All Presidents Quarterly Meeting
Present: Amy Boyers, Angela Redlik, Debra Landau-West, Diahann Klein, Henah Gupta, Kay Cason, Kristi Colwell, Leslie Maul, Linda Wells Melainie Rogers, Vicki Burkus and Alice Gibson
Absent: Diane Ryan, Jennifer Torio-Hurley, Michelle Gebhardt and Shannon DeVilbiss
News from National:
- Introduction of Kay Cason to our team. She will file all IL annual reports for the chapters and alert the chapters when their state annual reports are due. Welcome aboard Kay!
- Alice will be forming a task force to discuss patient care scholarships, conflict of interest and resolutions.
- The new chapter bylaws need to be adopted, implemented and the last page of the document signed and sent to Alice at PO Box 632, Black Canyon City, AZ 85324 by Jan. 31st.
- Chapters were asked to follow the nomination for officeholders standards put forth in the bylaws.
- Tax filings per iaedp’s CPA: “If the group exemption number is not issued to national by filing time, the chapters should indicate the group exemption is applied for on their returns. Each chapter will need to go ahead and file a 990EZ and their state NFP tax return.”
- National would like to have two presidents join the Board of Directors, attend monthly meetings (via phone), with voting rights, attend the yearly Board of Directors meeting at the Symposium, and serve for 1 year (Jan.-Dec.). If you are interested or would like to nominate another president please to serve on the Board of Directors contact to Alice as soon as possible.
- Please send a year-end report to Alice by Jan. 31st outlining:
How many events you had in 2011
How many professionals attended each event
Who presented and his/her topic
A brief synopsis of the chapter’s plans for 2012
Winter Celebration Numbers:
- Central Coast: 31
- Charlotte: 32
- Heartland: 70
- LA: 68
- South Florida: 70
- Miami: 37
- New York: 66
- Orange County: 65
- Phoenix: 85
- Puget Sound: 61
- Tampa 60
I am so impressed with all your creative ideas…what a way to close out a successful year!! Thank you for all your hard work.
- It was discussed and the majority agreed that they would like to move the Winter Celebration to the second weekend of Nov. and/or be able to choose one day out of that week…making it an iaedp week. Alice presented the options at the iaedp staff meeting.
Bonnie Harken was in agreement with moving the Winter Celebration to the second Saturday of November 10, 2012.
Due to NEDA having an actual week of fundraising it was determined that iaedp would keep their WC to just one national day.
Symposium News:
- Registration will be waived for the president or the designated person.
- We will have our annual Presidents Breakfast on Friday the 23rd.
- All chapters are encouraged to bring information, signage and decorations for their booth at the chapters Saturday night reception.
- Buck and Alice present on Starting a Chapter on 3/25th and we would welcome chapter members who would like to attend and answers questions for those who are interested in starting a chapter.
2012 All Presidents Quarterly Meetings
Presidents breakfast at the Symposium on Friday, 2/23 (invitation will be sent)
Thursday, June 28th at 1:00 ET
Thursday, Sept. 27th at 1:00 ET
Thursday, Dec. 13th at 1:00 ET