2015 – 2016
Secondary 11-16
Phase 2
Standards Assessment Booklet
Trainee NameName of School/Setting
Year Group/Class
No. of Children in Class
This is the first of three levelled booklets for the assessment of trainees’ progress and attainment against the Standards for the award of Qualified Teacher Status. The levelled assessment statements for each standard, relate to the stage of the trainee’s training.
Phase 1 / First assessed placement / Beginning to take on planning lessons/activities. Taking responsibility for leading teaching for 50% of the weekly timetable.Phase 2 / Second assessed placement / Taking responsibility for leading teaching for 60% of the weekly timetable
Phase 3 (Final Placement) / Third assessed placement / Taking responsibility for leading teaching for 75% of the weekly timetable
Guidance Notes: Reaching a Best Fit Judgement about a Trainee’s Progress and Attainment
- The standards provide a benchmark of the minimum requirements that should be expected of trainees (and teachers).
- The Standard descriptors should be used formatively on a weekly basis by those assessing trainees to identify and monitor achievement and to support progress against the Standards. In practice they may be used to highlight the need for further observations, the focus for tutorials, and the process of target-setting. They will also confirm where a trainee is already demonstrating good and outstanding practice and provide direction to achieve grade 1.
- The Standards descriptors are a central aid in supporting students in their continuous reflection and evaluation of their progress towards gaining QTS. They are to be used by all trainees in a systematic weekly review of feedback, professional dialogue and personal evaluation which informs their understanding of achievement and identifies next steps. They help to place the trainee at the centre of the process.
- The Standard descriptors are to be used to assess the outcome grade for the trainee at relevant stages using a ‘best fit’ approach. Any trainee graded as grade 3 or below needs to be considered as Cause for Concern (see Placement Handbook) as early as possible (and by the mid-way point of the placement at the latest).
- The expectation is that all trainee teachers should aspire to be at least ‘good’.
- The ‘how well does the trainee’ questions should be used formatively as the basis of discussions related to trainee progress.
The demands within these criteria are progressively increased within each phase.
The graded statements enable the trainee’s achievements to be recognised at whatever stage they have reached in the course, for example a Year 1 / Phase 1 trainee can be recognised as outstanding for this stage in the course.
N.B. The statements are indicative of the features at each level but not prescriptive. Ticks are not required in each box if the statements do not capture student performance.
PGCE Secondary 11-16
Art & Design
Computer Science
Physical Education
Version 1: 16/09/2015
This booklet is owned by the trainee and it is their responsibility to keep safe as a record of teaching performance over the duration of their degree.
- Presented this booklet to Placement Mentors in order for them to evidence observed standards and give third party feedback in completion of the appropriate phase and standards achieved. We recommend that this is reviewed regularly, ideally during weekly review meetings.
- Kept a log of their attendance on placement on the ITE PLACEMENT ATTENDANCE LOG.
The Mentor has;
- At the end of the placement agreed the grades against the standards with the Link Tutor.
- Completed the comments, targets and grades on the individual standards grading forms.
- Signed off the trainees ITE PLACEMENT ATTENDANCE LOG and completed the MENTOR PLACEMENT OVERVIEW form.
The Link Tutor has;
- Recorded your grades and submitted electronically to Carnegie Student Administration Team.
The Trainee has;
- Copied thefull booklet and sent a copy to your Personal Tutor.
Your Personal Tutor has;
- Reviewed the booklet and
- Completed and signed theITE PLACEMENT REPORT.
The Trainee has;
- Copied the completed Placement Assessment Forms and
- Sent to the Carnegie Student Administration Team.
The Trainee has;
- Placed a copy of the full, complete booklet into your Personal Development Profile and eportfolio.
It is the Trainee’s responsibility to ensure this happens.
Carnegie Student Administration
G01 Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds Beckett University, HeadingleyCampus, Leeds, LS6 3QQ, Email: education@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Electronic Copies of all Handbooks, Booklets and Forms will be available at
Trainee Name / CoursePlacement (e.g. Year 1, 2, 3 or Phase 1, 2, 3)
School/Setting Name / Year Group / Class / Number of Children
Mentor Name / Mentor Signature confirming agreement of grades with Link Tutor / Date
Link Tutor
Progress for a trainee at this stage of the course
Part One / Standards to be demonstrated / Level 1 Outstanding / Level 2 - Good / Level 3 – Pass / Level 4 – FAIL
Working beyond the level expected at this stage in the course. / Outstanding levels demonstrated at this stage of the course. / Good levels demonstrated at this stage of the course. / Progress towards standard and QTS demonstrated. / Not demonstrating required standard.
Leading to action planning before next School/Setting placement.
- Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils.
- Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils.
- Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge.
- Plan and teach well-structured lessons.
- Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.
- Make accurate and productive use of assessment.
- Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment.
- Fulfil wider professional responsibilities.
Part Two / Demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct.
Pass /Fail / Demonstrates Consistently High Standards / Cause for ConcernLeading to action planning before next School/Setting placement.
Carnegie Student Administration, G01 Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds Beckett University, HeadingleyCampus, Leeds, LS6 3QQ
PART ONE: Teaching.TS1(PHASE 2) Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils;
For example this could be demonstrated by...establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect: set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds abilities and dispositions: demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.
