MS 113: AK Dept. of Health & Social Svcs. Scrapbooks [Juneau], 1948-1970. Alaska State Library

Alaska State Library

Historical Collections

Alaska. Dept. of Health and Social Services

Scrapbooks from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, 1948-1970

MS 113

4 Boxes / Processed By: Staff
6 volumes / Revised by: S. Lanksbury, 2007

ACQUISITION: Provenance unknown

ACCESS: The collection is unrestricted.

COPYRIGHT: Request for permission to publish or reproduce material from the collection should be discussed with the Librarian.

PROCESSING: Placed into pH-neutral archival containers.


The Department of Health and Social Services is the state agency primarily responsible for the provision of health care, social services to the general population and to specific citizen groups such as the juvenile offender, the severely disabled, the poor, the elderly, and children and adults in danger.

In addition, the department is responsible for enforcing laws relating to these programs and for adopting regulations under these laws. The primary goal of the department is to improve or maintain the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of Alaskans so that each citizen can be as self-sufficient as possible. (taken from the Alaska Blue Book, 1985. Seventh Edition)


Includes reprints of articles by staff, department publications, material collected by the Department of Health and Social Services, photographs, and newspaper clippings.


Public health--Alaska.

Alaska. Dept. Health and Social Services.

Public health personnel--Alaska--Recruiting.

Tuberculosis-- Alaska.

Cities and towns--Alaska--Views.




Box 1 described at folder-level; boxes 2 through 4 described at box-level.

Box 1

v. 1 - Original articles. 126 items. 1948-1969.

Numerical order of Finding Aid for items in Box 1 v.1 was determined from Contents List in manila envelope in Folder 1. Included in the Contents List are reprints of articles by department staff, department publications, misc. material collected by the department.

Folders 1-126 (the original collection referred to folders as “pages”, though they are really multi-page documents affixed to a numbered sheet of paper. Originally in Collection as LC Call # RA 18.K1 S3)


(Listed as they appear in the book.)

A Your-One-To-Six-Year-Old

B When Baby Is Born At Home

1 Constitutional Convention Supplement

Juneau, Alaska November, 1955

2 Alaska Day Gazette

October, 1957

3 Alaska's Health Status and Outlook

Public Health Reports October, 1960

4 The Good Ship Hygiene

Alaska Life September, 1948

5 All Aboard for Alaska

Bentson Diamond January, 1960

6 What's Going on in Alaska?

News Exchange of Nutrition and Health Education Winter, 1949-1950

7 M/S Hygiene Carries Medical Aid to Thousands in Alaska

Modern Hospital October, 1948

8 Alaska's Floating Clinic

The Seattle Times August 29, 1948

9 Isolated Alaskan Communities Now Serviced by Health Units

Lab World July, 1951

10 Public Health in Alaska--United States Frontier

American Journal of Public Health June, 1952

11 Health and Growth of Aleut Children

Journal of Pediatrics February, 1950

12 Health and Growth of Aleut Children

Journal of Pediatrics February, 1950

13 Health in the Cold

Newsweek January 1, 1951

14 Address by Dr. C. Earl Albrecht

Commissioner of Health for Alaska 1950

15 Human Anatomical Knowledge among the Aleutian Islanders

Southwestern Journal of Anthropology Spring 1956

16 Health and Sanitation Problems in the Arctic

Biology Colloquium 1957

17 Distribution of Blood Groups among the Eskimos, Indians, and Whites of Western Alaska

American Journal of Human Genetics September, 1953

18 Anemia in Alaskan Eskimos

Journal of Nutrition January, 1955

19 Tuberculin Sensitivity in Alaska

Public Health Reports January, 1953

20 The Treatment of Tuberculosis Today

The Methodist Woman December, 1955

21 Alaska Story: A N.Y. Otologist's Flying Mission

Scope Upjohn Company July 30, 1958

22 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infection in Natives of Alaska

