's proceeds will fund research for the records and information management (RIM) profession, as well as scholarships and continuing education for current and aspiring RIM professionals.

·  Iron Mountain Tour, Oct 13 – Iron Mountain will be offering tours of their new Sterling facility, coinciding with the Grand Opening. Located at 45675 Terminal Drive, Sterling, VA 20166. Interested in participating? Contact Kelly Schneider at 703-587-5399 or

·  Our December meeting (moved up to second Wed), December 9 will be held at Clyde's in Tyson's Corner. This is a change to the second, rather than the third Wednesday, due to restaurant room availability in December. Our cost will be a little higher during this holiday season – normal fee, plus $5. Also -- Our December meeting will be a charity event for the benefit of Training Futures.

·  Six FREE CRM Credits – RM University – Register here> http://www.feith.com/events/records-management-university-webinar-course/ Education by webinar, 1 hour every second Tuesday beginning October 13 through December 22. See also Feith's page - http://www.feith.com/

·  **Speaker Calendar Coordination – Going forward, Tim Shinkle will coordinate the schedule of speakers.

·  Past President, Elizabeth Adkins. Year-end summary report is being prepared.

Monthly Programs –

o  October 21 – Tim Shinkle, VP at Millican, "A De-centralized Approach to eRecords Management"

o  November – Joint meeting NCC-AIIM?

o  December – Charlie Herbek, "Project Management Lessons from the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion."

o  January – Patrick Oot, TBD (topic: e-discovery)

o  February – open

o  Shall we do MARCH SEMIMAR instead of Meeting?

§  Speakers TBD – Proposed last year's topic (email management) Dr Jane Zhang, Catholic Univ; others. Add - Mitch Faberstein from Feith. Speakers to support - compliance, operations and litigation (three prongs of RM, per George's comment)?

o  April – Bennett Borden (topic: data analytics)

o  May – Siobhan Hagan, of Audiovisual Collections, "Film at 11"

o  June - Open (we usually do a Game night/officer swearing in but last year we also did the eDiscovery movie)

Can we book Jenny Jones, Disaster Recovery Expert?

VP's Report

·  James is reviewing the bylaws – See this link for the latest version.

·  http://arma-nova.org/about/REVISED_FINAL_NOVA_bylaws_April_2007.pdf

·  James found some areas for consideration, including redundancies.

o  Status of Students – there are discrepancies in the bylaws on their membership/fees/participation.

o  Director for Marketing – is marketing is separate from sponsorships?

o  How do we vote (procedure)? —Defining Quorum, Absentia, role of Appointees on the Board, etc.

James will be sending an email with recommendations, changes and proposed new language to members of the Board for review and consideration. These will contain content of 1) bylaws and 2) strategic plan. Board will have opportunity to make tracked changes. Redundancies will be removed. Elizabeth suggested that ARMA Intl has required certain clauses in the bylaws.

Elizabeth Adkins, Past President (responsible for Strategic Plan review) and Deborah Dumott will be designated to this task for Marketing. Forward comments to Mary Beth.

Treasurer's Report

·  Carolyn Offutt has assumed the role of Treasurer. She is in the process of auditing and reconciling account statements, and will have a budget for discussion when she returns from surgery (after Sept 16). She has submitted a draft budget for discussion. Comments for adjustments:

o  Seminar cost estimate – too high. Will be lower for space and meals ($40 rather than $50)

o  Marketing expenses -$2K include purchase of exhibit product "backdrop" to raise visibility for ARMA NOVA at conferences, seminars and events. Does ARMA Int'l have such an item? Should we procure another skirt?

o  Seminar attendee estimate too low? More than 25?

o  ARMA Roadshow. We won't be doing this in this term.

·  Carolyn may not be available for the October meeting.

·  Carolyn placed credit card deposit with Clyde's (via credit card).

Secretary's Report

·  Discussed the previous meeting notes. Move to accept. Notes accepted.

·  Turned over marketing brochure from last year (and related materials) to Deborah Dumott (Marketing Director).

Marketing Report

·  Deborah Dumont has assumed this role, bringing marketing direction and more social media presence for ARMA NOVA (Twitter, Email, Facebook, ListServ, LinkedIn, Flickr).

·  'Beginning to Begin' – Starting to attack our marketing scope.

·  Reviewing education curriculums. To find students and help them to find us.

·  Tracking contacts. There was some discussion regarding whether ARMA NOVA utilizes a tracking program or DB on attendees, membership, speakers, contacts, sponsors, etc. Where did they come from- events? Signup sheets support followup communication.

·  Lesson from DGI Conference. Provide opportunity to attendees at events to Drop-A-Card (gather leads) for door prizes (free meeting), contact, or to speak? Capture business cards. Opt-out, opt-in emails?

·  Measurement tools – Elizabeth discussed surveys on the presentation, venue, presence (how did you find us)? List Serv, website, emails, etc.

·  Students – Can we incent discounted member rates, conference participation? Go to the institutions? AIEF funding exists (scholarships).

·  Flex Scheduling – Elizabeth has corresponded with RecMgr at GMU. Dinner meetings don't work for young moms. Should we consider breakfast or lunch events (to promote flexibility and fun)?

George -- Is there an ARMA International schedule program to show what's happening every day? Not handy?

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 10/21/2015 5:00 PM at Clyde’s Restaurant, Tysons. Meeting adjourned at 5:38pm.

Action / Owner / Due/Status
FINANCIAL REVIEW – Revised budget? / Carolyn / After Sept 16
BYLAWS - James will send an email with recommendations, changes and proposed new language to members of the Board for review and consideration. / James
Strategic Plan – Elizabeth, as past president, to review. / Elizabeth
Discussion for next time:
·  Sept 30 – (Elizabeth) Arrange a joint ARMA NOVA meeting with DC Bar Assn? – Elizabeth and Jason Baron chatted at IG Conference in Hartford on the topic.
·  Sept 30 - (Elizabeth) Invite Sandra Serkes, President and CEO of Valora Technologies to speak to ARMA NOVA seminar on topic of data analytics?
·  Sept 30 – (Tim Shinkle) Invite the Chief Archivist of the Holocaust Museum.
·  Sept 30 – (Tim Shinkle) How does someone like Jason Baron feels about culling for Capstone executives. This to me is the biggest problem Capstone faces in order to get executive buy-in.

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