Standard sub-headings / Working beyond expected levels.
If the trainee has demonstrated a level of performance beyond outstanding for this teaching standard given their current role and level of experience /teaching phase please provide evidence of such practice below: / Outstanding (Grade 1)Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is outstanding and never less than consistently good. / Good (Grade 2)
Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is good; some is outstanding. / Requires Improvement (Grade 3 – Meeting the Standard)
The quality of trainees’ teaching over time meets the Standard but requires improvement as it is not yet good.
Trainees need targeted advice to be good. / GRADE 4
Trainees fail to meet the minimum level of practice.
- Establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect.
- Set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions.
They use a range of appropriate strategies to support the learning and progress of all children. / They often are a set goals that stretch and challenge all pupils.
They use appropriate strategies to support the learning and progress of all children. / They are able to set goals that stretch and challenge all pupils.
They use appropriate strategies to support the learning and progress of all children. / They have difficulty in setting appropriately high expectations, and have inconsistent expectations for different groups of children.
- Demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.
Comments on achievement:
Personalised targets for development:
Best fit grade for TS1: 1 2 3 4
TS2(PHASE 2) Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils;
For example this could be demonstrated by...be accountable for attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils, plan teaching to build on pupils’ capabilities and prior knowledge, guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching, encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study.
Standard sub-headings / Working beyond expected levels.
If the trainee has demonstrated a level of performance beyond outstanding for this teaching standard given their current role and level of experience /teaching phase please provide evidence of such practice below: / Outstanding (Grade 1)Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is outstanding and never less than consistently good. / Good (Grade 2)
Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is good; some is outstanding. / Requires Improvement (Grade 3 – Meeting the Standard)
The quality of trainees’ teaching over time meets the Standard but requires improvement as it is not yet good.
Trainees need targeted advice to be good. / GRADE 4
Trainees fail to meet the minimum level of practice.
- Be accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes.
- Be aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plan teaching to build on these.
Demonstrate through their planning, teaching and assessment that the majority of pupils make at least expected progress over the course of the placement. / Their planning and teaching often demonstrate some understanding of, and provision for, pupil progression taking into account prior achievement.
Demonstrate through their planning, teaching and assessment that the majority of pupils make at least satisfactory, and often expected, progress over the course of the placement. / Through their planning and teaching, they are able to demonstrate understanding of, and provision for, pupil progression taking into account prior achievement.
Demonstrate through their planning, teaching and assessment that the majority of pupils make at least satisfactory progress over the course of the placement. / Their planning and teaching, does not demonstrate understanding of, and provision for, pupil progression, and does not take into account prior achievement.
They find it difficult to plan teaching and learning activities which impact on learning. As a result not all children make satisfactory progress.
- Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs.
They offer pupils intervention and feedback which, much of the time, enables them to identify the progress they have made and understand what they need to do to improve. / When planning lessons they often devise suitable opportunities for learners to reflect on evaluate and improve their performance.
They often guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs. / When planning lessons they are able to devise suitable opportunities for learners to reflect on evaluate and improve their performance.
They are able to guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs. / They do not support pupils in reflecting on their learning or to identify their progress and emerging learning needs.
They do not plan suitable opportunities for learners to evaluate and improve their performance.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching.
- Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study.
Comments on achievement:
Personalised targets for development:
Best fit grade for TS2: 1 2 3 4
TS3(PHASE 2) Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge;For example this could be demonstrated by...have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings, demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subject and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship , demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject
Standard sub-headings / Working beyond expected levels.
If the trainee has demonstrated a level of performance beyond outstanding for this teaching standard given their current role and level of experience /teaching phase please provide evidence of such practice below: / Outstanding (Grade 1)Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is outstanding and never less than consistently good. / Good (Grade 2)
Much of the quality of trainees’ teaching over time is good; some is outstanding. / Requires Improvement (Grade 3 – Meeting the Standard)
The quality of trainees’ teaching over time meets the Standard but requires improvement as it is not yet good.
Trainees need targeted advice to be good. / GRADE 4
Trainees fail to meet the minimum level of practice.
- Have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings.
They make good use of their secure curriculum and pedagogical subject knowledge, addressing common errors and misconceptions effectively in their teaching. / They have secure subject knowledge, curriculum understanding and phase expertise and use this to teach effectively.
They often make use of their secure curriculum and pedagogical subject knowledge, identifying common errors and misconceptions in their teaching. / They have sufficiently secure subject knowledge, curriculum understanding and phase expertise and use this to teach effectively.
They make use of their secure curriculum and pedagogical subject knowledge, identifying common errors and misconceptions in their teaching. / They have insufficient subject knowledge, curriculum understanding and phase expertise to teach effectively in the age phase for which they are training to teach.
They make insufficient use of their curriculum and pedagogical subject knowledge and do not identify common errors and misconceptions.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subject and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship.
Much of the time promotes the value of scholarship. / They recognise the need to extend and update their critical understanding of subject and pedagogical knowledge as a key element of continuing professional development, and have shown the ability and readiness to do so.
They often promotes the value of scholarship. / They recognise the need to extend and update their critical understanding of subject and pedagogical knowledge as a key element of continuing professional development and have shown the ability and readiness to do so.