Northwest Medicine April, 1957

23 Opportunity for Clinical Training in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology in Alaska

Alaska Department of Health 1950

24 Shellfish Poisoning Episode in False Pass, Alaska

Public Health Reports April, 1955

25 Immunity Towards Poliovirus Among Alaskan Natives

American Journal of Hygiene November, 1960

26 Food-Borne Typhoid Outbreak

Northwest Medicine October, 1950

27 An Epidemic of Typhoid Fever at Spenard, Alaska

Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine June, 1951

28 Summary Of Salmonella and Shigella of Alaska

Northwest Medicine May 1950

29 Violent and Accidental Deaths as a Health Problem in Alaska

Dr. Jack C. Haldeman Division, of State Grants 1951

30 Accidents—A Survey of Hospital Reported Accidents in Alaska

Alaska Department Of Health and Welfare 1961

31 First Five Years of the Alaska Board of Health 1945-1950

Alaska Board of Health

32 Public Health Progress in Alaska

Alaska . Department of Health and Welfare January, 1949

33 Alaska Department of Health and Welfare 1959-1964

Alaska Department of Health and Welfare February, l965

34 Alaska's Health and Welfare Journal

Alaska Department of Health and Welfare June, 1967

35 Water Supply in Alaska

Journal of American Water Works Association June, 1950

36 A Guide to Arctic Water Works Thermology

Consulting Engineer Apri1, 1957

37 Experimental Ground Water Pollution in Anchorage, Alaska

Public Health Reports March, 1957

38 Enteric Diseases in Alaska

Arctic October, 1953

39 Environmental Sanitation Problems in Alaska and Their Solution

Harvard Public Health Alumni Bulletin February, 1952

40 Arctic Sewer and Soil Temperatures

Water and Sewage Works July, 1955

41 Alaska Earthquake

American Journal of Psychiatry October, 1964

42 Toward a Primer on Disasters

Alaska Medicine June, 1964

43 Temperature of Skin in the Arctic as a Regulator of Heat

Journal of Applied Physiology January, 1955

44 Studies on the Physiology of Frozen Plants and Animals in the Arctic

Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology September, 1953

45 Mammals of the Katmai National Monument, Alaska

Arctic 1956

46 Golden Eagle versus Red Fox: Predation or Play?

The Condor September-October, 1952

46 Storing of Food Items in the Winter Nest of the Alaskan Ground Squirrel, Citellus Undulatus

Journal of Mammalogy November, 1954

47 The Usefulness of Scholander's View's on Adaptive Insulation of Animals

Evolution June, 1957

48 Observations on a Cyclic Decline of Lemmings on the Arctic Coast of Alaska During the Spring of 1949

Arctic December, 1950

49 Body Temperatures of Arctic and Subarctic Birds and Mammals

Journal of Applied Physiology May, 1954

50 Nocturnal Decline in the Temperature of Birds in Cold Weather

The Condor November - December, 1955

51 Ecological Distribution of Birds in the Napaskiak Area of the Kuskowim River Delta, Alaska

The Condor September-October, 1957

52-53 Studies on the Helminth Fauna of Alaska

Journal of Parasitology February, 1957

54 Seasonal Incidence of Mosquitoes in the Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska

Mosquito News December, 1951

55 Reconnaissance of Mountain Mosquitoes in the McKinley Park Region, Alaska

Mosquito News March 1957

56 Breeding Places of Aedes Pseudodiantaeus Smith and Diantaeus H., D., and K. in Alaska,

Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society October, 1954

57 Ecological By-lines of an Alaskan Mosquito Worker

California Mosquito Control Association December, 1955

58 The Biology of Northern Mosquitoes

Public Health Reports June, 1956

59 Mating Swarms of Males of the Mosquito, Aedes Punctor (Kirby), in Alaska.

Mosquito News December, 1952

60 Physical Observations on Echinococcus Eggs

Journal of Parasitology October, 1955

61 Notes on Snipe Flies of Symphoromyia in Alaska

Mosquito News March, 1951


(Listed as they appear in the book.)

All pamphlets produced by the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare.

63 Wellbee in Alaska

64 My Daily Diary

65 Alaska Department of Health

66 Directory of Contract Air Carriers

67 Child Health Supervision

68 Health and First Aid Guide for Home and Village

69 Health Education for Classroom Teachers

70 Impetigo

71 The Language Master

72 Alaska's Crippled Children

73 Alaska's Little Cripples

74 Dear Lucy

Teaching Aids on Tuberculosis and Its Prevention

75 1. Home. Economics and Vocational Guidance Courses

76 2. Social Science Courses

77 3. English. Courses

78 4. Elementary Grades

79 Seward Sanatorium--Bartlett, Alaska

80 Wedding Bells

80 Man's Perfect Food . . . The Pros and Cons of Pasteurization

82 Home Pasteurization of Milk

86 Seafood Sanitation

85 Proposed Plan for Selection and Training of Native "Sanitation Aids"'

119 Community Facilities in Alaska - 1949


123 Why Register? -- Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1950

87 Introducing Alaska's Sanitation Aides - Dept. of Health, 1958

X Why Have a Chest X-Ray?

88 The Village Medical Aides - Alaska's Unsung, Unlicensed & Unprotected Physicians

By Paul Eneboe, M.D., 1969

81 Nursing in Alaska - by Vera. D. Knickerbocker, R.N., 1951

119 Hearing Conservation: Protection against Noise Induced Hearing Loss, 1972

83 Public Health and Medical Facilities in Alaska

89 Protective Vaccination against Tuberculosis with Special Reference to BCG Vaccination

by Joseph D. Aronson, 1949

117 Corneal Opacities among Alaskan Natives— Milo H. Fritz, M.D.

90 Accident Mortality in Alaska, 1958-1962

91 Relationships of Permafrost to Environmental Sanitation Amos J. Alter,

91 Water Supply Problems in Low Termperature Areas - Amos/ J. Alter

92 A Comparative Study of the Health of Alaska Natives and U.S. Indians - C.R. Hayman, 1957

93 Diabetes Mellitus in Athabaskan Indians in Alaska - Mouratoff, Carroll, Scott, 1969

Inside back cover: Midwifery Teaching Guide - 1959

Manual for Alaska Midwives, Rev. 1959 back cover

125 Port Whittier Feasibility Study – 1963

87 Polar Bears Don't Need to Know...-.

94 Studies of Human Brucellosis in Alaska – Brody, Huntley, Overfield, Maynard – 1966

94 Mortality Due to Heart Disease among Alaskan Natives, 1955-65 - Maynard, Hammes, Kester

116 Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints as Found in the Alaskan Native- P. Moore

118 Industrial Ophthalmology in Alaska - Milo H. Fritz, M.D.

95 Alaska's Population as Seen through its Death Rates - Kester, 1962

120 Alaska Basic Five Food Groups - Daily Food Guide

120 Trichinosis - Important.

97 Alaska - Frontier for Health Services

96 Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis among Eskimos in Southwestern Alaska -

by Philip, Comstock, Shelton, 1964

96 Phlyctenular Keratoconjuncitivitis among Eskimos in Southwestern Alaska –

by Philip and Comstock, 1964

87 The State of Alaska's new Medical Assistance Program.

98 Seasonal Response to Oral Poliovirus Vaccine among Eskimo Children

by Reed, Brody-, Lunsford – 1966

99 Otitis Media in Urban Alaska - Reed and Brody – 1966

100 An Epidemic in an Eskimo Village due to Group-B Meningococcus 'Corbett and Brody, 1966

101 A Measles Epidemic in an Alaskan Boarding School - Brody and Haseley, 1965

102 Lower Respiratory Illness among Alaskan Eskimo Children - Brody, 1965

102 Accident Mortality in Alaska 1958-1962 - Boyd, Maynard, Hammes – 1968

103 Characteristics of Housing for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta of Southwestern Alaska

by Laurel M. Hammes, 1965

104 Measles Vaccine Field Trials in Alaska -Brody, Emanuel, McAlister, Alexander – 1964

105 Community Isoniazid Prophylaxix Program in an Underdefeloped (Underdeveloped) Area of Alaska

Hanson, Comstock, Haley, 1967

106 Notes on the Epidemiology of Draining Ears and Hearing Loss in Alaska with Comments on Future Studies and Control Measures - Brody, 1964

107 Rubella Epidemic on St. Paul Island in the Pribilofs, 1963 - Brody, McAlister, Schiff, and Cutting – 1965

108 Prevention of Rubella by Gamma Globulin during an Epidemic in Barrow, Alaska, in 1964 - Brody, Sever, Schiff – 1965

109 Medical Conditions in Alaska - Barnett, Fields, Milles, Silverstein Bernstein, 1947.-

109 Immunity Towards .Poliovirus among Alaskan Natives- Reinhard and Gerloff, 1960

114 Lecture by Dr. Ivar Skarland, Anthropologist, 1956

110 Eye Disease among Native School Children Leer and Sparling, 1953

113 Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts of Alaska, B.I.A., 1964

115 The Natives of Alaska - Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts, 1961

111 Natural History of Ear Disease in Arctic Village, Alaska 1953-1956- Milo Frist,

112 Health Fleet Invades Alaska – 1949

121 Alaska's Wellbee in Space

122 Arctic Health Institute, 1949

124 Health Services for School Age Children – 1954

126 Midwifery Teaching Guide - 1959

Box 2

v. 2 TB control in Alaska. 82 p. 1943-1968.

Includes reprints of articles by dept. staff dept.. publications, photos, newspaper clippings, misc. material.

v. 3 Alaskan communities. [50] p. ca. 1960.

Box 3

v. 4 State of Alaska recruitment. [54] p. 1969.

Includes photos and department recruitment bulletins

v. 5 This is Alaska. [82] p. 1960?

Includes captioned photos.

Box 4

v. 6 Newspaper clippings. 1968-1970.